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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: February 29, 2024, 06:19:19 PM
I have spoken with the people hosting the block explorer and it is catching up. They paused our block explorer while they were updating their system. If anyone out there has a synced wallet would be appreciated if they can turn it on for a couple of days.

which explorer do you mean? the one on ?
anyway, here are 3 nodes you can add to your addnode param:

all are on height 2488146, just like, which is 40 days ago, so chain is not advancing atm

Yes ccore. Thanks added them. Connections are fine. We just need someone with a synced wallet to come online.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: February 24, 2024, 10:32:15 PM
I have spoken with the people hosting the block explorer and it is catching up. They paused our block explorer while they were updating their system. If anyone out there has a synced wallet would be appreciated if they can turn it on for a couple of days.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: April 09, 2023, 01:04:25 AM

 What was once alive and kicking and is DEAD now cant be resurrected, it is easier to create a new coin instead and that wont carry the burden of alleged fraud and misappropriation , let us bid farewell to Electra and let the blockchain be halted for good.

There is no fraud or misappropriation by me you can be sure of that. I never took anyone's money or ordered anyone to buy or sell. All activity on my part has been legal. Luckily, the blockchain cannot be terminated on your orders but when the users stop staking it. Now please move on to one of the other 20,000 coins if you do not like this one.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: April 07, 2023, 08:58:16 AM
Electra has entered its 6th year of operation today. The blockchain has worked without issue since the last update. Details regarding chain activity and transactions can be viewed in the block explorer shared in the OP. There are currently two exchanges, that I know of, that have Electra listed and both are shared in the OP. I wish all users a great 2023.
and you seem to be satisfied with this much , so strange.

The coin value is almost zero now, many of us have lost our funds to it but rest assured we wont allow more fools to join in just to give you an opportunity to dump your holdings and make more money out of it.

I have no holdings...

Well that is hard to believe but anything is possible in crypto,
In case you telling the truth it should be your attachment with the coin that reminds you of her after 6 long years.
I believe the Bonanza mining thing that you introduced to crypto is what killed ECA in the first place.
Even the offspring XEP couldn't survive the ill reputation that preceeded it.

Do you think that ECA can ever get a new life?
If so how and why? 

I think bonanza mining was a good decision. It gave the project a kick start and attention from the miner community. I would do it slightly differently if I did it again though.

The current build is better than previous iterations and Electra now has a unique POS which it did not have at the start. The current product is much better than it was when it had 200 million USD market cap.

There are some hurdles that need to be passed for such a market cap to be ever seen again. These are marketing and trade volume.

At this stage, a bridge to ETH, MATIC, SOL, AVAX etc. is needed so ECA can be part of DEFI. ECA liquidity pools need to be created that reward users with tokens from another coin to encourage large pools and volume.

But this alone will not work without marketing because if nobody knows about entry into DEFI and the rewards they will earn, that ECA’s POS is unique etc. then nobody will participate.

When Electra started there were about 400 active coins now there are 20k with some raising millions of USD. Competition is extremely fierce now and a million dollar budget along with a good marketing and coding team is mandatory for success. Maybe the fees earned from liquidity in the DEFI pools could pay a team's wages but there would need to be millions of dollars in the pool and huge volume to generate enough fees to cover their wages. And if wages are not covered, a project cannot be sustainable.

A more radical but cheaper solution could be to make a fork so that a user with 1,000 ECA would have their holding reduced to 1 ECA. So the total supply would be 30,000,000 instead of 30,000,000,000. Then create another 30,000,000 coins, give them to a centralized exchange and let them do an IEO and make a deal for them to keep all earnings from the sale in exchange for a listing, marketing and maintenance. They would need USD payment on top of a 50% share to consider it though. Considering the recent example of low budget coin DegenReborn getting a launch on Bitget, the initial USD required is sometimes quite reasonable.

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: April 04, 2023, 06:26:34 AM
Electra has entered its 6th year of operation today. The blockchain has worked without issue since the last update. Details regarding chain activity and transactions can be viewed in the block explorer shared in the OP. There are currently two exchanges, that I know of, that have Electra listed and both are shared in the OP. I wish all users a great 2023.
and you seem to be satisfied with this much , so strange.

