Does anyone have a LHR 3080? I would like to know what hashrate you are getting with that version. I see the TI version can hit as high as 95MH/s but how well does the 3080 do?
1.23 will have a tiny speedup in the cuda 11.5 build for nvidia. For AMD less stale shares on etheremine, flexpool, crazypool and nicehash. We use --xintensity 24 as default on these pools instead of -1.
v1.23 will be released tomorrow
Hi sp_. Will 1.23 have the new LHR unlock or is that still work in progress?
The new beta version is finally ready. You can download PhoenixMiner 5.7a from here:
PhoenixMiner currently does not use GitHub so this post (again) is suspicious. Check the OP, on page 1, for link to real versions of PhoenixMiner. Yep indeed. As soon as I see them I report them to the moderator. The quicker they get reported the less chance people will click on them.
Do you have any idea why I got so many invalid share compared to valid share?  Running with GTX 1080 ti and 1070s Might back off the clock settings. Usually if you look at the miner output it will tell you if all of the cards are throwing incorrect shares or just one. That way you can adjust the one that is actually throwing the incorrect shares. I have one 1070 that will throw incorrect shares if I put the mem clock to +950.
Is anyone running a 6800, 6800XT or 6900XT with SAM enabled with Phoenix miner? I am waiting for mine to come in and I am thinking 100MH/s could be possible with it but would like to see some real world numbers.
So just trying this out on my 8GB Sapphire RX580 and it tells me it can't load the DAG because it's too large. This is odd because it's an 8GB card. Is there some parameter I am missing? Well I just re-read the post above and since I have same type of card, that might be the same issue..
new epoch +389 change allocation in config claymore and other miner change "-eres 2 to -eres 1 or 0" I tried that and same thing. I just went back to Phoenix miner since I was able to get that to work under mOS instead of Windows.
So just trying this out on my 8GB Sapphire RX580 and it tells me it can't load the DAG because it's too large. This is odd because it's an 8GB card. Is there some parameter I am missing? Well I just re-read the post above and since I have same type of card, that might be the same issue..
The new beta version is ready. You can download PhoenixMiner 5.5b
Hello, do you have plans to fix ethash performance under win7 for Nvidia 10 series GPUs? What issue are you referring to? If you are talking about the slow down over the years, there is nothing miner software can do to fix that. It's an problem with hardware/firmware design and NVIDIA won't fix it.
Hi all,
I have 13 x RTX580 4GB cards, I can still have 5.4c version running, but the hashrate is no more than 9.3MHs per card. Is there any way to still use them or are they condemned to die? Last year I was mining @ 31 per card, now is less than 1/3, is the power consumption also reduced towards 31MHs or it's still consuming the same but the result is 1/3 (9.3MHs) ?
Just let it die. DAG is over 4GB now so it's pretty surprising that they still are running at all.
But that does not answer my question. I use Miner-Manager often, but it does not do anything to launch a miner. It will update a miner or add a new miner to the system.
It may take a system mod to do what I want. I want to launch and run PhoenixMiner as root. --scryptr
This might sound stupid but have you tried sudo and the or su and
Hi all, my mining rig is back to life after 2 years... Hardware:ASRock H110 Pro BTC+ (Bios 1.60) 2 x Corsair HX1000 6 x Radeon RX 580 8GB (modded Bios) 6 x Radeon RX 470 4GB (modded Bios) Software:Windows 10 20H2 19042.685 (the latest) AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.12.1 PhoenixMiner 5.4c ATIkmdag-patcher 1.4.9 Settings:64GB Allocated Memory in Windows 10 (PheonixMiner asks to allocate minimum 42GB+ for 12 cards, I allocated 64GB). All cards RX 470 & RX 580 are modded (bios) + atikmdag-patcher for drivers. AMD Radeon software -> every card has been switched from 'Graphics' to "Compute" mode. I am running 12 cards at the moment and everything is stable but I have VERY LOW hashrate on all RX 470 4GB between 6-9MH/s. I restored original bioses on all RX 470's and run miner without RX 580's - hashrate was 8MH/s on all cards. Is it time for selling RX 470 4GB cards, or am I doing something wrong??  It is time to retire 4GB cards. ETH DAG size is already 4.023GB so there is no room in the GPU mem for the DAG to be loaded. There were some ways to limp on for a few more days but I think they have passed now. Time to put them out to pasture.. or better yet try and sell them..
hello All !!!! i`m new in here so ... my question is : what miner shuld i use right now in this date 07.01.2021 i`ve readed that there are some problems with clymore or something like this some Scam/hack something like this
tonight i`ll put my rig all together (luky that i`ve bought gpu`s last month so prices were acceptable) pls any suggestion or idea or anything is welcomed
It depends on what you intend on mining. Most people mining ETH are using lolminer, team red miner or Phoenix miner.
