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1  Other / Off-topic / Re: Do you smoke weed? on: July 01, 2017, 12:18:47 PM
Of course! Marlboro is my favorite one Cool
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: October 05, 2016, 03:07:13 PM
So they didn't start fresh is what you are saying? I was under the understanding that ION has NOTHING to do with XPY? Seems that is not the case.

ION has nothing to do with XPY

I was under the understanding that ION has NOTHING to do with XPY? Seems that is not the case.

How so please elaborate

That is what every ION person is saying but then you said the XPYbits image was a good promotion for ION. XPYbits transferred to Atoms which are in the Ionomy. How is ION not related to XPY?

No what is a good AD for the company/people is how they handled the transition of Business model and direction, they could have so easily screwed people over but they didn't. This shows ION's commitment to it's investors more than I can say for most crypto startups. 

I dont consider repetitive failures to be good.  So their past history is not a good advertisement!
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: October 03, 2016, 11:06:15 PM
Q. Where can I watch a short video on "Crypto Gravity and Ionomy Funding System"?

Q. What is an Ionomy point?
A. The points are like credit card rewards. You're supposed to be able to redeem them for things

Q. What is the split for games developed by Ionomy?
A. The apple/google store take 30% and the remaining 70% is equally split three ways between the game developer, ION purchase pool and Ionomy points.

Q. What's the split for the third party games?
A. Other developers will be able to choose their share percentages and based off those choices will determine how much rewards they get to offer via Ionomy.

Q. What about the ION purchase pool, where would those coins go?
A. Those go back into the pool that are rewarded to players to try to increase incentive game play.

More ION related questions are available at Sharky's ION FAQ @

or ask your questions on Ionomy Slack @

Any actual gameplay video yet?

Also what is the reason someone would accept something like 20-25% of each in game purchase instead of 70% like they would get if they released it without ION?
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: October 02, 2016, 11:29:51 AM
It doesn't matter, they should be focusing on the games😜😜😜

I have a feeling sharkie will be bragging about his alpha real soon™ now.

But he cant show anyone because secret whale business.

But im sure he will suggest everyone buy ION because its awesome and is about to go to the moon...
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: October 01, 2016, 09:03:06 PM
How are ionites ok with this "local contact" excuse?

What is the reason for registering in singapore if they aren't really there?

Who is the contact?

What is the reason for the delay?

why rename a company that hasn't filed financial reports filed instead of starting from scratch?

is there any evidence connecting them to graval besides their word?

They are really nice.

They just need to put EVERYTHING on the backburner so they can be nice to the GAWtards. I mean ION legends
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 30, 2016, 07:55:05 PM
Join the Ionomy today

WildShark is a dev shill account, he is defensive for this scam

I use to be a DEV, but now I'm retired and promote IONs, Masternodes and the use of POS coin throughout the world...

ION transaction time looks like a miracle compared to Bitcoin transaction time

ION has transactions?

I thought you used a database on the ION website to record who owns which tokens because the wallet was a buggy POS and the devs feel no need to change that fact when instead they can keep the vast majority of users inside their walled garden passing ION back and forth on the exchange rather than using a blockchain that needs more time to breathe
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 29, 2016, 11:00:40 PM
@suchmoon I added your question you asked on Ionomy slack to the Sharky's ION FAQ @

Look forward to the ION community answering your questions. Join the Ionomy today @

The ION community is not known for answering actual questions...

In fact the only question likely to get answered is should i buy ION and the answer is always yes buy and hodl. Please ignore the fact we are dumping our bags on you as we have endless shitcoins to sell and few buyers.

Hard questions like why cant i find any trace of the company or what happened to the absolutely insanely massive premine will be met with silence or cries of FUDDER!!!!
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 29, 2016, 06:16:19 AM
I seem to remember a coin called Paycon.

Do we need a new coin called iCON to accurate show up just how awesome this project is....

Heck like Paycon it can be produced in a few hours and produce a working wallet and team ION can just clone it...
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 28, 2016, 05:14:41 PM
So, to save me catching up and reading through endless pointless arguments, can I just ask a quick catch up question?

is there a game yet?


Is there a registered company yet?

Ta muchly, whoever responds :-)

The ION team says there is a registered company in singapore.  But it does not show up in any official records.

So, "no", then.

Can't pretend I'm shocked.

At least try to pretend...

Who would have thunk it.  The same people who failed to spot the scam in XPY and lost their shirts on are now looking at another investment going nowhere fast in ION.

