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And again... Just a few minutes after my last post and the mighty mosprognoz is back bawling and yelling. It can't be coincidence. The only rational explanation is that he sits there waiting for anything even slightly useful, relevant, reasoned or considered to appear, then dumps more of his usual stuff in an attempt to bury it. Instead of starting a useful discussion all he wants is to fan a flamewar.
Christ, bitcointalk has become a cesspit. The days when Satoshi used it to post genius insights into cutting edge cryptography are long gone. mosprognoz and his ilk should hang their heads in shame.
mosprognoz, and those who rise to his bait, give it a rest. You would never dream of using such abuse if we were face to face in the real world.
You seem to be the most reasonable of the newfound group of "promoters", so I will address you directly. Why invest in something that has such a terrible reputation? No matter how you dice it, there have been hundreds of individual complaints about SpectroCoin stealing user coins strewn across the internet... Their coin looks like its on the road to nothingness. I don't understand what about it inspires confidence in you. If you want to explain, I'm all ears.
I invested in the Bankera project back at the beginning, I had been using Spectrocoin for some time and they had always given good service. Don't forget, Spectrocoin were genuine pioneers at a time when there were very few alternatives. Back then other cryptos were sprouting like mushrooms and the dominance of Bitcoin seemed genuinely under threat. Real thieves and scammers were launching countless ICOs and forks. Regulators were getting ready to strike. Those were worrying times, maybe BTC itself could fail, and then what? The obvious (to me at least) solution was to invest in a project that was a hedge against BTC failure. If people were foolish enough to decide that having a Swiss Bank in their pocket was a bad idea, or governments decided to think that for them, then a forward looking crypto-friendly bank such as Bankera might succeed. I might not like the situation but I was happy to take my cut of Weekly Revenue from them. Of course Bitcoin didn't fail and the diversification into Bankera hasn't so far been a money maker, to put it mildly... But I didn't come here to shill for BNK, I came because I've had a lifelong hatred of thugs and bullies, and the lies and patently false accusations from people like mosprognoz, gorbal et al have to be refuted. All that's necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing, and all that. I'll check out some of the other scam accusations you've posted, but that's for another post.
Fake/shill accounts using their own scam thread to promote their scam
I resent the implication that mine is a fake or shill account. My few posts here have tried to be polite and informative in the face of the blind, unreasoning hatred of Bankera shown by the OP. Yes, I am paid by Bankera, that's rather the point. All BNK holders receive weekly revenue from the project's profits. As promised in the whitepaper and delivered in over 100 payments so far. What sort of scam is it that delivers on its promises? For someone who has the laudable motto, 'Always ask questions', you are presenting yourself very poorly in siding with a would-be bully whose sole intent seems to be to try and devalue my investment by stifling discussion. Ask yourself, if the OP is so smart, so right and so infallible, why did he spell Spectrocoin incorrectly in the title?
OK guys, check my workings for me: It's often stated that BNK has fallen in value by 90%. BNK was 0.02€, now 0.0018€, thereore a loss of 90%, simple.
But we didn't buy with euros, we bought with ETH.
In the middle of the ICO 1 ETH bought 84507 BNK (after the unsold token distribution). Today those 84507 BNK would fetch 0.76 ETH.
Therefore the fall in value is actually 24% not 90%. Even BTC is down 43% from ATH.
Unless you bought the ETH specifically to buy BNK. In which case you are still down 90%. A fair point nutildah, but you could work that out in many different ways. eg Anyone who bought their ETH in Venezuelan Bolivars is now up up several million percent. Which of us knows what will happen in the wild worlds of currency valuations? Other than BTC will rule eventually of course? And Bankera could be a nice little EU regulated haven for the people to bank their BTC. Anyway, good to have you along.
This project looks promising but i can't seem to find it's whitepaper and do you guys plan on starting any airdrop or bounty project.
I do not speak for the company, but, to take your points in order: Whitepapers are an ICO sort of thing. Bankera's ICO finished over two years ago (it was one of the most successful ever). You can see the current roadmap on Bankera is establishing itself as an EU regulated, fully KYC/AML compliant bank. A bank for the blockchain era. Pump and dump schemes like airdrops have no place in such an environment so, no, no airdrops. BNK tokens do, however, accrue Weekly Revenue. All BNK holders receive income proportional to their holdings every week. Over 100 WRs have been paid already. As with most reputable projects, bounties are available for validated bug reports from software engineers. Hope this helps, ToWS. Why not buy a few BNKs (they're ridiculously cheap right now) and come and join us in the official Bankera staff are on hand 24/7 to answer your questions and even the founders drop-in from time to time.
Are there any non-newbies or Jr Members in this thread that actually like this coin? Seems to be only a bunch of stooge accounts all woken up around the same time and then angry investors who feel duped. I'd like to hear from a legitimate token holder.