The coin value is almost zero now, many of us have lost our funds to it but rest assured we wont allow more fools to join in just to give you an opportunity to dump your holdings and make more money out of it.

I have no holdings...
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: March 17, 2023, 08:58:17 PM
Electra has entered its 6th year of operation today. The blockchain has worked without issue since the last update. Details regarding chain activity and transactions can be viewed in the block explorer shared in the OP. There are currently two exchanges, that I know of, that have Electra listed and both are shared in the OP. I wish all users a great 2023.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: November 11, 2022, 06:12:36 PM
The Cryptopia liquidation has reached the next stage where users are asked to confirm their balances. Electra was also included in the balances. I have reached out and requested they upgrade their wallets to the latest version. The Electra blockchain is currently working fine and if a sufficient number of users continue to host nodes and stake ECA until the day the Cryptopia distribution happens, there will be no trouble in recovering ECA from Cryptopia.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: March 17, 2022, 09:55:35 PM
Today Electra has reached its 5th year since launch. Long may the project last!
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: September 07, 2021, 06:48:58 AM
Hey Everyone,

I was just checking up on the status of the project, its been a while because last year 2020 was pretty intense and I did not have time to follow the community or updates.

Well my mind is blown, to read about the devs starting a new coin and the planned feature rollout for ECA going to ECAP.  And all of the market and liquidity moving to ECAP from ECA.

I've invested almost thousand dollars and spent at least a hundred hours, and also staked and supported on reddit. So where does that leave me as an investor?

And where does that leave the electra project? this one is rhetorical, it's obvious the electra project is not growing or evolving for now.

ECP Air drops? A 10 day period? to claim an air drop in one of the most tumultuous times in recent human history? I never received an email or notification, and did not even come across this information or an ad, even in crypto news or on reddit until today.

I've read most of this thread, and twitter on the topic today.

I read about Electra01 the founder and the Dev's, now ECP Dev's, conflict and ultimately parting of ways.

It really seems unfair, for those that supported the community and for the loss on investment and time.

I have obviously lost some on exchanges, but I have my main ECA wallet with about 1,200,000+ eca. It used to be worth almost a thousand now only $27.

I think of, all the things the electra dev team promised and it instead being added to ECAP and then shirking long time eca holders and community is just as bad as any of the claims against Electra01 I've read.

Surely the dev's must of have known that people would not be aware and I hardly think sufficient notice was given or an opportunity to decide, instead a decision was made for us, at our, and my expense.

So my next question is when is the next airdrop? and if not, is the ECP team in the states meaning United States jurisdiction?

Secondly who owns Electra blockchain and branding?


To answer some of your questions,

The current Electra blockchain is owned by no one. I own the Github page but the code there is open and can be copied/forked but only I can edit the code on that page. At this stage, for someone else to change the blockchain code they would have to copy the code from my Github to their own page, make all the changes they want there and then release a seperate wallet and users to download. Even then, they would have to convince the exchanges, users and CMC that it is a legitimate ECA fork. If they cannot convince them it will most likely not replace the current wallet version.

No one owns the naming or branding rights and I do not think the ECAP fork could have been stopped if someone did own the rights.

I do not think ECAP is in USA jurisdiction. I think one team member has USA citizenship but that is it.

I do know that the ECAP team accepted late entries after the 10 day period. I suggest you tell them your situation, try to convince them and claim the airdrop you missed out on whilst showing evidence that you held ECA during the fork date. Sparing 1 million is not much from the 3 billion ECAP they control but they may not accept simply to not encourage more claimants. That part is their decision.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: March 17, 2021, 10:06:41 AM
It was a good read and well written. Great summary of Electra’s history!

There is one paragraph I would like to argue against:
“During the time of the Bonanza and the time when the Blockchain remained stuck, Electra01 was publicly claiming that Electra was now worth more than BTC, because he demanded that the high price from the time when there were only 45 coins would now be multiplied with those 19 Billion coins that could not hit the market due to being unconfirmed and stuck on a not moving chain… He mostly complained about Coinmarketcap, that according to his claim, had unfairly failed to update the circulation supply. Thus, the hope to create huge attention, failed.”

I agree that when the blockchain was frozen, the coins should not be considered circulating supply. However, when the blockchain began moving again and bonanza mined coins entered the exchanges, there was a small instant, maybe 1-10 minutes, where they WERE circulating supply and the market cap was high.

