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1  Other / Off-topic / Re: How do you earn money online? on: July 08, 2017, 12:29:51 AM
Another vote for this - oDesk merged with Elance last year and is now Upwork. there's a range of work available from here. Different categories here:
2  Other / Off-topic / Re: How do you earn money online? on: July 08, 2017, 12:05:13 AM
Do you write at all? I made some money doing editing work and some content writing on freelance sites like oDesk. It takes a little while to get going initially but once you have a few reviews you can usually make a little headway. I had one consistent client that was a great source of work with very reasonable hours per week.
3  Other / Off-topic / Re: what do you think about live after dead....? believe it or not..? why..? on: July 07, 2017, 11:49:13 PM
The flying spaghetti monster is a good example. Often times "science as a religion" folks will take it as a jab at religion (and it is a jab at religion), but it's also a statement about science. If something cannot be tested, science has nothing to say about it. It doesn't make sense to teach children about the FSM in a science class because there is no way to gather evidence to support it as a theory or test it. Science simply doesn't cover the FSM, just as science simply doesn't cover the question "What is beauty" or "how does this song make you feel?"
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