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1  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Millennials and Gen Z are now more to embrace luxury products on: September 01, 2022, 05:04:10 PM
It's likely the instant gratification attitudes and all those acronym feelings like FOMO, YOLO, etc. People live in the moment, trying to get whatever happiness they can get. And I don't blame them, with the state of the economy and the society today.
2  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Our children should be our first priority on: September 01, 2022, 04:19:55 PM
And you have to start them young. With how the world is these days, sometimes good parenting wouldn't be enough. I think main priority is to teach them to be able to resist peer pressure later on when they hit their teens. That's usually want fuck up many people's lives.
3  Other / Politics & Society / Re: War in Ethiopia, why is everyone silent? on: August 29, 2022, 06:29:09 PM
I totally forgot about this. Didn't knew it was still on going. I do remember it being covered in the news around the time that Addis Ababba was at risk of falling to the rebel army. It kinda went off the radar after that was averted.

But that is how war is. All the "international community" can do is try to get both sides to do negotiations and (hopefully) get both to abide by human rights rules, otherwise they have to settle these differences themselves.
4  Other / Politics & Society / Re: At what point will one say that he or she has had enough money? on: August 14, 2022, 03:38:59 PM
What is "enough" depends on the person, both on his need and his mind. Some people make more than enough for what's needed for their lifestyle and still "It's not enough". Ever wondered why some company top brass still engage in illegal schemes to make money even though they're already fuckin rich?

Me personally I just want my basic needs met and have enough for saving to make sure I live comfortably till I die. But even then I know that people's "needs" change over time. Like for now I'm content with my 3 y/o phone that I got at around $140 at the time, who knows in the future if I'd consider buying a new iPhone every year a "basic need". 

Humans are perplexing sometimes.
5  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia plays the blame game on: August 04, 2022, 05:32:30 PM
I swear, someone's building a giant transmutation circle in that area LOL. Anyway, Russia don't really have any right to complain about these hot new toys, they're the ones the fired the first shot.

They could have settled with a proxy war between Kyiv and the separatist regions they were supporting but they instead chose to put their boots on the ground. Now they're going to keep getting bogged down there. There were already within striking distance of Kyiv, they could have drastically cut this conflict short by outright taking over the capital and installing a new government.
6  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Police action proves unborn babies are alive and worth protecting on: June 16, 2022, 03:56:23 PM
Glad to know that the baby survived though it'll be definitely be surreal for it later knowing how he was alive in a dead body. Had they both died it should have counted as double murder.

I understand that people like debating about whether a fetus is an entity separate from its mother but personally I lean towards it being a "living being" once it undergo cell division.

7  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How possible was dubai transformed from desert to world tourist country in 50 ye on: June 09, 2022, 02:39:51 PM
Short answer: Oil

Long answer: Oil and foreign expertise and labor

Oh well, I guess it also helps that it's somewhat less draconian at imposing their religion based laws. Otherwise the Dubai Portapotties wouldn't be able to earn their living and will have to settle for Onlyfans.  Grin

There are many oil rich rich countries like Dubai but they could not make such huge progress because they are politically not stable and leadership is corrupt so oil is not the only reason for their fast development. There are many other reasons and one of them is Dedicated  and forward looking leadership who has smartly used Dubai oil wealth, Western brain and Asian muscle to reach where they are now.

I'd like to think that there was an initial decision to be a little bit more relaxed (they do have less oil than say, KSA). That in turn encouraged experts, etc and they just have to keep maintaining that status.
8  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Acceptance gays ,lesbianism and transgender in the society on: June 09, 2022, 02:12:07 PM
I'm fine with people being able to live their lives without being harassed

I think that's a fairly common attitude.  I know I don't think people should be harassed or discriminated against because of their sexual preference.  My only issue is when they want to start denying reality.  Getting angry for being called a man when they identify as a woman for example, or wanting to use the wrong restroom...  I'm fine to let people dress and act however they want, it's only when they try to force others to entertain their fantasies and give them special treatment that I start to take issue.

