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41  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Sixth alt coin thread I forgot to mod last thread. on: November 11, 2017, 07:17:02 PM
if BTG takes off solid  we could see a boost on nvidia card prices.

Simple logic dictates it.

I will be making a move to get the Zotac 1070ti MINI (110watts, 200core, 700mem, 500sols, DSTM miner) before prices go crazy.

Just ordered 16 pieces --- wife is going to kill me.

673.2 Singapore Dollar equals
494.84 US Dollar

Right to my doorsteps.

Final bill had some "11-11" discounts about 300$ SGD off -- I think they are competing with ALiexpress "11-11" Year end sales.

I will be using the Colorful 8 slots mobo and get 2 rigs.
nice buy, btw where are you sourcing your colorful boards from? i need a few for my vega builds

Unknown seller on Amazon selling them for $190:

Aliexpress $228:

Amazon have the zotac 1070ti mini for $450

I still can't justify 1070tis. Only $2.50 a day, compared to vega 56 $3.50 a day.
my vegas are doing $5 a day on nicehash

I could not get it to work on nicehash (xmr stak amd). 100% reject rate. Tried downloading cast xmr but the download never worked for me. Think I gotta give it another try...

Stak doesnt have NH support yet - it says it does at Github, seems not implemented yet.

Currently I use smOS Linux... sgminer-gm-NH-v5.5.5 for AMD (failover pools, no dev fee) and ccminer v2.1 or v2.2 (skunk) for NVIDIA -- no dev fee.

Both supports NH/extranonce

XMR-AEON-SUMO-STAK-2.0 works with nicehash.
42  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [GUIDE][AMD][NVIDIA][CPU][XMR]How to Mine Monero / Sumokoin + Miners Downloads ⛏ on: November 03, 2017, 11:57:20 PM
is XMR-stak 2.0 as fast as XMR-stak-amd?
Approximatly yes.
with same settings I got a few hashes more with XMR-stak 2.0
43  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [Cast XMR] high speed XMR/CryptoNight miner for RX Vega GPUs (2 KHash/s) on: November 02, 2017, 08:52:53 PM

While the general conclusion of this statement is correct, I must disagree on your assessment of the RX 4xx/5xx hashrate.  With Blockchain drivers, modded BIOS, and Samsung memory, you can easily achieve over 925 h/s.
Actually, I'm curious to know how you got 900+ with 580. I never managed to get more than 820h/s, even with my 8Gb Samsung ones. I mine with xmr-stak-amd, two threads per gpu using 512 intensity & 4 workers per thread.

Could you explain a bit more please ?

Youre intensity is too low (512 was good a few month back in sgminer).
Recomended now is 896, but instable for me; I use 872). You can try other values.
44  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [Cast XMR] high speed XMR/CryptoNight miner for RX Vega GPUs (2 KHash/s) on: November 02, 2017, 08:50:01 PM
you should get 2kh/s with vega56 and 2.07kh/s with vega56 with right tuning. 150-160watt.

So what could be the problem that I'm only getting 1300-1400?  I've already tweaked Wattman and the card is running pretty cool.

xmr-stak uses two threads per card, is Cast doing something like that internally and transparent to the user?

Sounds like HBCC isn't enabled, which seems to happen after a system restart. Have you tried resetting your cards within Windows? This always fixes my issues. There's a reference to a Microsoft file called devcon.exe - You have to jump through a couple of hoops to get it, but just follow this (and 'amd64' just means x64).

you don't need HBCC it doesn't do anything. Just deactivate/activate your cards in windows device manager does the trick (driver's buggy).

here's how to automate it:
45  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Sixth alt coin thread I forgot to mod last thread. on: October 30, 2017, 06:56:58 PM
Ironically these puppies make 2000 h/s mining Cryptonight.
I don't think you can get more hash per dollar currently.

Which VEGA Mike?
Vega 64?
No I think even the Vega56 can do it. There's a guy who's been advertising his optimised miner in the forums, if I find the thread again, I'll post it in here.

