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1  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: ICE ROCK MINING - SCAM!!! on: October 27, 2018, 11:44:09 PM
$0.03 is the price they claimed and yes it's quite cheap. Generally speaking if you compare the price of electricity in KZK with others countries you will realize that there electricity is not expensive. This is their advantage.

About temperatures, it's arguable. It's a bit warmer than Island or Canada but it must be considered with the price of electricity they pay.

To my opinion, the price of ROCK2 tokens is maintained at a certain level....just because the team buy their own tokens below this level. So invetsors who ragequit and sell all their tokens "in one shot" are to my opinion doing a mistake.
2  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: ICE ROCK MINING - SCAM!!! on: October 25, 2018, 12:13:10 AM
Yes, the "Peter K" guy seems not to be a normal investor. I noticed that also. you are certainly right.

Concerning marketing side, i was just saying that at the beginning they really planned to use the mine to install the farm....They understood afterwards that it wasn't a good idea.

They can't exit scam like that : they gave their names, the owner has one apple shop in Almaty, there is probably a registered company in KZK (should be interesting to get the company registration by the way...i think it's public information), they raised a huge amount... and there are laws!

I still think that they don't plan to's just that they launched the project with a lack of experience.

Someone just "ragequit" i think and so "decreased" the price till 0.00096 ETH/ROCK2...I really think that it will not remain at this price for a while...we are all just disappointed that they don't reach full capacity faster! (disclaimer : i'm rock2 token holder)

And anyway, keep in mind that if competition for mining is hard in 2018...When you get electricity cheaper than competitors in a quite cold country, you have a huge advantage.
3  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: ICE ROCK MINING - SCAM!!! on: October 18, 2018, 01:28:32 PM
Your message is a bit rude.

Actually, the mine was not part of a marketing plan....They just really thought that it was possible to install ASICS there. So why they didn't do so ? I think they realized that because of moisture and dust it would really decrease the lifetime of the ASICS.

As soon as the vote for contract mining has been released, i for sure tried to explain on the telegram channel that we should all vote "NO" if it's linked with Rock2 project. Otherwise, it would be disadvantageous for ROCK2 holders....and it would bring the mess : not possible anymore to track if our payouts are correct according to the size of the farm. So Dias banned me Grin (even if i was polite) and said that this mining contracts would be something different than ROCK2 tokens (a kind of separate project). I don't know if he said that because he really thought it from the beginning or if he realized after submitting the vote that he was trying too hard to fuck us. I think the 2nd variant is the right one.

When the vote was released, i was consulting this telegram page....I was very surprised to see that more than 20 Yes appeared very very quickly. during the first minutes the "Yes" was winning. I strongly suppose that all colleagues of IRM company where asked to say "YES" as soon as the vote was submitted (to establish a "trend")...Hopefully the "NO" has largely won.

They must last 3 years at least (new piece of information for me). Otherwise some investors (specially the last investors of phase2) will never get a payback equal to the amount they invested. I don't know laws in KZK, but if you do foundraising and deliberately don't complete the conditions to give a chance to the investors to get a payback, it's not legal in some countries.
Actually, investing in ROCK2 ICO was not a good idea...but buying ROCK2 tokens when the tokens became tradeable on the exchange (at this time the price was very low) was maybe not such a bad investment.

So I repeat, to my opinion, they didn't want to scam at the beginning. It's just that due to their huge lack of experience, the project has not run as smooth as foreseen. It can only be better now (and will be i think).

IRM is risky for sure, but still think it's possible to make some profits with this project.
4  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: ICE ROCK MINING - SCAM!!! on: June 20, 2018, 11:16:39 PM

I fully understand your reactions.

To my opinion, they are not scammers and have a good sense of honor....But they started this project with a huge lack of experience and not at the right time at all.

I anyway believe in this project (long term view) because it's true that energy in KZK is extremely cheap and because the premise is great.

It's hard to find better conditions for mining...

Let's see! That's the long as they are working on the project you can't say they are scammers.

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] 💰⛏ 💰⛏ 💰⛏ ICE ROCK MINING ICO2 - LIFETIME PROFIT on: February 05, 2018, 12:47:55 AM
Let me talk also about my experience because i see some not good posts here.

I was worried also that they don't offer the buy back programm and they are doing it. Let's see how the operation will be done and if it's well 2$ per token.