Wholeheartedly agree with your last statement. It has now gone to ridiculous levels that you can get cancelled for trying to answer the "What is a woman?" question. You've probably heard of the issue with "Lia" Thomas. It's frustrating to see these happening.
9  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Acceptance gays ,lesbianism and transgender in the society on: June 03, 2022, 04:19:26 PM
Just look at many of these hypocrite companies' social media logo during this Pride month, compare the Western branch with those in China and the Middle East. That should show you were it's acceptable or not. Even these companies aren't delusional enough to insist on celebrating it where it's unacceptable.

I'm fine with people being able to live their lives without being harassed though it seems that the lgbt is being pushed in the West to normalize the people that call themselves "MAP". It seems to be a slippery slope.
10  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How possible was dubai transformed from desert to world tourist country in 50 ye on: June 03, 2022, 03:48:08 PM
Short answer: Oil

Long answer: Oil and foreign expertise and labor

Oh well, I guess it also helps that it's somewhat less draconian at imposing their religion based laws. Otherwise the Dubai Portapotties wouldn't be able to earn their living and will have to settle for Onlyfans.  Grin
11  Economy / Economics / Re: What is the golden rule of investment? on: June 01, 2022, 05:02:38 PM
That is unfortunate, I hope your friend's friends recover financially and mentally. You can also tell your friend to stop beating himself up. Sure he was the one who introduced them to Luna (and it was definitely not a good advice) but they are the ones who decided to risk their money for what is clearly hyped up shit.

The LUNA scandal reminds me of BitConnect, just in another form. Those who learn their lesson are the not the targets of these, it is the newly joined users or no-coiners who start their journey in crypto via such scams, sadly.

I think that's how it really is. People who are familiar with even just bitcoin for 2-5 years would have already learned that these alts are nothing but things to pump and dump, and wouldn't have risked a lot money if they ever "invest".

Moral of the story: Don't risk money you can't afford to lose. Till the next big scam.
12  Other / Politics & Society / Re: When will it all end? on: June 01, 2022, 03:57:14 PM
Can you post the link here. I haven't heard of this. And how is he even gonna get money from killing her? Did he kidnap her for money? Was this some sort of dark web torture porn?

I think humans has always done sick shit like this, it's just that they are gaining more exposure now. Can't really blame it simply on the economics considering the majority of the poor don't resort to these evil deeds.
13  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are we expecting another invasion?? on: May 31, 2022, 03:32:04 PM

Ukraine in NATO on the other hand is just something that would be nice to pester Russia with but something the guys in Washington wouldn't lose sleep over.

Perhaps. These invasions don't exist in vacuum so it's difficult to gauge what sort of things are actually pertinent in the decision making process for the folks in Washington. If it's money at the end of the tunnel, then that might be a good indicator of immediate action. Hong Kong was taken by China without much push back from the U.S. I wouldn't expect them to get militarily involved, for obvious reasons, but hardly any condemnation. Taiwan isn't a Hong Kong, and Taiwan isn't a Ukraine. It might be an instance of waiting to see what happens because I'm a firm believer that China will make an attempt at Taiwan within the next 10-20 years, if not sooner. We will find out eventually.

With HK there was really nothing they can do, it was already turned over and it's inevitable that Beijing will tighten its hold. As for Taiwan, yes China likely to invade within that time period, before it starts really slowing down due to demographics, etc.
14  Economy / Economics / Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war on: May 31, 2022, 02:40:56 PM
Amazing how that one country alone is being relied on for wheat by several countries and that it not being able to export could cause unrest in these. Also starkly reminds us of how interconnected our countries has become that many are no longer able to feed themselves efficiently.