Hi everyone, I just switched from Claymore to Phoenix and I was surprised at how easy it was to make the switch. One thing I noticed though is that the speed for mining ethereum is a bit lower than Claymore, and my GPU doesn't seem to be utilized to its fullest potential (even though I'm overclocking my GPU). Usually, with Claymore, I would get around 10 mh/s and my GPU was hitting around 70 celsius. Now, as you can see from the image, it's mining around 8.8-9 mh/s and the temperature is below 60 celsius. Any ideas what I can do to maximize the mining potential? Much appreciated!  From the screenshot it looks like you are running a RX400/500 series GPU. Getting 10MH/s is not right on either miners. You need to turn on Compute mode in order for it to hash at the correct speed. You can turn Compute mode on in the AMD Control Center settings if you have that installed or by adding -acm to your config. You will need to run the .bat file as Admin if you add -acm to your config.
Tried to mine, but always getting 13:08:12:540 1288 Setting DAG epoch #385 for GPU0 13:08:12:540 1288 Create GPU buffer for GPU0 13:08:12:548 1288 CUDA error - cannot allocate big buffer for DAG. Check readme.txt for possible solutions.
4GB video ram, 8 gb ram, 32 gb virtual memory isnt enough?
If I am not mistaken, the fix is to allow cards with 6GB or 8GB to continue using Claymore's miner. ETH dag is larger than 4GB now so 4GB cards still won't work.
-eres 0 Got it working again, though not sure how well or for how long.
Thanks for the info, it helped get my 1070 TI/1080 rig back and working. With Phoenix I lost 20MH/s so glad it got back to normal again!
Supports AMD RX5600 xt?
Yep it does. I have a rig of 5 of them and it runs fine.
Hello everyone, if you can help me; merci beaucoup !
I tried everything i could think of but i guess i'm really bad with this stuff. I have a rig 6x580 which works perfectly but i can't seem to make my NVIDIA 1070 mine on my gaming pc. Anyone has an idea for me ?
I thought it was Windows defender (which i disabled and/or added an exception) Then i thought it was the driver thingy (explained on the front page) did all the steps and still miner doesnt start. I have a feeling it's a dumb mistake on my part, any one has a clue ? (Raised virtual memory to 36k, just in case) nada..
Here is where i get stuck: ---------------------------------------
C:\Users\Gab\Desktop\PhoenixMiner_5.3b_Windows_AMD_NVIDIA (Password-phoenix)>setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0
SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.
C:\Users\Gab\Desktop\PhoenixMiner_5.3b_Windows_AMD_NVIDIA (Password-phoenix)>setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100
SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.
C:\Users\Gab\Desktop\PhoenixMiner_5.3b_Windows_AMD_NVIDIA (Password-phoenix)>setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1
SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.
C:\Users\Gab\Desktop\PhoenixMiner_5.3b_Windows_AMD_NVIDIA (Password-phoenix)>setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100
SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.
C:\Users\Gab\Desktop\PhoenixMiner_5.3b_Windows_AMD_NVIDIA (Password-phoenix)>setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100
SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.
C:\Users\Gab\Desktop\PhoenixMiner_5.3b_Windows_AMD_NVIDIA (Password-phoenix)>PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -pool2 -wal 0x8F5114f9E496d35fb155cD1B1Fd43aF592e554ed.TinyMiner2 -proto 2 -nvidia -eres 0 -daglim 1 Phoenix Miner 5.3b Windows/msvc - Release build -----------------------------------------------
CUDA version: 11.0, CUDA runtime: 8.0 Available GPUs for mining: GPU1: GeForce GTX 1070 (pcie 1), CUDA cap. 6.1, 8 GB VRAM, 15 CUs
C:\Users\Gab\Desktop\PhoenixMiner_5.3b_Windows_AMD_NVIDIA (Password-phoenix)>pause Press any key to continue . . .
What am i forgetting..jeez. Thanks for any input
Did you download the miner from this forum or from another location? The ones from other locations are malicious..
2 questions:
1) Is phoenixminer open source?
2) On startup, phoenixMiner prints out a list of GPU's. On each line is a percentage value. What does this number represent?
1) It is not open source. 2) The percentage is the DAG being loaded into memory on each GPU. Once it reaches 100% mining will start.
Anyone seeing decreased performance with 1080 Ti now? 1070s have had reduced performance for a while, but 1080 Ti seemed to be hanging in there pretty strong with eth pill. Now, I'm only getting 34-35 MH/s per card; down from 40.
Im at 36MH/s with a regular 1080 not TI. I am also using the straps and no ETH pill. Maybe try using the straps instead of the ETH pill.
New project for miners, absolute free, this project development "ETHlargement" - EthereumPill release Support Algo: Ethash/KawPow/ProgPow
More info: Removed
Hashrate: 1080ti - 58 mh/s 2060 - 59 mh/s 2070 - 60-62 mh/s 2080 - 63-67 mh/s 2080ti - 68-71 mh/s 3070 - 76-78 mh/s 3080 - 97-99 mh/s 3090 - 115-127 mh/s
P.S.: the project is being drowned by competitors, don't trust anyone, check the information yourself
Can you please guys report this account for violating the bitcointalk rules, for how many times the admin warns all of the member to stop posting or quoting the topic about this pill, because it is a hacker tool that very dangerous to your wallet if ever you have run in your computer. When you quote the original, please remove the link. If you don't it keeps it alive still. Post has been reported to moderator.