I'm willing to give the new developer team the benefit of the doubt and hope they can continue developing this coin for the benefit of all the early adopters!
Thank you for your trust, we will always grow and bring DRXNE up 
XTRABYTES WEBSITE UPDATE Thank you to EVERYONE who has worked on our website to date. They have done a fantastic job overall and I would like to mention everyone but rather than leave anyone out I will just say on behalf of the XTRABYTES Community, thank you all for your contributions and for those busting their butts for the last 2 weeks - THANK YOU!!! You all are AWESOME!! XFUEL is in the MAIL!! https://xtrabytes.global/Very nice site
Seeing a lot of gaming blockchain icos these days, but i really think only 2-3 of them will actually survive, this is a one hell of amakerte
Yes, we will be one of the few surviving and successful projects 
Did this coin fail once? Why is that?  We did not fail, everything was just the beginning 
Hey guys, we have conducted a brand new change on Twitter to @ DRXNEgaming. If you have not followed us yet, follow us on Twitter now https://twitter.com/DRXNEgaming
Hi Dev, What are you planning for next time? masternode. swap....
Yes, we are currently working on a new site, after the site is complete, we will focus on releasing new games.
Guys good luck with the takeover.
You think it's possible to solve, in the short terms, the minimal withdraw issue with Cryptopia? 100'000 DRXNE it's a little out of my budget and I don't understand how other people not blame about that. I simply have 2K DRXNE in the wallet staking and 25K on Cryptopia blocked waiting to buy more. I lost 40% of staking in the last 7 days. How do you manage that?
Yes, I have contacted Crytopia's support team, waiting for updates from them.
Once everything is up and running, and the community has taken over, if you guys need any help with promoting and advertising it in the market let me know! I would love to help
Yes, thanks for your support 
I see Elix very potential and want to invest in this project. Can someone tell me how much Elix's inflation? Is there a maximum limit for the amount of coin?
why so big volume in trade? all asians buy coins? I dont think so!  because whale in the trade 
How much is this coin now? Are the games launched or when will be launched , probably with games launched will have more value or not?
Yes, games will be released in the future, but we need time to do so
A poll was taken on the Slack channel and 14 out of 280 members voted for proactive action and to restart development. In case the original dev returns, the Roadmap may be adjusted but for now this is the direction. Interim RoadmapBuild a new Droxne website Integrate APIs to show DXRNE price, PoS difficulty , share count on website homepage Develop forum signatures for Junior, Member, Full/Senior, Hero/Legendary members Create an API to allow purchase/sale of gaming products on Droxne marketplace Support the Droxne Twitter Site, follow the site, https://twitter.com/xXDROXNExCOINXxSupport the Droxne Facebook site, follow the site, address TBD Create/Maintain additional media channels: Discord, Steemit, Reddit, Blogspot, etc Provide direction and guidance to the Droxne BCT and Slack communities Build a developer fund to facilitate payment of bounties – initially community donations Create a detailed white paper with history, gaming overview, team and roadmap Creation of new Droxne ANN Develop management team and create biographies for each team member Team UpdateSeven people in the Slack have stepped forward offering to help including some of the top 50 investors. The team is in the process of being formed. As of now we do not yet have a developer fund, so it too early to pay bounties for the various items above. At this early stage, we will need to work as community volunteers. Long term we will need core of at least four team members: SEO expert, blockchain developer, cloud computing/data scientist and social media manager that contribute to the effort on a part time basis. Please contact me over Slack or BCT if you wish to join. So, tell me why you would like to jumpstart a project with a dev that intentionally crashes the price? When he or she still owns a substantial portion of the coin. I know several ppl lost money, I bought at 3k, so I feel it. However, unless the dev can show proof of work on promised games, am not gonna sit idle and let someone else get drawn in this position.Because we want DRXNE to grow. We do not intend to remove the old dev from this project. When he returns, he can assume a position in our team. Am going to repeat again. Why do you want to grow a coin with a dev that had intentionally fucked the investors and crashed the price? It might make sense if the coin was evenly distributed but the majority of the coin is still owned by the dev. So, is your plan to increase the price, just so he can come back and dump it down again? Well, you can do whatever you want but as I said, am going to keep potential investors aware of the trapOk, that's your right, you can do whatever you want, nobody bans you for that!  Our plan is not to raise prices, we just want to re-develop the platform, create a useful project for the gamer community. When the value of this platform is high, the price of DRXNE will also increase accordingly. As DRXNE's prices soar, the dev can pour his pennies to the market, DRXNE's prices may fall but the real value of the platform will not be affected, so prices will rebind as fast
Prices soared so fast, now I feel a little anxious because of its rise!
followed , but i want to know is this facebook official? i didnt see dev active a long time We are preparing to take over this project, social media work is now a new beginning Nice move , I place now a buy order looking for the bright future of droxne coin. Yes, you are right. We will go forward
A poll was taken on the Slack channel and 14 out of 280 members voted for proactive action and to restart development. In case the original dev returns, the Roadmap may be adjusted but for now this is the direction. Interim RoadmapBuild a new Droxne website Integrate APIs to show DXRNE price, PoS difficulty , share count on website homepage Develop forum signatures for Junior, Member, Full/Senior, Hero/Legendary members Create an API to allow purchase/sale of gaming products on Droxne marketplace Support the Droxne Twitter Site, follow the site, https://twitter.com/xXDROXNExCOINXxSupport the Droxne Facebook site, follow the site, address TBD Create/Maintain additional media channels: Discord, Steemit, Reddit, Blogspot, etc Provide direction and guidance to the Droxne BCT and Slack communities Build a developer fund to facilitate payment of bounties – initially community donations Create a detailed white paper with history, gaming overview, team and roadmap Creation of new Droxne ANN Develop management team and create biographies for each team member Team UpdateSeven people in the Slack have stepped forward offering to help including some of the top 50 investors. The team is in the process of being formed. As of now we do not yet have a developer fund, so it too early to pay bounties for the various items above. At this early stage, we will need to work as community volunteers. Long term we will need core of at least four team members: SEO expert, blockchain developer, cloud computing/data scientist and social media manager that contribute to the effort on a part time basis. Please contact me over Slack or BCT if you wish to join. So, tell me why you would like to jumpstart a project with a dev that intentionally crashes the price? When he or she still owns a substantial portion of the coin. I know several ppl lost money, I bought at 3k, so I feel it. However, unless the dev can show proof of work on promised games, am not gonna sit idle and let someone else get drawn in this position.Because we want DRXNE to grow. We do not intend to remove the old dev from this project. When he returns, he can assume a position in our team.
is there a simple guide to staking xby
No, you cannot be staking. XBY hasn't POS
It has reached over 2200 sat  Rupee go to Moon. haha
is there anyone out there that can revive this coin ?? i know c-cex has delisted it but it would be great if this project can start up again at some point.
Dev is holding most of the coin, so it will be difficult for anyone who wants to develop the coin again
High profits come with high risk. So just invest in the range you can afford