You are just talking to yourself. Nobody gives a fuck about your shitcoin. Nobody is interested into this shitcoin where everybody lost money since the ICO investment. Now, they switch to Proof of Stake as well. SCAM SCAM
lol you just buy high sell low. poor bastard  and now crying everywhere a project is scam because he lost his investment 
There is no product or online banking service. I have looked on the website, and I couldn't see a login page to check the status for a bank or something like that. The Bank doesn't offer internet banking. The WEG BANK AG scam it is just a simple web page showing some information in the German language. That's all. All the revisions from Google Maps are fake made by TokenPay bounty hunters.
>Hurr durr I can't read German so it must be a scamFirst of all, please stop writing in a bold red font. It doesn't validate your claims. Also, why are all of your 176 posts Nimiq FUD, sold too early? FRFC summed it up pretty good. WEG is a bank on the smaller side (had 6-10m€ capital) mostly focused on doing construction financing, loans and accounts. They clearly don't offer online banking and their site is just presenting their services and contact. Yes, the site is based on a template. Did you expect them to serve a WebGL + CSS3 Chrome experiment? As common with smaller banks business is done directly over mail or phone and clients are mostly from the area. Lastly, do you seriously expect a bank to disclose their clients? So nothing out of the ordinary so far. If you're that sceptical, just call the bank and ask them yourselves. I'm sure they speak English. All the new crypto collaborations are still very much in-progress and there's little information available yet. It's way too early to start a witch-hunt. To all the people just reading through this FUD thread, please educate yourselves through unbiased sources. German AGs are public limited companies which means their financial statistics are open to the public.,+Ottobrunn/Amtsgericht+München+HRB+215846 A Google translate of their business page should also be enough. The bank simply doesn't exist. WEG Bank is just a ghost company with no employees, products, services or customers. The partnership with TokenPay (another project that was proved by their community to be a scam) did it finalize with a service or product developed ? 7 Months have passed almost and nothing came out from the partnership.... nothing, just some buzz words and press releases deceiving newcomers to buy the dip. This is exactly what nimiq also has done. They did a press release with Agora Trade hoping that stupid investors will buy their trash coin as well. did you even go to the address of WEG bank to justify your accusation? when you said ghost bank, that means its not real, prove it with photos. when you google WEG bank its all legit. i think your one of the people who panic sold at low. yes buy high sell low haha in short got REKT
then watch tokenpay and nimiq soar DASH once also titled scam because one of their team dumped so many coins, LTC scam again becuase its ceo dumped. just because its not good to hear you will label it as scam? goodness. verge also scam? lol what else?
i have also participated in bounty but i moved on.. so move on guys. if you dont want to move on then dwell in the past >.< its the truth. they will not pay us. just lets go and find other worthy bounty
there will be no legal action for this. all i can say is FUCK YOU STOLAIRE! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys, move on it's over, we will never receive our bounty jamal scammed them by cheating with fake accounts and they used it for refuse to pay everybody
its just a scammer who tried to scam others scammers
prove those fake accounts man.. do you have evidence? this is just their excuse to look innocent and put all blame on me of their scam. jamal, a good scammer need good memory, you dont have it i already told you i saved the spreadsheet before you close it and already posted at least 2 times here and/or previous bounty thread i post again are a just a thief who gave a (fake) reason to others thief to scam honnest peoples @ ju34400 You have very strong views on this subject and you have not held back in your views or your words. I understand your frustrations at bounty manager jamalaezaz. The behaviour of bounty manager jamalaezaz (since Tokenpay CEO Derek Capo refused to pay the bounty) has been nothing short of shocking. Sure Tokenpay and its CEO Derek Capo are to blame because they refused to pay the bounty BUT bounty manager jamalaezaz created an environment which allowed Tokenpay CEO Derek Capo the opportunity to refuse paying out. The skype chat log in the OP which was posted to shore up support for those that got scammed, instead shows utter incompetence on part of bounty manager jamalaezaz. jamal is obviously a scammer. that post he made that he need $3m? you realy think he is going for a lawyer? purely obviously scam
looks good, any bounties? i'll follow this
lol. lawyer? then 3btc payment? 12k usd? i smell another scam and wtf? did any ICO that run away got jailed? just move on -.-
is this still an issue?