Edit: ...and here it is:

Vega64 can do 2000 H/s using cast-xmr using first soft power table reg for Vega 64 (1100MHz HBM @ 905mV)  from at ~210W
But can do also 1800 H/s using a low power reg at ~135W.
VEGA 64 on XMR-AMD-STAC I=2016/1736 cc=1360 mc=1075 : 1930 Mh/s 160W
VEGA 56 with 64 bios on XMR-AMD-STAC I=2016/1736 cc=1360 mc=1075: 1890 Mhs/s 160W

SGMINER I=1792: 1950 Mh/s for both cards but it has weird results on pool side.

46  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Building Cheap Miners : My "Secret" on: October 25, 2017, 07:22:21 PM

This is my main mining area.

Third rack isn't done so I have not neatened up the Ethernet cables. I also have the box setup on the wall across the opening for my 4th rack once I finish the 3rd one. Just need to wire outlets to it =)

I do also have machines around my home and the office mining -- so far total of 48 machines mining. All the dedicated miners have 3-4 cards & the home/office have 1-2 cards each.

For one of my rigs I used HP XW4600. Very similar to z400 inside, very cheap. It's still running with 3 cards: 2x1070 inside, a mini next to a blower style, and a 1080ti hanging on the side of the standing tower.
kept the 475W psu to power the board and added 875WPSU for the cards.
47  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Any word on amd vega hash rates? on: October 22, 2017, 09:11:49 AM
And what is better to buy: Vega56 or GTX1080 ?
waiting for nonreference models of vega. the price is practically similar and I dont know what GPU to buy  Huh

got two vega 56 today , $459 each

flashed them with 64 bios and they both do 40 mhs eth

I will switch them to monero tomrow, I think its a no brainer vs the 1080ti or 1080

vega 56 all the way

I still think its better howerver to buy 2 rx 580 4GB for $250  than a vega or 1080

Maybe then more profitable 2 RX 570 4GB for 190-200 $ ...

I doubt you could find them at that price....nowadays it's more > 300$
Besides, for same hashrate, you wil have more power consumption for 2x 570 vs a vega
48  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Any word on amd vega hash rates? on: October 19, 2017, 12:57:09 PM
Not sure the profitability is there with the Vega to be honest. I do like the idea of having less cards though but the increase in RAM puts me off as I am on DDR4

That's why I'm very happy with my old workstation I use as a rig, it came with 32Go :-)
49  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Any word on amd vega hash rates? on: September 18, 2017, 09:45:59 PM
Is the hashrate confirmed on pool side?
50  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: Any word on amd vega hash rates? on: September 14, 2017, 07:28:34 AM

I France there is a discount code on RX Vega 56 -> 405€

Where did you buy them and how to get the discount code?

Edit: don't bother to answer, found it.
51  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 1080Ti Specific - Best mining option on: September 13, 2017, 06:37:52 PM
Seeing as SIGT is on top of whattomine.. what is more profitable?

Only 22k blocks left to ever be mined on SIGT. Probably 2-3 weeks to mine it.
15d 12h

I have mined and kept some signatum, looking forward for the POS  Grin

Surely POS for SIGT will increase a lot the price !

I would'nt count on it. Miners are also traders, when they loose interest in a coin it drops.
52  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 1080Ti Specific - Best mining option on: September 04, 2017, 06:12:39 PM
how many magnatum per day do you expect ?

Around 250 / day

Why magnatum?  It doesn't even have an exchange yet.

Speculation. The day it hits an exchange you can make huge profit (or not).
53  Local / Mining et Hardware / Re: rentabilité énergétique (hydro, solaire, éolien,....) en autoproduction on: September 04, 2017, 06:10:48 PM
Entre mon message et la réponse, j'ai eu droit à une explication de texte de mon popa qui est fondu du photovoltaique depuis qu'il est en retraite. En gros le matos pour fonctionner en autonomie n'est pas le même et coûte plus cher car plus petites séries donc ça ne vaut vraiment pas le coup (coût).Plus les arguments que tu donnes aussi.

