Cactus chain pacviewer is a deadly piece of software its associated with irfanviewer, an image viewer for windows systems developed by a shy buffoon irfan. He lives in delirium in state of retardation and is known as scat eater. Cactus or pactus, this does not change shit about it and does not cancel the shameful ties with irfan viewer development. I have found more traces of the symbiotic relationship between the two leading down the rabbit hole. No sure if anyone wants to hear but I am scared to tell.
Call 911 or the feds office and tell them to lock down the area and kick off the perquisition of neighboring houses. They might billet the criminal rig rags who stole the passphrase and kidnapped ur uncle. I just took a dump in a frying pan and having done that I can tell with the uttermost assurance I have no idea why people still buy anything that is not bitcoin.
LMAO. Why bother. Very limited coin due to algo. Another FPGA coin that a select few can mine... If you can't buy a miner to help spread supply you get 3 large whales that will simply dump on listing. Over 1.5Th in FPGA speeds. What's a GPU gonna do? If you want a project adopted by more than 10 people you need a better algo, or multi algo.
Redblock red like vagina lips color. Nothing can better supplement ur lust for money earned through market selling a big chunk of funny token than desire to delve into the opening formed by genitalia lips. I have tampered with mining pools feeding in fake block count from my own chain which I mined on same rpc ports. Now chain is halted. We can now talk about release of that money I was promised to get if I took over the coin.
In the interim more needs to be unleashed to knock off the railing mouths behind ur back. More input on whats to come. Mountains are shaking from my stepping on them with unwashed feet of unhealthy color sticking out of flared up pantaloons like bulky lintels. I have my presence established and my voice is heard across the vast swathe of area. The reason I am here already means a lot for those who are allowed to understand whats going on.
Every node buyer gets one out of 1000 rare pictures of wrecked lamborgini parts. They are available in 3D in amazeballs quality on opensea. These NFTs can be sold for $90 each. Not much but enough to foot the bill for a she male u are engaged with, if u take that she male to a restaurant. SHO token drops can be exchanged for real fiat and CBDC certificates sold in the booth that also sells tickets for your gloryhole experience.
I lost close to 80% on this coin when I invested in 2017, any regrets? NO! I learnt a lot from Gulden as my first crypto. Thank fuck I did sell or I would be over 95% loss with todays prices. Most people invested in this coin because of the emotion it stirred up for some of us in the Netherlands which gave this blockchain some value, mainly emotional value. With the new name the emotional value is gone.
Buy ID or SEI or whatever launches up next. I mean launchpad coins are never a sure bet but within all that pointless bullion of worthless distressed shitcoins sometimes can be found gems. I am done with random coins and more over, I am done with small capitalizations. This market has proven that cheaper and less known coins always lose to top dogs.
LocalMonero and Agoradesk have added WOW trading pairs! They also have apps with WOW pairs! Let's goooooooo!
I told them to. 2 much merit was lost on these two, with constant goading and prodding having been spent on them since forever they have been reluctant to accept the pairs. It would have lasted until infinity if I had not bullied them. I had car parts on craig list, had to turn down any offers and ship the parts to these two smack shacks. In exchange for parts they added the pairs. If u ask them they will snub this information.
I was unable to follow through with your breakdown of 'Ledger of Unique Things". That you have nodes that watchdog the network is understandable. However what assets are prevented from copying this way is unclear. Is not it just flat that crypto uses NFT to represent tangible objects and ownership of them? Why do u need shape recognition software to put data in the blockchain? Just use NFT.
Lets keep semantics at bay and dive into parachain building. This chain is ideal for large node clusters. Joining them are supposed to be parachain tunnels, two directional highway for data migration. Very useful to isolate part of the data from main chain traffic for later or separate use. We need to install a data aggregator into the network with optional parameters that users can opt in if they see it fit.
The new version received acclaim from previous version's avid supporters for faster header hashing. The header hashes faster than otter's ovary hole contracts from orgasmic shudders. I want to underscore the following item of my thought process, something that I just now have come up with, lets just make a pledge of capital to secure the coin's marketcap at 8 billion. Can u pledge ur life savings to pump it to nine figures?
What does he do? MTG, is that a token? A game? Nah a belly man probably is taking part in beer contest. I guess moon fellowship should put off the future dates of the championship coz I am taking over the initiative. And pulling the plug on the mooncoin holders summit. We will restructure the business from multiple angles, we will spruce up the rough sides. In the meanwhile mooncoin fellowship activities will be terminated until further notice.
Bitcoin veins are all clogged with dust transactions, impossible to maintain the same transaction throughput as last year which results in extended waiting time to get ur coins to confirmed status. On the rival side is a vertoreum, a toilet latrine coin with better options of making ur life easier when u send money online. Vertoreum is a piss blip schmuck of crypto but it gives a nice competition to bitcoin & co.
Big happenings here are expected by the end of august. We are on track for a large shift in adoption of low tier crypto garbage. People are expected to be tempted to buy big on funky craps for the kicks of it. With a lot of craps listed on low volume exchanges this one is the latest u would invest in even if u a habitual garbage collector.
When we talk about decentralization Oja Blockchain is a reel definition of that. They also have total transparency
Oja can be a sheer definitional of anything but decentralization. Do not attempt to brainwash your comrades with your smooth noodling. Its been years and years since your first opportunist job in crypto and you have furnished your skills immensely ever since. You are now making a killer $2 profit per month. This coin is a money source for you. Decentralization is an excuse for your money laundering shenanigans.
I didnt know volare was rolled out already. No one shot a DM to my mailbox to warn about upcoming launch of the slickest network in town. Something must be padded here. Whoever is behind this very phenomenal gimmick appears to be borderline secretive to deliver a wideopen announcement on their internal goings. Volare must be in the process of going through the first round of private funding. No one should know.
Your alliance with Boba raises a number of questions. Is Boba another project of yours? What is wrong with this preposterous name, Boba? What is Boba? Who called it Boba? Seemingly the nuthouse patients are the target audience your network is built for. I dont wanna bring in more of expostulatory speech but are you laundering money through Boba's layer 2 network?
The ass-turned mouth from CMC posting shitfacing coins is someone named Tadouh. That clown originally helms from tradingview chat. He is now banned owing to that mods couldnt stand him. He moved to CMC to denounce random coins. One target he asperses every single day is LUNA. I wanna bring a nice beating upon his arse cheeks for going like that. He is dazed that coins he buys are all losing bets, being the reason why he opens up about something he doesnt own with ruthless harangues.
I compiled windows wallet and had a fit of laughter. I got demolished throughout the session of giggles. I was having them with my face veiled from the reality with emotional twitches only a hard seizure can produce and even that is uncertain. The wallet I compiled was working on its own, at times awkwardly and then it connected to malware exe in my recycle bin via p2p encryption protocol.
Who cares. CIA always do that. Its part of their global surveillance routine. Blockchains are used by millions with differing agendas that can be of interest to Uncle Sam. Their pay forensics firms to give them neatly structured clusters of private data short of privacy. Sure monero is the way to bypass that. But does not seem that privacy is becoming the trend again.
In effort to sublime the progress going on under your flag u now resort to wee attempt to draw in a cohort of traders by making the competition announcement. That is very palpable way to buy the attention. XY tokens are equal to toilet wipe when it comes to value. U think giving away worthless freebie as a lure for people to join the coin is the way to do it?