... Okay, man kann sagen, dass BTC mit Lightning viel mit IOTA gemeinsam hat, obwohl ich sagen muss, dass ich Lightning noch nicht komplett durchstiegen habe. Man kann auch sagen, dass es durch Lightning genauso instant micropayments wie IOTA verarbeiten kann, aber der große Negativpunkt bei Bitcoin sind nun mal die Miner mit ihren dicken Maschinen, die viel Energie verbrauchen. Korrigier mich bitte. ...
Also ich denke man kann den Energieverbrauch von Bitcoin ziemlich genau vorhersagen: Bitcoin wird immer in etwa so viel Energie verbrauchen wie die Blockbelohnung+Gebühren (in Energie) wert sind.Das liegt daran das Miner, solange sie profitabel sind, dazu neigen aufzurüsten, und wenn sie unprofitabel sind eher ihre Miner abschalten. (Also im groben und ganzen) Aber ich hätte einen tollen Vorschlag am Ende doch noch sehr viel Energie einzuspahren...: Schlagt mich tot aber... man könnte doch die ganzen zig-Zilionen Altcoins, an denen ja auch rund um die Uhr rumgemint wird, einfach abschalten... Nachtrag zum Kurs: Haben wir etwa da oben bei $3900,- einen ganz leichten Aufwärtstrend die letzten Tage? Korrekt. Der Stromverbrauch hängt indirekt mit dem Preis zusammen. Egal wie effizient ein Miner ist das Equilibrium ist immer das Gleichgewicht aus Einnahmen und Ausgaben für Strom. Also doppelter Preis = doppelter Stromverbrauch. Um das Gesamtgesellschaftlich zu rechtfertigen muss Bitcoin sehr viele Server etc der Banken überflüssig machen, erst dann wird das ganze sinnvoll. Um das zu erreichen muss Bitcoin (wie auch immer) skalieren.
New post, master says to buy anything 10k and under before the train takes off. This is the last week.
Ganz einfach. Macht Binance weiter Geschäfte mit Iranischen Kunden machen sie in Zukunft keine Geschäfte mehr mit US-Kunden. Binance hat also die Wahl zwischen dem Mini-Markt Iran und dem Millionen-Kunden-Markt USA.
yep.....looks like Craig Wright has gotten his way and will soon be in control of Bitcoin Cash after taking over more than 51% of the BCH network.
Absolute fucking lulz. I have to imagine Roger Ver is literally in tears at this moment. Babies are dying, etc... Unless he really has BTC1MM (or whatever will be left after fighting ABC) and is actually insane enough to believe he can take on BTC i really don't see his end game. So Bitmain will unload their 1MM in bcashSV to him, and if we to believe that he already has 1MM in bcashSV that'll put him at over 2MM+ in bcashSV. A shitcoin with even less support than bcash and a ton of enemies WTF is he planning on doing with that? His view is quite obv imo: He builds a better product than the rest and therefore generates demand. If Reddit, Twitter or Bitcointalk like him or not won't be decisive for success or not. Now you can obv disagree if the markets will agree with him or not or if he really will have a better product but you asked for his "plan" and here you go, that's his plan.
kann mir jemand sagen, wie er seine Gläubigernummer bekommen hat?
Die Glaübigernummer gabs nach dem ersten Insolvenzverfahren. Wurde per email mitgeteilt.
Hi everyone,
wassup? Haven't been active for a while, but now i am back.
Welcome back!! You will get more info on what's up on Slack and Discord I will have a look
Hi everyone,
wassup? Haven't been active for a while, but now i am back.
We are going to the core
What core? The Hardcore.
This recent bullrun just shows how important it is to be listed at CMC.
Don't lose your shirt. i miss ccmf
Just a suggestion;
Is it an idea to raise some money to hire a marketing team? And also finalise the website..
Im willing to contribute some money to this fundraising and Im sure many others to..
We can easily raise 50k.. that should be enough to hire a good marketing team for a while!
@ IMI, maybe you can manage these funds and also hire the marketing team?
I agree with the idea and would donate too, but unfortunately i am not available for managing the funds etc. Eventually wait with marketing until everything works? You know makes a bigger "Bam!"
PUMP Hi guys, I just saw that more than half of all XEL (50,698,500 of 89,390,937) are on the BitTrex account (XEL-AQVJ-PPCK-QJYJ-8T65V) It's bad practice and undermines the idea of decentralization... please think about it if you have your XEL on BitTrex and consider putting it on a private account. Have a nice weekend! PS: If the situation keeps like this, I really hope that XEL will be delisted from Bittrex to wash out the Bittrex-Hodlers This coin will have a pump without doubts very big. And here about the exchange that removed a coin from the exchange to me frankly speaking your thought is not absolutely clear. Perhaps I what also understand that I exclude it. i don't understand. How is it possible that more than half of all XEL are owned only by one people? I don't think this is really safe for xel itself.. Half of XEL are not "owned by one people" half of XEL are stored at Bittrex. That's a phenomenon you see with lots and lots of other currencies and nothing unusual. Most buyers don't withdraw their funds onto their wallet, so the exchanges store the majority of coins.
Nobody says anything about the EK announcement?
There was an ICO. I signed the Genesis block with a cryptographic signature to get my coins. But thanks for the link! I missed that one somehow Remember the Elastic website where you could send Bitcoins and get in reverse XEL? It said explicitly "This is no ICO. You are donating, not investing." So, no there was no ICO, just a donation and you got XEL for every Bitcoin donation you did. BIG difference to the usual ICOs where you as investor are able to demand stuff from the developers, while here (as this project is intended to be mostly community driven) there are no demands of investors to anyone.
Die Forderungen gegen MtGox bestanden zum Teil eben auch in Fiat.
Die Forderungen bestehen alle in FIAT. Ich glaube mich daran zu erinnern, dass ich gefragt wurde, ob ich FIAT oder BTC wieder haben wollte. Das war, als ich die Forderungen über Kraken angemeldet habe. Sicher, nur nach japanischem Recht gibt es sowas wie Ansprüche auf Bitcoin in dem Fall nicht. Wir haben alle nur Ansprüche auf JPY. So ist das nunmal und daran trägt weder Mark noch der Insolvenzverwalter Schuld sondern schlicht die Tatsache das Gesetze etc (noch) nicht für Bitcoin ausgelegt sind.