Can someone tell me, how many coins are created each day?
Not sure if I got this right but checking the list of addresses I roughly counted around 3780 addresses (correct me if I'm wrong)
Based on the coins created per day in each batch is around 1 coin so each address creates around 10 coins a day (assuming an address has all 10 batches still and never created any).
So total of 37.8k coins created per day.
That doesn't mean they are available for trading.
This assumes every address hasn't created any batches.
But they did already lets check that out.
Current supply (created coins from batches): 6,345,910.98 coins
Each batch at the moment generates: 1280.38 (approx)
Total batches created: ~4956 batches.
From that: 4956 batches/10 batches=495 accounts.
So roughly 495 accounts have been lets call it burnt, they will no longer generate any coins.
495 accounts*10 coins per day=4956 coins per day.
Total coins generated per day as of now: 37800-4956=32844 coins per day.
So inflation has dropped 13.11% since addresses started creating batches.
Does that sound right?