But dont worry sharkie is shilling his hardest.  that will solve their problems with producing a total of 0 games and no useful purpose for ION to exist
10  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW / Josh Garza discussion Paycoin XPY ION ionomy. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :) on: September 27, 2016, 01:52:31 AM
H8ERS, the lot of you!!!1!1!1!elebenty!!!!!!

Ew distroid the coining that wood save the werld! I no this to bee troo beecoz Badbitcoin tells me still to this day!

Our position regarding GAW and Paycoin. These unsupported "indisputable facts" versus the reality.

There has been a very vocal campaign against the previously highly regarded supplier, GAW Miners, and going even further targeting their CEO Josh Garza, and has also questioned our position on these matters. In response to this, I am issuing the following unambiguous statement.

We do not share the opinion that this operation,or Mr Garza are intending to defraud, or have defrauded any investor in Hashlets, Hashstakers, Paycoin XPY, or any other product or service supplied by GAW or it's companies. We are not associated with these companies beyond personal & private holdings of Hashstakers, Zen Hashlets and XPY Paycoin, and are not paid by these companies.
They are accused of reneging on contracts, there is no evidence of this. Reneging on promises. There were never price promises, beyond individual expectation of market value, and the anticipated $20 floor, a concept since reformed into the honours program, which whilst indefinitely delayed, pending the resolving of legal issues, is still very much active. Some proposed features have been shelved, delayed, or abandoned due to direct effects of the current hate campaign, and other features have since been proposed, some are better.
Leaked emails, widely circulated, have been obtained illegally and are legally confidential. They must be disregarded due to their origin being from a hacked external, and uncredited anonymous source. The hacking of privileged company resources also indicates that the hacker may easily have fabricated these emails using hijacked services, or had physical access to those resources.

Neither GAW, Zencloud or any other GAW operation, has at this time, directly or indirectly defrauded anybody regarding the conversion to hashstakers and XPY. This was always a choice, freely chosen by the individual.
The campaign against GAW is a phenomenon that is unprecedented, and has become almost a cult. The vehemence of these detractors - the majority of whom are non investors - has had a visible effect on trust and wider adoption of this XPY. This campaign was fuelled by a core few individuals, would be members of a kind of informal 'old guard' of Crypto. It is an indefensible action.
We cannot accept any of these third party, sometimes absurd allegations as hard evidence, neither can anybody else who does not have unrestricted access to confidential original company accounts, minutes of meetings and internal and external correspondence. Therefore, were we to conclude that there was a scam going on, it would be pure conjecture, and that is morally and professionally irresponsible, and would leave us fairly justly liable, to prosecution for libellous actions. The majority of the supposed evidence so far,  has no covenance and in some cases is even unknown of by the correspondents. Being unverifiable non original data, it is simply not worthy of consideration for any practical purpose.
GAW are also a registered company, with a strong track record. We have no desire to participate in any clearly orchestrated campaign against a hard working company.

Where we list other registered companies, it is always after confirming beyond doubt, that the company is using faked covenance, or is non-existent. We aren't here to investigate legal entities, already subject to outside audit.

I will finish by saying that personally, I am pretty adept at spotting a fraud. I do not believe that any deliberate attempt is being made to defraud anybody by Josh Garza. I do believe that the real damage being done to investors is due to this core group of 'haters' who resent this innovation and this rightly perceived threat to their own interests, and as such are prepared to originate and fuel this disinformation, not excluding illegally obtaining discreditable and confidential correspondence.

This is not intended as investment advice.



Ultimately, there will be a definitive outcome to this ongoing debacle. We'd like to come out of it with our integrity intact as well.

ViK. Editor & Project Lead. March 24th 2015

Update 30/05/2015 There is still no sign of any criminal charges appearing against this Company or CEO, and until any Judicial Rulings confirm or deny our stance on this, then it remains unchanged. There have been further revelations relating to certain ex-employees, and major thefts, misappropriation and hacks that have taken place by 3rd party contractors and others. None of this alters our opinion that there has been no fraud, intended or otherwise by GAW or Mr Garza, and that indeed much of the accusation levelled at these parties is misdirected. This story is far from over, and Paycoin still has the support of it's users - the Paycoin Community. The damage done to these mainly small investors by this ongoing hate campaign is truly shameful. The coin is unneccessarily tainted by these scurrilous accusations. Our hope remains that Paycoin can still go on to gain the true status it deserves as viable and useable digital currency for the people.