I always received answers from the Dias up to now.

To my opinion, for "crowdfunding mining", this is a serious project. It's your responsibility to check if this kind of offer matches with your investor profile. (risk lover or not).
6  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: T.E.T.O - trustless total order for transactions in a DAG based cryptocurrency on: October 11, 2017, 09:22:25 PM
I fully agree with you.

I wait for update of the whitepaper...Maybe the validation of the Txs will not only rely on the Monte Carlo Random Walk...I hope so for them....
7  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: T.E.T.O - trustless total order for transactions in a DAG based cryptocurrency on: October 07, 2017, 09:27:04 PM
DAG with POW is the future i guess.

I guess you read SPECTRE DAGLabs white paper. (DAG with POW also - smart contracts are also possible...but they can't have clean txs ordering)

About IOTA  : The validation of Tx is performed in probabilistic manner. The protection against Sybil Attack is relying on the fact that many wallets are "half connected to the internet" (either periodically or continuously with low bandwidth : IOT). These half connected wallets are representing a throughput of tx/sec which is preventing from this attack (*). But this troughput of Tx/sec must represent a significant amount of all the Txs/sec ("significant" ? nobody did the maths behind but I think above 20% (50%?)). So let's wait for adoption in IOT world....but long will be the way.

(*) preventing from this attack because these txs from IOT are considered as honnest and so during attack time they are continuously not approving the attacker txs. So the attacker is alone to increase the cumulative weight of its own txs.

Do you plan to launch something ?
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: IOTA on: July 08, 2017, 06:17:49 PM
Do you think @come-from-beyond would be annoyed if someone regsiters here with the nickname "@come-from-behind" ?

Would they both fear the attack of the man in the middle ?

 Grin Grin
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: IOTA on: June 30, 2017, 10:09:33 PM

I don't see on github (to download the IOTA WALLET) any SHA256 checksum ? Is there one ?  Undecided Undecided

It would be good if we can check the integrity of the IOTA wallet before installing.

10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: IOTA on: June 19, 2017, 10:56:27 PM
An article on is saying that IOTA is centralized.

Just an opinion below :


The author thinks that, in 2017, such a cryptocurrency can be launched publicly less than 1 year ago, then hits the top 10 on coinmarketcap and be fully relying on the users.

 « yes the world is wild Smiley »

But what he wrote was interesting.

Many people already asked how can we trust the snapshotting process. Cores don’t know who is asking so they don’t explain everything each time. But now it's clearly written on Internet.

As far as i know it’s possible to outsource « the proof of work ». There is also a project to distribute the work between devices.

But   even without these counter arguments, , he should not write that all devices are just 500Mhz powerful and running on small batteries…...Would it be really a problem to not include yet these devices in the project ?

It seems there is already a wallet on android  Smiley We will see feedback of users.

By the way it would be nice that someone explains according to which rules the level of work asked can be adjusted.

Someone wrote in the comments that in the future it would be possible to put  a malicious coordinator……..But users have to check the wallet before installing. it’s the same for all crypto.

The force of IOTA relies on many users (Satoshi dream i would say).

When snapshoting will be local event. It will skyrocket definitely.

До Победы !!!!!

Marcel Beliveau
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: IOTA on: June 11, 2017, 02:08:50 AM
Attaching addresses to the tangle is the solution to recover your IOTAs
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: IOTA on: June 11, 2017, 01:59:47 AM

This is scary.

I have exactly the same problem as you.

I was using the light wallet on ubuntu. I was using the version 2.1.

I entered my seed and the wallet showed 0 IOTA and no history....As if it was the first time i open this wallet.

I just have updated the wallet to the version 2.3.

Now i'm attaching adresses to the tangle.....hoping to recover my IOTAs.

Totally scary!!

It's not at all the right moment for this kind of issues  Undecided Undecided

13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: IOTA on: May 11, 2017, 09:29:06 PM


When there is snapshotting, it means that the core team propose a new "tangle file".

Is there any routine to check the conformity of the new tangle with the old one ?

I wonder if it would be possible someone propose a fake snapshotting.


With IOTA, there is no incentive to hold a full node ?

Just my opinion, no one evolution of bitcoin will happen. it's too big for evolution. It will stay a currency to save capital. The price will incease with time....until IOTA comes.