Dommage ça m'aurait fait tripper de me passer d'erdf/edf et consort. D'autant que je vais bientôt avoir une grosse surface de toit dispo en Est/Ouest ET Sud. Celà dit il n'est pas impossible que je fasse mettre une installation conventionnelle, mais c'est moins drôle.
54  Local / Mining et Hardware / Re: rentabilité énergétique (hydro, solaire, éolien,....) en autoproduction on: September 02, 2017, 06:56:00 PM

PS: normallement, l'autoconso est autorisée, mais vous êtes tenu de le déclarrer à ERDF, faire viser l'install par le consuel, donc disposer d'onduleurs à la norme en vigueur, à savoir la VDE126-1-1 A1 VFR2014.  Vous aurez du mal a les trouver "pas cher", ceux qu'on trouve pas cher, c'est des modeles qu'on n'a plus le droit d'installer...

qu'en est-il si on ne se branche pas sur le réseau mais qu'on charge une installation style "powerwall", faut-il toujours faire viser l'installation?
55  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 1080Ti Specific - Best mining option on: August 31, 2017, 08:33:30 PM

1-whattomine is always showing correct amounts if you know how to use it. I always forecast my upcoming payment amount by using whattomine. Just as i wrote be sure to not to become paranoid by everytime changing your mining coin because you will earn 0.001 $ more. Be clever and analyze carefully. Don't change your coin so frequently. This is long-term run. Hit nd runs are so much rare and needs luck factor, dont fell for them.

Am I blind or something? Where's Skein or Nist5?

you're blind ;-)
56  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 1080Ti Specific - Best mining option on: August 30, 2017, 05:07:52 PM
Anyone have any clocking suggestions for Skein and Skunk?

Doing 110% power limit, 85C limit, + 50 Core, -50 Mem

Giving me 1.03-1.05Gh/s on Skein and 54-57Mh/s on Skunk per card (Running 8x 1080ti EVGA FTW3)

Also, using sniffdog + Hashrefinery.. Is it normal that rejection rates can go up to 20% ??

Would it be more profitable running Zcash Mining instead if I can do 780 Sol per card? Anyone have good clock settings for that?

Cheers everyone, Thanks in advance

For better efficiency use 70 to 80 power limit unless you have free power.
I go +150 core -1000 mem on skein, +100 core -1000 mem on skunk.
57  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: EWBF's CUDA Zcash miner on: August 30, 2017, 05:02:54 PM
IMO LBRY/SKEIN/SIGT are better for 1080ti
58  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] FutureBit Moonlander 2: The Most Powerful and Efficient USB Stick Miner! on: August 30, 2017, 01:23:02 PM
that looks nice, I've never tried an asic before , but I would certainly give a go to this If I can get somme.
A low energie miner (with a rasperry pi), my dream.
59  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Re: 1080Ti Specific - Best mining option on: August 28, 2017, 11:50:13 AM
Guys, what kind of efficiency improvement do you get when underclocking? Does someone have hard numbers?

I overclocked /underclocked my Aorus 1080 Ti Xtremes to core +120 (1841MHz) and memory -2000 (9010MHz) with power limit at 85% and getting around 59 MH/s in tpruvot's ccminer x86 2.2 per every single card!

Hm in MSI afterburner i can only reduce memory speed to -550 Mhz. Can you please tell me what tool you are using to reduce the memory speed that much? Thanks

look at his numbers, he uses a soft that counts a different way the memory speed. at the end he is not downclocking more than you do I think.

but you can use nvidia inspector that allows -1000
60  Bitcoin / Mining speculation / Re: first bitmain antminer S10 speculation thread (probably) on: August 18, 2017, 02:34:27 PM
One big problem is you cannot foresee witch altcoin will skyrocket to the moon...
Besides, you have to pick a low to enter the market for it not to be too risky.
The middle approach is to mine AND to buy altcoin you think wil do great...
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