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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Forked Coins: Free Cash or a Waste of Time? on: December 08, 2017, 10:15:13 PM
Of the bitcoin forks to have occurred this year, bitcoin cash has been the most popular. In terms of uptake, value, and adoption, BCH is the market leader by far. This much can be gleaned simply by looking at the market prices and trading volume of bitcoin cash versus that of its successors, bitcoin gold and bitcoin diamond. Newly crunched data now shows the extent to which bitcoin cash has outmuscled its younger siblings.

Data researcher Antoine Le Calvez has been tracking the movements of BCH and BTG on since the coin splits came into existence. His figures show that three times as much bitcoin cash has been claimed as bitcoin gold, which was born three and a half months later. A series of charts track the amount of BTG and BCH that were moved following the respective forks. In other words, they indicate the amount of each coin that was claimed by bitcoin holders. That figure stands at 2.2 million for BTG but 6.6 million for BCH.
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Three Times as Much Bitcoin Cash Has Been Claimed as Bitcoin Gold on: December 08, 2017, 10:12:38 PM
The public’s appetite for forked coins seems to be diminishing. Data shows that around 6.6 million BCH has been claimed to date, compared to just 2.2 million BTG. There’s still time for more bitcoin gold to be claimed, but thus far most holders have been deterred from doing so. Reasons include BTG’s low value compared to BTC, and the perceived risk of splitting bitcoin via a third-party tool in order to claim forked coins.
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Study Finds Majority of ICOs Do Not Provide Adequate Information to Investors on: December 08, 2017, 10:09:54 PM
A study conducted by the University of Luxembourg Faculty of Law, Economics, and Finance, has concluded that the majority of initial coin offerings (ICOs) fail to provide critical information to investors.

The study, titled “The ICO Gold Rush: It’s a Scam, It’s a Bubble, It’s a Super Challenge for Regulators,” seeks to provide a “taxonomy of ICOs to facilitate thinking clearly about them, analyze the various regulatory challenges they pose, and suggest the first steps regulators should consider in responding to” the ICO industry. The University examined over 150 ICOs whilst gathering its findings.

The report concludes that “At the moment, many ICOs are offered on the basis of utterly inadequate disclosure of information,” and as a consequence, “the decision to invest in them often cannot be the outcome of a rational calculus.”

The findings state that “Only 28.5% of the ICOs in our sample mention the law applicable to the ICOs”, and that “In 69% of the cases there is no information at all as to the regulatory status of the ICO.” The study adds that “Almost all ICOs rely on legislative loopholes or, more accurately, what the issuing entity hopes (or prays) is a loophole or grey area.”

What is your response to the University of Luxembourg’s findings?
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / NYSE Owner on Bitcoin Futures: “We May Be Stupid for Not Being First” on: December 08, 2017, 10:03:14 PM
The chief executive of the owner of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Intercontinental Exchange Inc (ICE), has discussed the company’s decision not to launch bitcoin futures markets. Jeff Sprecher of ICE described the opacity of the bitcoin markets as a driving factor behind the company’s decision.

Speaking at a financial services conference hosted by Goldman Sachs earlier this week, ICE’s chief executive, Jeff Sprecher, stated “I don’t know what to make of cryptocurrencies,” adding “We didn’t think it was obvious to rush out a product and be first and settle against an index on a lot of exchanges that are not particularly transparent.”

Mr. Sprecher conceded that “We may be stupid for not being first” to launch bitcoin futures, but reaffirmed the company’s wary position regarding cryptocurrencies. “To short that would mean that they have decided to exit and through a legitimate, high-standing, regulated venue, they are exiting, and I look at that and just say, is that going to work out well for me as a venue?”

