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1  Economy / Services / Re: MASTERCARD . PREPAID DEBIT CARD . MOBILE APP . B MONEY . FIAT & CRYPTOCURRENCIES on: June 28, 2018, 02:25:55 PM
So you are based in Toronto ?
Do you have approval from OSFI  to operate business ?

Your card seems not be affiliated with Visa,Mastercard or any payment card network ?

Do you have tieups with ATM /payment networks for using card at POS/ATM round the world ?

Can you please post all relevant agreements  you have made so far for doing business as per the card features advertised

Unless you can and prove,this is just another scam,cos it costs less than $100 to build a website and Photoshop a mockup card
2  Economy / Services / Re: Nexybit Hybrid Exchange Signature Campaign on: June 28, 2018, 01:45:54 PM
Nexybit ID:Blackrock
Nexybit Exclusive Bitcoin Address: 3CWVM9gDc7BPFEtL5ZiGofPqmvRjEpcAyJ
3  Economy / Services / Re: Limited paypal cashout/withdrawal services on: June 28, 2018, 01:30:59 PM
Restarting the service.Please do contact me through PM,if you are interested to discuss about the service

Locking this thread to prevent spam
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO SOON] BRAHMA OS | Windows of Blockchain World on: February 22, 2018, 05:39:47 AM
Is this is real Project ?

You have mentioned these brands partners ?
Do you mean that you use Lenovo laptops ,HUAWEI Phones or ZTE Networking equipment ?
If they are partners,is there any  proof that can be verified?
If they are partners,let us know how they are contributing to the project ?

Seriously ? stonexp and midea are also partners?
StoneXp supplies granite and marble floors and Midea is maker of Juicers and blenders !
(Are you into the business of designing and hosting websites ?)

Can I see the white paper/roadmap and also linkedin links of team members ?
There is no contact info on website

Good Luck !
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Where did we go wrong? on: February 22, 2018, 02:17:15 AM
What drastic/ground breaking technology you had to offer ?TBH honest you have nothing in place except website
You are collecting funds to set up your business ,a crypto currency exchange and there are tons of them already
May be the investors were not convinced or you may failed to create buzz/interest in your ICO by telling how different you/your product was
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [PRE-ANN] Stone - DAG Data-Structured Private Cryptocurrency on: February 21, 2018, 02:53:29 AM

1.I understand that tokens act like place holders to be with swapped with real coins when mainnet is ready and the tokens have zero value.The total supply is 150 million coins and 30% will be distributed to donators.So around 45 million tokens max are needed to be distributed to donators.I don't understand why you have created a contract with 150 million tokens ?

Will you be burning the remaining tokens after distribution to donors is completed?
This will bring integrity and trust to project and devs and will have automatic assurance that the remaining tokens are not sold or used for further donations/fund raising ,etc

2.As said earlier,STONE tokens is a temp arrangement (just a proof donation) and will be swapped,when mainnet is live.They are not intended for trading or listing on exchanges (cos it is not part of project activity).

So ,why not bring out policy that the mainnet coins will be swapped with the coins that are sent to the original ETH addresses and not with third parties ?
I believe that 99% of donators are fully aware that while donating that the project takes atleast 2 months to go live and this is not ICO/Airdrop/bounty to dump the coins on listing.I see the price at exchange is around 20% of the donation value.No sane 'donators' will be selling at that price,since they treated it has charity/donation/gamble .They prefer to lose 100% or gain 100% and not settle for 20%. Trading is only used for FUD/FOMO by vested people

3.Once the distribution is over,please clean up the thread and post updates at regular intervals
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [Airdrop] Nevra (XEV) - Equality, Freedom, Trust on: February 18, 2018, 11:51:23 PM
I have a suggestion how to ensure each person receives only one stake of XEV coins. I said person, not member, because many people have more accounts which is not forbidden here, but this is a problem for a project like Nevra, because some people will try to enter more times and you will not be able to find all of them, no matter how many rounds of checks you make.
My suggestion is that each person needs to write his bitcointalk account name on a piece of paper and take a photo with it while holding his ID card with his name visible.
What do you think? These photos would not be public but developer would be the only person to see them and store them till the end of distribution. There comes the Trust aspect of Nevra.

Forget about it. It does not work. First of all it is violate principles of cryptography and second one you can buy photos in the web, it is not expensive.

It is almost impossible to detect multis..even if we use biometrics or DNA
But can try to limit them to minimum possible.

8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][LCC] Litecoin Cash | SHA256 LTC fork @ block 1371111 | 10:1 claim ratio on: February 18, 2018, 07:23:14 PM
why some people crib here.OK,for time being assume this is another scam.What are you losing and how will it effect you ? are you sending any coins to dev or are you paying any fee.If you like collect some coins from the fork or just ignore and move on

Litecoin itself is not a real coin.They claimed it is a lighter version of bitcoin.Also please ask Charlie Lee,why he pumped up LTC to and sold all his coins at ATH ? It is a bigger scam .The conflict interest is  a BS and lie.If he really believed LTC is is baby ,he should have chosen LTC over coinbase !

BTW,I don't have any LTC or plan to get LCC coins from fork

So, your just writing any garbage you can anywhere you like to get your 50 words in a day, so you get your shitty airdrop from another page and promote its shitness within your sig.  Makes sense to me.

and i don't need to post any shit for sake of wearing my sig..cos my sig campaign needs only 1 post per week...(go and check)..still I make over 20 posts a week..
It has nothing to do with my opinion
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][LCC] Litecoin Cash | SHA256 LTC fork @ block 1371111 | 10:1 claim ratio on: February 18, 2018, 05:53:46 PM
why some people crib here.OK,for time being assume this is another scam.What are you losing and how will it effect you ? are you sending any coins to dev or are you paying any fee.If you like collect some coins from the fork or just ignore and move on

Litecoin itself is not a real coin.They claimed it is a lighter version of bitcoin.Also please ask Charlie Lee,why he pumped up LTC to and sold all his coins at ATH ? It is a bigger scam .The conflict interest is  a BS and lie.If he really believed LTC is is baby ,he should have chosen LTC over coinbase !