they already ahead of their schedule and tpay already dropped below ico price just buy some
they already have partnership with verge and LTC
there are many bounty there that pays but no value
partnering with big companies doesn't prove them innocent.. I am sure when LTC and Verge realize about their this scam attempt. they'll reconsider their decision. So this is the final post on this subject from the bounty manager jamalaezaz?Today the TPay tokens are valued at $1.38 each so that values 135,000 tokens around $186,000. At its peak 6 months ago the TPay tokens were $9.51 each so values 135,000 tokens arouns $1.28 million The bounty program manager last posted on 12th August 2018 and today is 5th October 2018 so what has the bounty program manager jamalaezaz been doing since then to get back the 135,000 TPay tokens that are owed? nothing, because it was the bounty manager's fault why the bounty is cancelled Me too invest a great time in the bounty but I already moved on and i dont care anymore cause the project is going smoothly well. yeah I know it's a let down that they did not pay the bounty but again i already moved on and have bags load of tpay well, i hope i will never see a TOKENPAY OVERPRICED SCAM when tokenpay starts gaining momentum. it was already below ICO price. I'm not foricing my way in to you bounty hunters and i know there is more projects in crypto but still you cant deny that the project is going pretty well and its just a matter of time before it rise. well PEACE GUYS
Is this coin ever going to get listed on a major exchange? Is the team considering something in that direction or you have simply let go of that idea?
why so eager on major exchange? ETN is focusing on the project and not on exchange. exchanges will follow when pthe project makes that real world usecase. NEW EXCHANGE IS NOT = TO MOON
Exchanges have their own policies and rules with KYC and tokens have zero impact on them, whether they have internal kyc implementation or not. Electroneum is entering in micro payments filed with instant transfers in order to meet the requirements of businesses they are doing every necessary step to make sure of everything working flawlessly. This introduction kyc should be watched in regards to micro payments than listing on more exchanges.
agreed, KYC will have a big impact on micropayments so ETN needs to comply.
the second consecutive airdrop not get. I think maybe something wrong with my wallet, wanted to look at the block explorers but I couldn't. block explorer does not support address browsing.maybe there is a table on payments airdrop?
i think they just started distributing. relax you will get it, be sure that you are on telegram and you are registered on the airdrop calendar
dev's are working very hard to produce results, just trust the team and this will be successful 
it will bounce back dont worry  when market moons there is always a correction, people taking profits  its normal
The project is well organized. The team of this is also the team behind the successful arensis project. I am certain that this project will succeed. It is seen in their activity.
But one question. How sure are you that the price will pump? There are a lot of projects out there like WPP, you just have an advantage in your project due to the experienced team.
lol. why do all these newbies only think pump? fo your info cyrpto currency is not make you a millionaire in a month if its a good project it will pump in the right time. people these day has a wrong minbdset legit project = when price is pumping scam project = when price is dumping in a nutshell people thinks like this pump price=legit dumping = scam goodness. dumping of a coin doesnt really mean that its a fake or scam project. it's just means that someone is taking profits. and it's all depends on the market. price is not important atm, what important is the development of the project price will surely come along
One of the problem of this project that the admin must give their attention is the users experience in using the XCASH wallet, even me that has been in the crypto since 2013 has the difficulty in using it, I had a experience in transferring balance to another wallet, it took for so long for loading when you tried to send big amount, and after you sent it, the confirmation popup either it's successful or unsuccessful also took so long.. I have no negative side about the project, The Project has a Solid base with a clear platform and direction plus the Dev Team got most of the community's trust because of the result they've shown about the project.. I hope the Dev Team will fix the wallet problem.. Thanks
hmm.. that's strange. I'm new to this kind of thing and it went perfectly fine for me and no sending issues. also i only use wallets like jaxx and coinomi other but i dont have any issue on the wallet at all. in sending large transaction, there is an amount on the bottom of the amount of your x-cash. which means that's the only unlocked balance for you for the mean time. if i got it right
What's the problem with the blockchain now and why cant I transfer money from my wallet to cryptopia ...
Cryptopia disabled wallets until next week. Every time volatility spikes this happens nothing new. ETN seeing a pump last few days but dumpers moving price back down as we speak  Please keep calm. There are many coins with Cryptonight algoritm got troubles with bug in the source codes which they use from Monero. It takes time for Monero team and others to find them all and completely fix. It is much safer to store your coins inactively, should not move them to anywhere else at the current period. yes i agree even cryptopia is having problems with cryptonight algo
is the mobile wallet functional? i cant seem to see my balance and its a bit annoying, is there something i need to do to synchronize it?