Losing my coins that I am sending to Cryptopia...am I on the right chain? I am running a masternode...  I was able to deposit there before.
If you give a very small % discount on purchases with magnet it would give it a good pump in price  Paying with magnet is a cool feature. I like it when someone walks the talk with crypto... 
I think the pricing is starting to get away from reality. Greed is definitely a sin.  It may beget the seller.
We have been together as a strong community for a long time. Also a very active one. 
Need a link to the new wallet. The windows download actually contains a hook virus. 
No payouts for about 5 hours now with 5.5 G/hs at Lychee pool...I wonder if this coin chain is just too macho to pay anything. 
Good luck guys, I've been following the project for a while now and the dev is actually incompetent, making mistakes any other dev wouldn't have done. Just have a look at this commit on the git: https://github.com/shekeltechnologies/wallet/blob/bc8da1/src/protocol.h#L23The dev says the mn collateral was 10k but in the code it was clearly stated 25k. Not even trying to hide the fact that he simply forked the code without reviewing it. Can't believe this kind of coin still gets pump and people are still kicking in. Sorry but human kind is so greedy and stupid. Have some faith. People can make mistakes and they are trying to fix them. They seem pretty active.
Good Evening I have sent 500244.4546 CJ to the Burn address. My new address is CZzL7ZxMpVaawsa3katQiciRwCcUemnUtD tx:5ed64b7248048493a34d0426dd7ee9a43a8857ed4c110444d1b27479c2bfb639 Thank you for the opportunity. I did apply to edit the spreadsheet as well. You may be busy.  Regards Steven
This has already been posted but needs to be posted from me Dear Shekel Community , As most of you know we have been having issues with exchanges running our blockchain, deposits gone missing, and just about any other issue you can think of. I am not going to blame anyone or point fingers at anyone. After speaking with the members of the JEW Foundation we have came up with a resolution; We are going to rebuild JEW on a whole new chain and initiate a 1:1 swap. So what does this mean? Basically we will make a whole new coin and collect all current JEW in a collection address on the current chain and reimburse you with the new JEW. Some of you may ask "Well what about coins in exchanges"?, I have spoken with both Stocks Exchange and Crypto Bridge. Crypto Bridge is willing to do a 1:1 airdrop and Stocks Exchange is checking with their Devs to see if they can do an airdrop for us as well. Crypto Bridge stated if we can get them the new daemon they will run the test for 24hours and make sure everything is functioning properly, after that we will start the airdrop. Depending on when I get them the new code we can see this swap happen as early as Sunday. Today myself and the JEW Foundation will be running extensive tests on the code so hopefully we have something to send to the exchanges tonight or sometime Friday. So what are the benefits? - ROI Increase (We will be increasing the rewards for master nodes and decreasing for staking) - Clean Code (No more bugs, no more excuses from us or the exchanges) - Immediate CoinExchange.io Listing This is what we find to be the best solution to the recent problems we have faced. tldr; creating a new coin from an updated code base, it will still be called Shekel (JEW). Rewards will change in favor of a ROI Increase and if your coin is stuck on an exchange you will be credited 1:1 via airdrop. If your coins are in your core wallet, we will perform a manual swap with you. The swap period will last for 30 days from the time we launch the new chain. More details on the upcoming swap will be posted at a later date  Ok. Cool. We could see there are some problems but it looks like an interesting project. I am keen to change to the new chain and put it all behind us. 
how many coins for Masternodes? thanks
Does anyone have an estimate or a figure for the number of coins required? And when does the staking begin?
looks interesting, a rare crypto with fun that is halfway from starting
This has been around for a while... it has a good spread on the markets. Seems to be going somewhere.
There are a lot of new accounts making support comments here. The circumstances on the markets are not changing. There are no answers yet. Just saying. 
What's up with the coin not being on exchanges anymore?
We are still on exchanges, we asked Stocks.Exchange to disable us while they audit their balances and make sure the exchange bug is fixed. We aren't on the public list on Crypto Bridge but you can still see JEW is actively trading here: https://wallet.crypto-bridge.org/market/BRIDGE.JEW_BRIDGE.BTCI expect trading to resume on both platforms tomorrow (tuesday) but ill let you know for sure when I get responses from exchange devs. Good to know. I have coins deposited to both exchanges that are not credited. And no acknowledgement from support on either exchange. 
Stocks.exchange is really slow on deposits. I sold some JEW and it took me two days. They are swamped because of coinsmarkets being off. BTC confirm times are just ridiculous too.  My lost deposit got 1452 Confirmations so far  Yes. Do not think it is lost if you can see it on the block explorer. They stopped taking deposits for a while there. My JEW sat with 0/6 confirmations on their site for a day and a bit. It had hundreds of confirmations on the JEW blockchain at the same time. Send a support ticket if it will let you. Otherwise I would wait.
Stocks exchange sucks. Any where else to buy JEW?
We are working on new exchanges now I deposited BTC to Stocks.exchange in order to buy JEW and they took them all from me. No response so far. RIP Stocks.exchange is really slow on deposits. I sold some JEW and it took me two days. They are swamped because of coinsmarkets being off. BTC confirm times are just ridiculous too. 
I've emailed CM, never got a reply, any official word about what's goin on? they scammed? I didn't have coins there, was just about to start using them. Glad I held off it seems...
I have not seen any official word lately. I remember that the 23rd January was a date once, but it may be tomorrow for all we know. Maybe never. Daily reminder to keep private wallets and not trust exchanges. Roll on Atomic Swaps. 
I really like the new signature. It has a bit of effort put into it and it looks less messageboard and more classy. 
Is POS working now? And can you run multiple masternodes from one wallet? Some of the pools are mining beyond 100000 blocks. Are we going to a new wallet? The current one is stuck on the sporks but that mat be because of the POS change... 
Does anyone know what the RPC port is for GIRO? I want to make sure this damn masternode is working correctly. 
I also have msg from november 2017 where i`m writing on my friends crypto channel that all the coins will go -100% from 5 january till march. All of the morons that entered on this world and helped to pump,verge,xrp and other shit coins will now lose their money,why?! Because they deserve it,they flooded this world with money to win 3-4% and in this process other whales won more than 1000% ,all of this because of 30.000-100.000 stupid morons that got happy with 30-50$ winnings on a coins and didn`t think about the bigger picture. So be ready for a real dump soon,bitcoin will never worth more than 3k$ and any other coin should not be higher that 1$
Dude your medication needs adjusting. Seriously, I was running a masternode for over a week and got not rewards. Can we get a wallet that accepts 'masternode status' command? The current wallet is dodgy and a little bit 2013.