If does come to a no-more-wheat scenario, there's really no choice but to eat something else. When our country started having rice shortages a few decades ago, people ended up having to eat more sweet potato and cassava. So maybe less pita and more pilaf for the Middle Easterners, for example. Tortilla ain't that bad either.
Actually a lot of countries are bring relied on for various goods and Ukraine is one of the major exporter for wheat. And when one major exporter have been disrupted, other countries tend to be disrupted as well. However, this disruption will not last forever as government will search for alternative to import from.
Just like what happened with you when shortage happened on rice, but later on rice has been available but it came from other country instead and a price fluctuations due to changes on importer of rice.

Yes, the market kinda corrects it eventually. However there is the problems that the other producers might also limit their exports. I just think that the real risk is some of these importing regions are volatile and that's what people are worrying about - that a few weeks of shortages would make these areas erupt again.
15  Economy / Economics / Re: World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war on: May 27, 2022, 06:25:22 PM
Amazing how that one country alone is being relied on for wheat by several countries and that it not being able to export could cause unrest in these. Also starkly reminds us of how interconnected our countries has become that many are no longer able to feed themselves efficiently.

If does come to a no-more-wheat scenario, there's really no choice but to eat something else. When our country started having rice shortages a few decades ago, people ended up having to eat more sweet potato and cassava. So maybe less pita and more pilaf for the Middle Easterners, for example. Tortilla ain't that bad either.
16  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are we expecting another invasion?? on: May 27, 2022, 05:34:26 PM
Hard to predict when China would actually pull through with it but it's inevitable that it would attack. It would not allow Taiwan to remain free. I do saw some vids that for reasons, China have to do this within this decade.

Most people don't realize why Taiwan is more important to the U.S. than Ukraine was. See the immense chip production Taiwan is responsible for:

Even without the chip monopoly I doubt the US would take lightly the "reunification" of Taiwan with China. It basically allows China power projection into the Pacific and would compromise US positions there. From hereon nothing stands in the way into America.

Ukraine in NATO on the other hand is just something that would be nice to pester Russia with but something the guys in Washington wouldn't lose sleep over.
17  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Finland Officially announces its intention to join NATO on: May 20, 2022, 03:30:22 PM
Well Finland and possibly Sweden better get in fast while Russia is distracted with the whole Ukraine issue. At least Ukraine didn't suffer for nothing.

The process of joining the US-led military bloc NATO requires the approval of the existing 30 member states. At the moment Erdogan says Turkey not supportive of Finland, Sweden joining NATO [Source: Reuters]

LOL is Turkey still bitter about not being allowed into the EU? Or there's some deal with Russia? Interesting to find out it's by consensus rather than by majority vote. Kinda like ASEAN and how China basically can veto anything that it disapprove via its proxies in the bloc.

Turkey can leave NATO anytime.

I just found it funny that his reason is that these Nordic countries "home to many terrorist organizations".
18  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Finland Officially announces its intention to join NATO on: May 15, 2022, 03:52:54 PM
Well Finland and possibly Sweden better get in fast while Russia is distracted with the whole Ukraine issue. At least Ukraine didn't suffer for nothing.

The process of joining the US-led military bloc NATO requires the approval of the existing 30 member states. At the moment Erdogan says Turkey not supportive of Finland, Sweden joining NATO [Source: Reuters]

LOL is Turkey still bitter about not being allowed into the EU? Or there's some deal with Russia? Interesting to find out it's by consensus rather than by majority vote. Kinda like ASEAN and how China basically can veto anything that it disapprove via its proxies in the bloc.
19  Economy / Economics / Re: Constant defamation of crypto on: May 11, 2022, 03:31:53 PM
Nothing new. They want to reserve the power to mint and manipulate money to themselves - it allows them to legally steal your savings. It's a nice racket so obviously they don't want it to change.
20  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2000 Mules on: May 11, 2022, 02:49:46 PM
I don't think anything can be done with media and big tech since they seem to have always veered left. What are Republicans doing about the supposed cheating though? And what are their plans to prevent it from happening again?
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