Come, come I gave you a reasoned reply and your come back is that you want to hear from a 'legitimate' token holder. Really? That's childish and, what's worse, illogical. It's simple: Owning BNK makes someone a legitimate token holder. Making posts here has no effect on legitimacy. The two concepts are separate. Admit it, you have heard from several, legitimate token holders. The fact that you don't like to hear what they are telling you is your problem. And the fact those token holders are not persuaded by your attempts to browbeat them is your problem too.
Can you please address why there are so many unresolved scam accusations against your project? Seems like its been thoroughly outed a scam. Care to explain how all of these people can be wrong?
Well I guess you have to take into account the people making the scam accusations. There are, for example, plenty of accusations floating around that the moon landings were faked, the earth is flat, the Queen of England is an alien lizard, etc. Some people genuinely believe nonsense, and that's one of the things that makes life interesting, albeit infuriating, I'm sure you will agree. The problem comes when other people start to try and make mischief by furthering such nonsense for their own ends. That's reprehensible. As an investor in Bankera I can only say that, if it is a scam, it's the strangest scam I've ever encountered. Two years after being given all that ICO money the founders continue to answer questions in; they continue to send money to every token holder every week and they insist on building products and releasing them. Why, indeed how, do they do those things if they have, as alleged here, no staff, no offices and no money left? Occam's razor is your guide here, the simplest explanation is the most likely to be correct. They do it because they do have staff, offices and money and are working on delivering Bankera as promised.
This doesn’t mean because you made one good judgement call you can slander a different project for years.
Dude, don't you understand that bitcointalk news are spreading in cryptoworld very fast. And I am sure that a lot of bankera investors saw this topic already. There are undeniable proofs that bankera is using very low quality shilling and bumping service. There are no idiots out there as you think. So now think twice. Would you like to continue your dirty job and harm bankera more, or maybe it is better to stop? The choice is yours. Have a nice day. @global I don't understand your thinking. You are trying to dissuade huup from doing what he does because he is harming Bankera? Surely, if you believe what you are saying, ie Bankera is a scam, you would welcome anyone who you see harming Bankera. Not try to stop them. Instead, I believe huup makes a good point. Maybe mosprognoz and yourself have called out real scams in the past (I have no knowledge of any of the projects mentioned so can't comment) but being right once doesn't make you infallible. You obviously want to harm the Bankera founders. But how do your constant scam accusations and fear mongering posts affect them? They don't. They can only affect the investors who hodl BNK by stoking FUD around the project. You are not harming Vytatus and Mantas, in your eyes they have already stolen the ICO money. So all you are doing now is trying to devalue the BNK holders' investments. How dare you? What have they ever done to you? No wonder they are turning out, in ever greater numbers, to call out your scam accusations for the tissue they are. They are not paid shills, they are simply people defending their investment and trying to stop you spreading misinformation. Do the decent thing and move on.
All i know i read a lot off good promises,nice roadmap and invested 10.000+euros in Bankera:(..80% in ICO...because roadmap was so nice,team was solid(europarliament,ex bankers,...)..and after ICO all stop for 1 year..looks like all this was just game for some group of students with zero experience what to do next,looks like they was not ready for this...looks like was no team after paid advisers gone at all.....and after they realize needs to do something because 100.000+ investors with 150.900.000 USD its huge... I understand its takes a lot time to get good team(i think nearly from zero after ICO),i understand its not easy in this sector with rules,licenses and always any team can do some mistakes.... Its OK, to be sure,they for real,even if it takes 5,10 years????Because with this amount of money i myself can play big business for 10-20years with nobody even things im not for real....... At a moment i just lost:( ...and 90% bull***t posts not helps to understand situation at all...who with me and who against me here...
You express the questions hanging over Bankera clearly, and I agree with much of what you say. I too invested with the same hopes as you and have been similarly disappointed with the pace of the project. We investors face a stark choice, to sell now at a substantial loss or hodl and wait for the returns to improve in future. It's not a great position to be in, but it's one we share with so many people who invested in speculative projects at the height of the ICO boom. I've made my decision to hodl, and the absurd accusations, threats and general bullying from mosprognoz, gorbal (my spell checker insists on calling him gerbil) which have turned this thread into a cesspit lately have only strengthened my resolve. Never give in to bullies. And I hope you decide to stay with us too. It's been a long, dark night for BNK and Weekly Revenue, but things are always darkest just before dawn.
#blurryeyed Perhaps it’s time to ask yourself if you’re supporting the right side? The motto of Bitcoin is “don’t trust, verify”, right? Well, I have verified for myself that several of the accounts listed above are real individuals, not fake shill accounts as you so airily assume. I have verified that Bankera, while slow, disappointing and generally infuriating, is patently not a scam. And simply by reading a few of his posts I find that mosprognoz is a racist and bully who threatens sexual violence to the partners (and even mothers!) of people who disagree with him. Is he really a scam fighter, or just feeding from the scams he starts?
