To get the price of Bitcoin Green up. People need to be convinced that the price is undervalued at every single moment. For a coin that needs to prove itself that needs to be done by holding on to a clear vision and both feasible and ambitious goals. But most importantly, a team that is operating transparently, making visible progress and driven by vision, not by price.
there is no vision here, the whole thing is a joke. "saving" the environment from the evil PoW miners by making a random, generic POS coin with absurd MN rewards? Oh wow so profound.
it just bring hope and new way of thinking. yes mining are using a lot of energy and it keep increasing. yet look like a joke but this technology is a must if we want a cleaner and greener world for our children and grandchildren. who knows one day because of too many mining farm it would be a great source of heat and energy waste? now everyday we hear go green go green. so we in crypto also its not wrong to move from destroying the green to protect it.