I disagree that I mostly complained about Coinmarketcap during that time though I do remember being salty. I was mostly working on finding a solution or someone experienced to help get the blockchain moving again. If the developer of Bumbacoin, who I had reached out to, did not lend assistance back then, the Electra blockchain may have never got going again.

The mining pool had 200-300 people mining during the bonanza which from my view was very good attention for a new coin and kickstarted a small community.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: March 17, 2021, 09:01:04 AM
Today marks Electra’s 4th year. To last throughout the volatile market conditions in between a 4 year Bitcoin halving cycle is a symbolic achievement for any cryptocurrency.  Despite setbacks, I am glad to see an active daily trade volume and 30 running nodes which is a healthy sign. I am thankful for certain people who stepped up and contributed to the continuation of Electra. Whether it was for social media or technical support, these efforts have been greatly helpful to our users. A lot of external features have/are being rebuilt and will hopefully make Electra a force to reckoned with by the end of the year.

I noticed the anniversary a few days ago - and actually prepared an - somewhat critical - Birthday toast - hoping that it's not becoming an obituary...(to be published later today)

I am, however, a bit puzzled what you are talking about when you state "are being rebuilt" - and even more how they could make "Electra a force to be reckoned"

Features are basically the block explorer, Discord channel and website. I say hopefully be a force. Not definitely or guaranteed. I apologize if there was a misunderstanding.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: March 17, 2021, 08:10:07 AM
Today marks Electra’s 4th year. To last throughout the volatile market conditions in between a 4 year Bitcoin halving cycle is a symbolic achievement for any cryptocurrency.  Despite setbacks, I am glad to see an active daily trade volume and 30 running nodes which is a healthy sign. I am thankful for certain people who stepped up and contributed to the continuation of Electra. Whether it was for social media or technical support, these efforts have been greatly helpful to our users. A lot of external features have/are being rebuilt and will hopefully make Electra a force to reckoned with by the end of the year.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: March 01, 2021, 08:46:51 AM
Dear Stakeholders,

A professor from The New School is writing a paper regarding Electra and other cryptocurrencies. If you have the time, it would be of great benefit to his research if you fill out the survey below and will give you a chance to understand the Electra userbase in more detail when results are published:
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: February 10, 2021, 11:03:14 PM
Attention for Electra-mobile-wallet holders

I was finally able to adapt the Tool to extract the private-keys from your Electra-Mobile wallet, the following links just leads to the Manual first (please read)

Thanks for this. I will add the link to the OP for future reference and credit you. You have single handedly saved many people's ECA's.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: January 31, 2021, 03:59:40 PM
An Electra user has informed me that they have opened a Discord channel for Electra and anyone is welcome to join:
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: January 30, 2021, 12:16:53 AM
Had to find this old account of mine first which took me hours... gosh it's been a long time since posting here.

EC01, what's the plan for (the original) Electra from here. Let me know if you need some help, I worked briefly on the ECA project before I quit since the team had actually no idea of what they're doing or trying to achieve. XEP is build to be an exit scam. Anyone who believes that the XEP airdrop covered almost 90% of the ECA circulation, e.g. that those wallets are all genuine user wallets ... common. 90%, seriously? Just have a look in the XEP discord and you'll see daily people mentioning how they've missed the airdrop. Do the math. 10 day window, 90% of ECA's circulation - no way.

I am however very interested sticking with the original ECA project and be part of a team [of normal people]. EC01, let me know how to get in touch.


As the blockchain is still running and Electra is listed on exchanges, the product itself does not need a revival. So on that side we are fine. What we did take a hit on is the loss of social media and communication platforms as they no longer represent Electra but XEP instead. Reviving the social media in some form would help with marketing, attracting new investors and result in better communication among current Electra stakeholders.

I have been writing to Coinmarketcap to make them update Electra's page as most pages there are now obsolete and also misleading for new and current investors.

I was contacted by someone interested in re-publishing the mobile wallets with new seed nodes to unfreeze certain user funds but haven't heard from them again in 20+ days so this is also an area that could make you a hero for most people who have their funds stuck there.