If your accusation is true please report these posts or PMs to the moderators or administrators as soon as you read them. (So that mosprognoz can't delete them.) These are against the rules and results in a ban. Please provide us proof of your accusations. Quite frankly, I think you just made this serious accusation up. If mosprognoz did these threats on another platform, please send us examples. @bones261, thank you for the advice. To be clear, I haven't received any PMs and I have no contact with mosprognoz on other platforms, neither have I personally been threatened. However, I stand by my post, anyone reading the [ANN]BANKERA – Building the Bank for the Blockchain Era thread will have seen several examples of mosprognoz's bullying language. It looks like many examples seem to have been deleted already (perhaps after I reported one of them to a moderator) but echoes still remain. For example: "I am sure your mom was a whore. And she was fucking random dudes in front of you. And you liked it. Now your wife is doing the same and you like to watch that too... etc" "your grandpa was a Nazi... etc" "You are a worthless piece of shit... etc" "Take photos up your scummy ass... etc" "Let me fuck the wife of yours for 0.0001 BTC.
So now all the fake shill accounts are bumping their own scam thread - hilarious!
#blurryeyed Perhaps it’s time to ask yourself if you’re supporting the right side? The motto of Bitcoin is “don’t trust, verify”, right? Well, I have verified for myself that several of the accounts listed above are real individuals, not fake shill accounts as you so airily assume. I have verified that Bankera, while slow, disappointing and generally infuriating, is patently not a scam. And simply by reading a few of his posts I find that mosprognoz is a racist and bully who threatens sexual violence to the partners (and even mothers!) of people who disagree with him. Is he really a scam fighter, or just feeding from the scams he starts? I assume this post will deleted as soon as mosprognoz reads it.
And it is not scam. I would say it is a project which face hard competition and that has been poorly managed.
I think we can agree on that. The 'poor management' attack is, I guess, for each of us to evaluate for ourselves. eg I've been exasperated by their almost wilful lack of communication, but others see that as a plus. On the other hand some acuse them of being liars and thieves, something that I've never believed.
BTW You recieved your first merit on bitcointalk from me.
An unsubstantiated scam accusation appears as the first post from a completely new account and mosprognoz immediately sends the poster a trust merit. No checking, no consideration, just instant validation for anyone who bashes Bankera.
The justice will come and very soon.
I would draw everyone's attention to the similarities between mosprognoz's attempts to kill Bankera and Dr Craig Wright's attempts to kill Bitcoin. Both are in possession of items that will ruin their enemies. Both are threatening to unleash these devastating weapons in the near future. Both are offering a way out for good people escape their imminent doom. Both have simple ways to prove the validity of their case, but never do. Of course mosprognoz goes one better than the good doctor by spicing up his argument with plenty of homophobia, racism, thuggish threats, pleas for money and threats of sexual violence. Sorry, mosprognoz, but that's how I see it.
1) Every week I receive Weekly Revenue, over 100 payments so far. Where do you think these payments come from?
How much was your investment in USD and how much are you receiving from Weekly Revenue in USD? In the past few months Bankera have produced a crypto exchange and launched a crypto loans platform.
That exchange is dead and there is no way to resurrect it. 500 USD 24H volume., that wasn't the question I asked but since you answer a question with a question, here's my answer. The return on BNK bought at ICO is shockingly low, that's undeniable. But I am thinking about buying at today's price, which is much lower. In that case the WR would be quite reasonable. Further I can see a large potential upswing as new products get rolled out. Now can you answer my question? If there are no staff or offices, where does the WR come from? Your analysis of the exchange is unsound. It's like saying the motor in my car hasn't run for over a month therefore it can't run ever again. Obviously the exchange works, we can all use it, so it isn't dead and the question of resurrection doesn't arise. If people start to use it the volume will increase. So, again, I ask, if there are no staff, who wrote the exchange? Anyway, thank you for your reply, ToWS
gorbal. You contend that Bankera/Spectrocoin is a scam. The office doesn't exist, the staff don't exist, the ICO money has been stolen. OK. That doesn't link up with my experience. So, may I ask three quick questions: 1) Every week I receive Weekly Revenue, over 100 payments so far. Where do you think these payments come from? 2) Whenever I contact support I get polite, helpful answers. Who do you think is making these responses? 3) In the past few months Bankera have produced a crypto exchange and launched a crypto loans platform. Again, if there are no staff, no offices and no money, how have they managed these things?
I am genuinely interested in your answers as I am considering buying more BNK tokens. If you are right that would be a foolish action.
And a large state if we could burn the sewage produced by mosprognoz/morris and their ilk.
We could power a mid-sized state if only we could harness the energy in the hot air emitted by the european commission.
I know that BNK soon in Okex and Binance, buy and hold, it will pump hard.
Strange use of the word 'know'.
I've sent my email to the bank of Lithuania to basically open a case of fraud/breaching securities law against Bankera
No, you haven’t.