Do you think it is a mistake for the NYSE not to launch bitcoin futures contracts?
5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin is One of the Greatest Market Threats in 2018 on: December 08, 2017, 09:53:57 PM
Deutsche Bank has issued a market briefing for 2018. The document, created by Chief International Economist Torsten Slok, lists 30 possible threats that could disrupt global markets next year. Alongside entries like “North Korea” and “Brexit”, is bitcoin. Its inclusion shows the extent to which the banking sector is eyeing the revitalized digital currency. While some institutional investors see bitcoin as an opportunity, many more consider it a threat.
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / 200,000 Unconfirmed Transactions Pile Up in Another Crazy Day for Bitcoin on: December 08, 2017, 09:26:53 PM
Exchanges overloaded. DDoS attacks. Huge price spikes, flash crashes, and order cancellations. Over 200k transactions queued, some for more than 24 hours, in the mempool – despite paying high fees. Just another crazy day in bitcoin, a land where every day seems to be wilder than the last, including higher highs, bigger swings, and record-breaking numbers across the board.
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / China’s Official Press Agency: 107 Altcoins Under Investigation for Financial Cr on: December 08, 2017, 08:33:35 PM
This week China’s official press agency Xinhua news reported that nationwide public security authorities have cracked down on 107 forms of knock-off altcoins in 2017. These coins claim themselves fintech products, but are large-scale Ponzi schemes in disguise, according to the authorities.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Fintech and Crypto Regulations Expected to Pass in Mexico on December 15th on: December 08, 2017, 08:23:27 PM
On Tuesday, Mexico’s Senate passed a bill designed to regulate the country’s emerging fintech sector, including regulatory provisions pertaining to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in Mexico.
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Yahoo Finance Cryptocurrency on: December 08, 2017, 07:45:10 PM
With exchange-traded bitcoin futures almost here, cryptocurrencies are becoming popular mainstream investment instruments in the eyes of many. As such, every trading and investing service must give its clients exposure to bitcoin in order to stay relevant. The latest company to jump on the bandwagon is Yahoo, offering its users new ways to track their cryptfolios.
10  Economy / Services / Signature designs on: December 08, 2017, 06:24:06 PM
I'm in need of a signature, anyone who can design one for me at affordable rate?
11  Economy / Services / I need logos on: December 08, 2017, 06:07:07 PM
Anyone specialized in designing 3D logos contact me with your offers please
12  Economy / Services / Bitcoin related content developer on: December 08, 2017, 05:01:16 PM
I complete bitcoin articles, SEO and other bitcoin and other related cryptocurrencies scripts for websites and individuals at affordable rates
13  Economy / Lending / Re: Lending btc on: December 08, 2017, 04:45:31 PM
Chrisconn63 is there anyone who have given you a loan before who can vouch for you?
14  Economy / Lending / Lending btc on: December 08, 2017, 03:52:02 PM
I am willing to lend btc to anyone genuine, with a profit of 20% in one week considering the rare at which btc value is increasing currently
15  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: [ Paypal --> BTC exchange 11% fee!] Transaction fee not included on: December 08, 2017, 03:37:42 PM
You are looking for btc or selling btc?
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Is bitcoin velocity parabolic? on: December 08, 2017, 02:32:18 PM
Today in a one wild 20 minute period on the coinbase trading venue, bitcoin price soared to more than $19,000 only to drop to $15,000. Is that a sign that bitcoin velocity is parabolic?
17  Economy / Speculation / Why is bitcoin price so high? on: December 08, 2017, 02:06:29 PM
Bitcoin price has stratospherically risen leaving minor players with massive gains and bigger players millionaires. Is this a bubble? Are the gains real?
18  Economy / Currency exchange / Re: selling bitcoins on localbitcoin! for a good price of 16% good service on: December 08, 2017, 08:22:09 AM
16% is among the highest on localbitcoin
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Why should bitcoin be embraced globally on: December 08, 2017, 06:50:09 AM
Why should bitcoin be embraced globally?
20  Economy / Speculation / Why do bitcoin value only increase when trade is high on: December 08, 2017, 05:53:58 AM
Why is it that bitcoin value only increases when trade is high and significantly drops when trade is low like on thanksgiving day it increased to $11,000and after thanksgiving day it dropped to $9,000
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