14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: IOTA on: March 17, 2017, 06:58:20 PM
The Tangle will get bigger and bigger.  Smiley Smiley

I have a question : it would be possible to reduce the size of the Tangle ?

15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: IOTA on: March 17, 2017, 06:24:12 PM
The first exchange will be localbitcoin.

I based this choice on the craziness of one core developper Smiley

Maybe i'm wrong....

До победы!

EDIT : it would be a good choice
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: IOTA on: March 11, 2017, 02:37:47 PM
I so checked what is this signature technology. This is really hard to understand for non crypto experts.
But if I well understood the use of this technology is the reason why IOTA core developpers insist on generating a new address each time we want to receive a IOTAS in the same wallet.

This is not a big drawback to my opinion.

17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: IOTA on: March 11, 2017, 01:23:37 AM
Is it really quantum resistant ?

When IOTA community says that this technology is "quantum resistant". I think it's true only for the tangle itself.

But one day, if an hacker find an address with a huge amount of money and has a "super comuter", he could could generate a seed macthing with this address easily no ?

18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: IOTA on: February 23, 2017, 09:07:37 PM

Could it be possible to list all the nodes we can use in case we use the light wallet version ?

I know only the offical one

Tell me if i'm wrong but the host is storing the tangle for lightwallet users ?

19  Local / Annonces / Re: [ANN] [XMR] Monero, monnaie anonyme à signature de cercle on: January 17, 2017, 08:31:57 PM
Imaginons qu'il y a plus de transactions par minute.

La taille de blocs est ajustable en fonction du nombre de transactions par minute... donc je ne pense pas que cela augmente le temps de confirmation des transactions. Ca fera juste des blocs plus gros.

Par contre, que tous les mineurs aient une blockchain a jour est beaucoup moins probable. Par conséquent le minage perd beaucoup en efficacité.

Exemple :
Avec l'augmentation du nombre de tx/min, il serait beaucoup plus probable qu'un mineur A travaille et considère comme le dernier bloc, un bloc qui est en fait le n-1 pour les autres mineurs. Par conséquent ce mineur A est en train de perdre son temps.

Je ne pense pas qu'il y aura encore du progrès dans les crypto utilisant une blockchain POW. XMR est l'aboutissement dans le domaine. Mais ce n'est adapté que pour thésauriser....pas pour marchander ("la baguette de pain" comme tu dis)

NB : je suis assez convaincu qu'aucune sidechain ne percera.
20  Local / Annonces / Re: [ANN] [XMR] Monero, monnaie anonyme à signature de cercle on: January 15, 2017, 09:21:13 PM

J'utilise encore le portefeuille "", je suis supris de voir que "monerod.exe" se synchronise bien et que "monero-wallet-cli.exe" me permet d'ouvrir mon wallet (wallet ici pour dire "mon compte") et de consulter mon solde.

Normalement, si le hard fork a bien eu lieu, on devrait me forcer à passer à "" ?

Pourquoi ca marche encore ?

2/ Je chercher à trouver les défauts de XMR (et c'est pas facile  Grin Grin).

Le probleme n'est pas la taille que cela prend sur les disques dur. Mais bien la synchronisation de la blockchain entre les full nodes.

En technologie bitcoin, a ma connaissance, les gens qui disent qu'ils peuvent dégraisser un arbre de Merkle, veulent juste dire qu'on peut enlever les blocs/branches orphelins. Mais il est impossible de toucher à la chaine la plus longue.

One average monero transaction takes more than 4kb of space, increasing to around 6kb per transaction with RCT, compared to an average of 400 bytes per bitcoin transaction.

The nearly three years old currency already has a blockchain of around 10GB while barely having any transactions – around 2,600 a day, compared to bitcoin’s more than 250,000 a day. At bitcoin’s transaction levels Monero would add 1.5GB per day, consuming an average laptop disk space of 500GB in one year.

Although storage is relatively cheap with terabyte disk sizes now becoming more common, initial node synchronization may eventually become a problem, but the network is considering Lightning and TumbeBit, a more private version of Lightning, for more scalability, according to Othe, a pseudonymous Monero core developer. They have no plans to implement Segwit, Othe says, as the currency doesn’t have any transaction malleability problems and further consider sharding to be “a failed concept.”
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