followed , but i want to know is this facebook official? i didnt see dev active a long time We are preparing to take over this project, social media work is now a new beginning
Droxne will rise? ^^ I make some BTC with my method, maybe i will buy some Yes, the current price is very cheap 
A roadmap will be launched in a few days
 dev is not here anymore, who will launch this? community? it is open source now? Yes, we have formed a new team to take over this project
A roadmap will be launched in a few days
hey guys, i was not here for a while, what's going on? Will we switch PIE to another coin?
Hello all Buy 30/09 People support
Hey Nguyendong, What is the "Buy 30/9"?
WARNING!!! This coin is scam The developer is pushing the people in slack to PROMOTE this coin in BITTREX He is hyiping the coin
HE LIES about the WP to releaseon last week Their excuse is.. the white paper is under editing Imagine for 2 weeks editing and not yet finished
Every people asking for white paper is getting banned on their page DO NOT BUY THIS COIN. THIS IS FRAUD COIN
The coin will fall back to 1 sat after all you who bought at 1 sat start dumping the coin for 2 0r 3 sat. Be warned this is scam. The team can't even speak correct English. White paper release within few hour.. just wait and see... ready for bull... eth/ree, usd/ree already confirm.. more exclusive news coming tonight  Do you want to buy at 1 sat? 
WARNING!!! This coin is scam The developer is pushing the people in slack to PROMOTE this coin in BITTREX He is hyiping the coin
HE LIES about the WP to releaseon last week Their excuse is.. the white paper is under editing Imagine for 2 weeks editing and not yet finished
Every people asking for white paper is getting banned on their page DO NOT BUY THIS COIN. THIS IS FRAUD COIN
You are a newbie, you created this account for the purpose of FUD 
now going to pump for 3sat coin... 2sat finish already yahooo....
to the moon
yeah,,, im in when 1 sat.. ready to ride lambo to the moon..  i also in 1sat.. but cant buy lambo cause but 299k only lol hehe of course u can,, when the price reach 10k sat.. When the price reaches 10k sat, I will to buy 10 lambo. haha
I don't get it... CMC lists over 12 million coins in circulation, but i see just over a billion of them on the exchange. What's the deal? why is the info on CMC not updated?
Yes, I also have the same questions as you, maybe due to dev busy developing white paper so have not had time to care about marketing update information on CMC, we need patience and give he a little time.
This link does not work. Please check again yup the link does not work.. please give the new one... and guy get ready for this coin to be pump hard to 1 ree- 1euro  haha, that was a dream that what they put on their web hehe  That only happens when Reecoin can grow until 2027 
This link does not work. Please check again yup the link does not work.. please give the new one... and guy get ready for this coin to be pump hard to 1 ree- 1euro  haha, that was a dream
This link does not work. Please check again
hey nguyendong, we can not access this link slack because we do not have an account there, you need to bring slack link to invite people, not this link.
Will coins be burned? Because only 0.2% of the coins are currently in circulation according to, which means the actual market cap is around $500k.
I think that is confusion about the information on coinmarketcap. The current circulation amount is over 6.6 billion Reecoin
Time of 1-2 satoshi per REE is about to be over, big up is coming. Will sell my REE not lower than 15 satoshi per coin, I know I'm generous enough to sell it that cheap  I will sell at 100 sat
Hey guys, I want to be joining the slack, can someone send me the invite? 
TRADING ON NOVA EXCHANGE NOW LIVE Or trade in ETH Or trade in LTC yeh, great, i will bring BTC to NovaExchange to buy some XBY