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21  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 湖南安乡原公安局长公然卖官:不到一定数额不给提拔 on: February 28, 2017, 07:47:45 AM
22  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 华润原董事长宋林贪污受贿案开庭 涉案超3300万 on: February 28, 2017, 07:47:27 AM
23  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 载中国游客大巴在美国遭遇严重车祸 on: February 28, 2017, 07:46:41 AM
24  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 90后医生连做4台手术 又困又饿睡倒在地板上 on: February 28, 2017, 07:46:16 AM
25  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 南京大屠杀幸存者林玉红离世 在册幸存者仅剩100位 on: February 28, 2017, 07:45:29 AM
26  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 收购金丝楠木建的祖屋估价8亿?景区:有夸大成份 on: February 28, 2017, 07:45:02 AM
27  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 广东36岁女子为逃家暴给前夫生8个娃:怀孕才不敢打 on: February 25, 2017, 05:52:24 AM
28  Local / 离题万里 / Re: 教育部长:请东部高校对中西部高校人才"手下留情" 别掘人家命根 on: February 25, 2017, 05:51:43 AM
29  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is CHINA CONTROLLING Bitcoin? on: January 11, 2017, 11:07:35 AM
Breaking news on Bitcoin in China (seems to be real)

The People's Bank of China (Central bank of China) together with Shanghai and Beijing police departments has launched an assault on Bitcoin exchanges in Beijing and Shanghai including such exchanges as BTCC, Huobi and OKCoin. The pretext is as usual and according to People's Bank of China is due to "possible market manipulation, money laundering, unauthorized financing and other issues"

It is just investigation, not shut down them, fuck China, why this stupid country always hating bitcoin?
30  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES. Ultimate crypto-tokens blockchain platform. on: December 25, 2016, 07:28:42 AM
well, I heard Sasha was able to secure some Byteball Coins for all Waves holders, right???

Why he do this? He can do but it is worthless hard job, and how to distribute them? It is the question, only for ico or current holders in exchanges including?
31  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] eGaaS: Electronic Government as a Service on: December 16, 2016, 02:58:34 AM
Congrats for Egaas crowdsale Round 1 , waiting for next round.
Great egaas team!

Happy to know this news, how much fund they have raised from round 1?
32  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [PRE-ANN]Dawn - DWC - A Blockchain for a New Era Based on Tendermint on: November 23, 2016, 11:06:05 AM
No ico? Great! Seldom see the new project without ico, but premine fund will fund you, good luck.
33  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 🔹🅰RK🔹 [ANN][ARK] A Platform for Consumer Adoption🔹20% LISK Bonus - 3rd Week on: November 22, 2016, 06:27:39 PM
Looks like some internal politics in ARK team...hope this does not affect the quality of the product they will deliver

As you can see here and in Lisk thread that Lisk fanboys are trying to provoke cannabanana so that canna can lash out and bump Lisk thread.  We are better than that. 
We have stayed clear of Lisk thread and will continue to do so and just focus on ARK.

Are you blind?!
Oh sorry, you are from the Ark team.
Canna is the idiot. Everywhere he spreads nonsense, lies, FUD. The people just react to it. Not vice versa.

And your statement confirms my opinion:
For me and many many other users it looks like this is your tactics. This Cannatroll throw Lisk with shit in the hope that people bring their Lisk to Ark.

And the statement of the Akr team. Oh guys...we have nothing to do with that...Canna acts only as a private individual...

So I'm not a Lisk fanboy. But I have respect for their work. And I like their sound, quite the opposite of the Ark team.

If they used ETH and BTC instead of shitty LISK, they would have more than 2000 BTC right now, but they chose shitty LISK. Bad idea
34  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: | STRATIS | The first blockchain developed for businesses |Full POS on: November 22, 2016, 01:53:07 PM  (stratis press release)

"Its mission is to provide a quick and easy blockchain development platform that can deliver
one-click blockchain provisioning to the business community and help them realise the potential
of this transformative technology
. SDF brings them it one step closer to achieving this aim."

aha, can you explain this potential?
Is it toys´R`us for tecchies, devs?
Or is it more, is there indeed a benefit for the real world bussiness community?
Any advantage? like safety, security, redundance, controll, costs, savings, time, speed and what not......

building the bridge to reach out this real world business community needs a little bit more market empathy and a corresponding wording
to attract decisionmakers in real world bussinesses

you are the first with C# and .net?
Yes? so hurry up! in 2 to 3 years you´ll have a lot of copycats

Yes, stratis is the first C# for business use, so there may be many copycats, but it is good for stratis, you see more than 1000 copycats of bitcoin, but bitcoin never dies, and grows bigger and bigger
35  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ICO Started][DAR]Darcrus | Blockchain Database Startup - Enterprise, Everywhere on: November 22, 2016, 01:46:25 PM
Total Bitcoin collected

Nice, 200 btc in first day is decent, need more promotions, bigger signature campaign team, maybe lowest full member rule limits , many member and jr members, but they are majority in the community.
36  Economy / Services / Re: [Ebitz Signature Campaign] - Member Ranks & above only (Open) on: November 22, 2016, 09:33:00 AM
Link to Profile:;u=886859
Bitcointalk Rank: Member
Current number of posts: 91
Bitcoin Address to send the payment: 1CQfuBe53biJdNMHWd325w9MAwNvvY29Zr
37  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ICONOMI - Fund Management Platform on: October 26, 2016, 11:07:57 AM
Still waiting for a real exchange. Kraken's UI is terrible and I'm still "Preverified" while Liqui...