BTW,I don't have any LTC or plan to get LCC coins from fork
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [Airdrop] Nevra (XEV) - Equality, Freedom, Trust on: February 18, 2018, 05:31:38 PM
Some noobs are getting carried away with ICO/Airdrop scams
They don't realize that they are used as minions to work promoting their scammy ICOs ,for peanuts.The value of the coins they receive most times from airdrops are less that the value of  gas required to transfer the tokens

@tk808 how are you planning to weed out fraudulent/fake/multi claimers ? What method of vetting are you planning? similar to NEM ?
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Sirius A New Smart Chain Freely Distributed on: February 18, 2018, 05:04:20 AM
hi,dear dev team. I am quite new to the cryptocurrency and introduced the Sirius by my friend. I really want to take part in this project . So could you please tell me how to get the Sirius coins?  BTT forum is only JR level, can I stand the chance?

hey bro you can get siriux token by donating to the team during the crowdsale but wait for more information on it. The first stage distribution for SR member is already over but in the next month maybe you will be able to join the airdrop and there will have a bounty program like if you work for them you can get Siriux tokens in return. Join their slack if you want to ask them any question or if you need more info.

How many tokens can one get by donating?

We don't know about it yet but i think there is a rumor that the minimum donation for the crowdsale is around 0.2 BTC. If you want to buy less than 0.2 BTC then you should buy it in the OTC thread. ( price in OTC is around 0.5 eth for 5000 coins )
here is the link :
I think the crowdsale's price is going to be higher than OTC but that's just my opinion. Let's wait for the next announcement

I think 1 SIRX is 1200 sats though crowdsale and the min is 0.2 BTC
Crowdsale is first come first served till target is reached
12  Economy / Services / Re: ★High Paying★ Telegram/Twitter Campaign on: February 17, 2018, 02:29:56 PM

If you are not scammer,reply here
Delete this one and see what happens next

I am not a scammer, but I think you are a leecher? Nice way for you to increase your post count, lol

I AM deleting your post NOW, do what you can, I too am interested to see what happens.

If you aren't interested in this campaign, move on to the next one, I am having more than enough interested members here.

But DO NOT promote FUD in other's minds. have delete my post again
Idiot..I have much more post count than my activity and I don't need to increase my post count..nor my signatiue needs more than 1 post
You are scammer,you don't even have 0.03 eth and running this 33 ETH worth campaign

Why don't you prove me wrong by escorwing funds or even paying all those completed the task so far  ?

Tell then you are scammer
I will be posting here till you prove you have funds and escrow them

13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Re: [OTC] Semux (SEM) (Buy and Sell) on: February 17, 2018, 02:11:51 AM
Buying SEM fro 20k Sats
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [Airdrop] Nevra (XEV) - Equality, Freedom, Trust on: February 16, 2018, 09:36:03 PM
@tk808 :
*The spreadsheet formatting in the first column has to be fixed
*Please post the spreadsheet and also other important updates in the OP as well.It will be easy or new visitors to thread to check out the summary of the project at one place . Will also reduces unnecessary spam/posts as the thread pages grow
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [Airdrop] Nevra (XEV) - Equality, Freedom, Trust on: February 16, 2018, 01:24:42 PM
The current stakeholders sheet is done. This does not reflect in any way a guarantee of filtering or inclusion in the stakeholders. It's merely an acknowledgement and consolidation of all the users on this thread, who've shown their interest towards being a stakeholder.

If there is any error, any entries counted twice, let me know VIA pm only. Again, this is a rough outline.

Our website should be available by this weekend.

Edit: We're still actively recruiting blockchain developers, DM me if you're interested.
I am really impressed with the transparency and progress of the work, just as described in OP
If you can start a discord group or a forum,it will help community to interact ,engage and share ideas better
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN](IDEALCASH) Proof-of-Stake %30 / Very Fast Transactions! / Free Coins! on: February 16, 2018, 03:32:05 AM
I like PoS coins and hope Idealcash with pos and fast transaction will  be the winner for sure
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [PRE-ANN]DarkNano: DAG cryptocurrency with privacy! on: February 16, 2018, 03:27:18 AM
Nothing is ready..except donation addresses  !

I don't why you anyone needs donations ..are you building a physical structure ?
at the max you need a computer,a server and few hours/days of time..all a few hundred dollars to start coding
When you are ready ,just show the code  and ask donations to take it to the world !

18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🚀 [OFFICIAL] OMEGA - [POW/POS] - [MASTERNODE] by the Community 🚀 on: February 15, 2018, 07:42:01 PM

Best of Luck

Edit:BTW,there is already another coin with same name
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN]Seele is exploring the new peak of blockchain 4.0! on: February 15, 2018, 05:20:00 PM
We are experiencing enormous amount of visits, approximately 300k visits,since the opening of whitelist registration. Since we are using Google Drive for the registration, Google seems to handle the unexpected large visits by blocking the access. Please be patient.

Seele Team .

I have tried many times  to access the whitelist form,but it was busy every time ..and now the registration is closed !
20  Economy / Services / Re: [Campaign] Genevieve Telegram - $2 Per week. on: February 15, 2018, 03:39:37 PM
Don't waste your time
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