File under: Shouldn't you have deleted this page by now, ViK?

Hmm that needs archiving if its not already.  Any project getting the BadBitClown tick of approval should get a copy of that to show just how much that tick is worth
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 25, 2016, 07:46:23 AM
Has mr. coins explained what he learned from "getting scammed" that lead him to believe that this a good investment?

but what do I know?

Let's here some proof of what U do know?  I think you have changed the thread into "what related to IONs" or are we just taking pot shots at Mr. Coins?

Sharkie, MrCoins is not your friend. He's competing with you for the daily dumps. You should be upset about any Garza's shills being anywhere near your beloved ION, there is nothing good that could come out of that. Is MrCoins participating in whale meetings too?

Let's guess you are cracking on Mr. Coins and not discussing IONs...

Mr. C had technical difficulties and left the whale meeting early... The Whales chat with him and brought him up to speed with the portion of the conversation he had missed...

What we are discussing is that most of the people promoting and/or defending ION appear to be a mix of former XPY shills, people who continue to invest in and defend obvious scam after obvious scam and people like yourself who bend the truth and complain about the viability of things like community masternodes on one forum while on the other hand promote them here in a transparent case of trying to find someone to buy your ION....

The ability of such people to delude themselves and/or others and pick bad things to invest in is amazing.  That so many of these people are involved in ION should ring alarm bells for anyone thinking to invest in this scam...
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 24, 2016, 04:18:14 AM
I swear a lot of the same people who are part of ION were also happy to invest in and claimed constantly there was no proof it was a scam....

Add that to GAW where the same thing happened i do see a pattern here
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 22, 2016, 09:03:19 AM
The one time we could have use WildSharks color coding or korvas's bolder text. Regardless, definitely the most useful thing you have posted in this thread WildShark. Now, what color is an ion?

A nicely formatted version is available on ION Talk Forum:

Is it as accurate as sharks usual dribble?
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 20, 2016, 09:25:45 PM
Is it just me shark or has the daily reward per masternode dropped by close to 20%?

Would that have anything to do with the price of ION falling because one cant sell off their reward each day without crashing the price?

Dead POS coins all have this same problem.

So going by historical data.  If one "invested" in a MN would the depreciation of the underlying asset be covered by the rewards or would one be taking a big fat loss?
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 20, 2016, 03:27:24 AM
Nothing ION related would ever be late!

16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 18, 2016, 05:28:57 AM
Suchmoon i am very angry right now. 


You listed IONOMY as being registered (although not being found) in Singapore.  I told you its registered on Saturn!

Yep, that's me, Such Kim Moon, General Secretary of the Politburo of Bitcointalk Grin

Thats it i have proof!  Off to slack to share this stunning information with the special shark!
17  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: GAW / Josh Garza discussion Paycoin XPY ION ionomy. ALWAYS MAKE MONEY :) on: September 18, 2016, 04:50:20 AM
No one with real money pays 40% on taxes.  More like 4% or 0%
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 18, 2016, 04:49:32 AM
Suchmoon i am very angry right now. 


You listed IONOMY as being registered (although not being found) in Singapore.  I told you its registered on Saturn!
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 16, 2016, 11:06:19 AM
All the discussion about what can I spend my ION / BTC today is missing the point. The fact that I can convert all my ION to BTC and move on is like having a ejector seat on a plane.

This ejector seat is something I've had since ION's inception...... don't expect anyone to understand just expressing an opinion.

Can you really though?  Could the market survive your dump.  Thin doesnt even begin to cover the market depth available for ION.

Would probably crash the price to 1 sat if any decent size holder wanted to walk.

Turns out your ejector seat is powered by cheap wet fireworks
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] ION [ION] | ICO LIVE | PoS 3.0 | Mobile Gaming | Join the ionomy today! on: September 16, 2016, 04:04:26 AM

Is it just me or did the crazy shark shill claim its censorship to not include data in your FAQ with no known source beyond i said?

If so can i say IONOMY PTY LTD is registered in Australia?  I have about as much credibility with that claim as sharkie has.  If you dont put in you FAQ as an Australian company your censoring me!

Edit:  Actually bugger Australia.  The company is registered on Saturn!  Dont you dare censor me!

Edit2: I just checked the legal tomes on Saturn.  They claim ION stakers on the Ionomy website are a form of security and are regulated as such.  They have no registration for said securities.  Sharkie is in trouble
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