Terrible +1, it is a mtgox style site with worst UI and user experience, damn it we can't trade, set buy/sell orders in graph page, lol, we need to open 2 pages, so stupid design.
38  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][rICO]Antshares Blockchain Mainnet is ONLINE! on: October 21, 2016, 08:36:04 AM
David, this totally sucks for a non-Chinese.

I'm forced to just hold Antshares while Chinese traders are having fun shorting.

Yuanbao is only for Chinese traders.
Yunbi trading is a bad idea cuz they still don't allow Antshares withdrawals. Please talk to them.

While on Liqui, ANS deposits and withdrawals are manual via email and credited after 3 - 4 hours.

I don't want my ANS to get stuck in these small exchanges when Bittrex or Poloniex adds it.  Huh
Please tell your dev team to hurry up on a Linux daemon version.

I could have made some extra ANS  Huh

You can't withdraw??  Have you contacted the support yet? You can withdraw bitcoin instead, and then buy ans on bittrex in the future.
39  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] - decentralized information and messaging network - crowdfund live on: October 14, 2016, 03:49:16 PM
Danish translation: 
40  Local / Skandinavisk / [ANN] - Decentral informations- og messaging-netværket - crowdfund live on: October 14, 2016, 03:47:37 PM

præsentere vores projekt.: "CEAL" artiklen:

Hvad er ceal? Ceal er en decentral blockchain og libtorrent-baserede netværk designet til informationsdeling, især for ytringsfrihed og pressefrihed. I dag cencorship er den største trussel for ytringsfriheden/udtalelse. Som følge af den teknologiske og politiske omstændigheder det er muligt at stille mennesker og hindrer dem i at dele deres tanker/ideer især afhøring/kritiske udsagn.

For at undgå disse problemer, ceal har et decentraliseret, TDC/Jefferies: Sænker kursmål-træ og torrent baseret netværks-struktur, der ikke er censureret. Det giver en registrering af brugerne via et blockchain-interface og garanterer dem en sikker identifikation og autentifikation metode (baseret på ECDSA). Derudover al kommunikation i ceal-netværk er ende-til-ende encrpyted hvilket betyder ingen kan udspionere dig.

A) Blockchain lag for decentrale brugere registrering og godkendelse (baseret på bitcoin) til fastgørelse af net-alias ejerskab.

b)P2P opdeler modeller i form af distribueret falske netværk for ressource storage (nøgle og værdier) og hentning af kollegaer/tracker placeringer samt direkte beskeder mellem brugerne.

c)3. lag er en samling af torrent sværme (brugerne aktivt på et torrent), der ikke nødvendigvis på samme node (disjunct organisation).
D)Det sidste netværk er en ekstra blockchain net til overførsel mellem net-brugere. Denne kan kontaktes af deres offentlige nøgle(r), der bortset fra den værdi-overførsel også ærer særbidrag forfattere. Vi ønsker, at brugeren skal skabe grundlag for et meritokratisk system med ceal.

Tjek vores whitepaper, hvis du gerne vil vide mere om vores projekt:

Overførsel af værdi inde i Ceal-netværket:

At give værdi-overførsel-evne uafhængigt af andre valutaer cealnet har sin helt egen interne pengepolitiske system. De tokens anvendes i denne blockchain kaldes "Ceal". Ceal er skabt til at belønne forfattere, revolutionære og dem, der fortjener men også anvendelige til at betale netbruger for særlige tjenester. Dette skal bygge base for en meritokratisk og anarkistisk community-model. Teknisk Ceal er et Bevis for Stake cryptocurrency, belønne netværket vedligeholder med to procent om året.

Det skabte Ceal vil blive opdelt i forhold til det crowdfund-beløb blandt de bagmænd i Ceal. Denne overførsel finder sted 48 timer efter crowdfund er fuldført. Kampagnen afholdes for at muliggøre udvikling, vedligeholdelse og markedsføring på et professionelt plan. Hvis du ønsker at deltage i denne crowdfunding-kampagne og bakke dette projekt kan du besøge på 12 oktober.

Yderligere informationer:
133 Mio Ceal vil blive genereret for den Ceal-netværket.
10% vil blive reserveret til Ceal-hold fra hvilken 3,33% vil være anvendelser for dusører og andre kampagner.
80% vil blive distribueret til de crowd-bidragydere i proportional relation af deres støtte.
10% vil blive delt blandt tidlige adopters (af de første 3 dage) proportionalt med deres investering beløb.
crowdfund-grænse er 1333 BTC . Den crowdfund slutter den 16. november-efter beløbet er hævet.
Please PM mig, hvis du ønsker at bruge escrow.

Den automatiserede crowdfund vil finde sted under begynder den 12 Oktober 2016.

For spørgsmål sende din forespørgsel til eller PM til kwest eller mig.

Præmier til rådighed for oversættelser og artikler i pressen [2500 CEAL Per oversættelse eller artikel] - Kontakt os for oplysninger.

Tak for læsning og din interesse. CEAL er vores magnum opus! Sammen kan vi gøre det hjælper til at forbedre fremtiden for informations- og vidensdeling.

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