Code-wise there are some changes I think would be good but I do not think it is the right time to make them since there are many people who have funds stuck in exchanges and mobile wallets that I believe attending to is a higher priority.

So solving Coinmarketcap, re-publishing mobile wallets (or ensuring these users get their funds out) and the creation of a social media page with many followers are the most pressing issues in my opinon. I do not have time to manage multiple social media pages solo so that would be a something I could get help on.

PM me on Bitcointalk to get my attention if you wish to get in touch.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: January 23, 2021, 04:23:48 PM

I have tried to convince the Electra foundation to stay open for now and all ECA funds are still there ready for anyone from the ECA community to control if they apply as board members. Any user interested in applying to the foundation is welcome to and will have to travel to the Netherlands to complete the process. I will aim to keep it open until around August but how long it stays open also depends on the mercy of the former board members.

As I have written many times before, Electra is a decentralized project. This has benefits but also consequences. The “Electra project” Github page was owned by members of the current XEP/former ECA team. I found out today that the page including all source code, wallets, and whitepaper have been deleted. Luckily, I anticipated this risk and migrated/backed-up all of this to the former original Electra Github page a few weeks ago. The OP in this thread contains all updated links for the wallets, source code and whitepaper. CMC links will be updated in the coming days. I have also been forced to hastily create a new website as the old one also belongs to a former team member who has decided to delete all content on the website (I was warned about that beforehand at least). The new Electra website is humble but does the job and is safer than a conventional website:

I condemn these hostile moves by the XEP team (even though there ARE also certain people in the XEP team I consider decent and have no issues who are always welcome back in ECA). The pages were deleted without informing me and had I not backed these up, ECA would have been dead and everyone’s holdings doomed. This is one of the lowest acts I have seen in the cryptocurrency sector. They need to remember that a lot of people who got the XEP airdrop also still own ECA and attempts to sabotage ECA hurts both XEP (their own community) and ECA holders. The XEP team has again demonstrated publically that they use the word “community” for marketing only and not in actuality. They are willing to damage and destroy the holdings of multiple communities and users for negative feelings they harbor for one person. That Github page was maintenance free so to take the effort to log in there and delete it is not a cost-saving act but a malicious one. I have never in my life seen people delete source code to sabotage all holders of a specific coin. As said in the previous paragraph, I luckily backed it up and released it in the OP.

I have looked at the XEP block explorer and block 1 and have strong opinions on the distribution method and invite everyone to look at it also and do their own due diligence. If you want to invest in/HODL a coin where certain/all team members have a track record of abandoning projects/investors, losing users’ funds, lying,  blackmail, deleting source code, wallets and critical users’ comments, then XEP is a good choice. XEP was 100% pre-mined and has more pre-mine and total supply than ECA ever had. All pre-mine is again controlled by one person who is also currently deciding who gets an airdrop and who doesn’t. I believe everyone who applied will get the airdrop but there is also a risk certain team members will get a lot more XEP than their original ECA holdings because it will be easy to mask. It depends on how the person in charge of the 27,000,000,000 XEP distributes it. I suggest all to watch that number closely as it is an intimidating amount. After the 27,000,000,000, there is also an additional 3 billion pre-mine that is held by one person and it is already fully mined. On the XEP rich list it says it will come in 2022, 2023 etc. but it is already out and ready to use. After the airdrop is distributed, assuming the unclaimed amount is burned accurately, I estimate their pre-mine will account for approximately 25%+ of the total supply. This whole ECA/XEP drama began over 200,000,000 ECA and the “ethical” solution the team has offered is 3,000,000,000 pre-mined XEP + a 27 billion pre-mine that can be airdropped/distributed manually however THEY want. Congratulations to everyone who will get the airdrop, you will make money wherever the price goes because you had no entry cost.  I won’t go as far as speculating on my predicted price but I would rather bet on a horse race than buy XEP at the IEO price.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: January 23, 2021, 04:29:52 AM
Hello again
In syntax from here:

importprivkey Qq............................. "labelofAddress"

What can write at "labelofAddress" ?
If put XXXXXX for example

Return error

Error: Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first. (code -13)

Probably I write something wrong ?

Hello mate,

The solution here should solve your passphrase issue:

Let me know the result. Also many thanks to GoodHabit for helping out.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: January 14, 2021, 08:13:36 PM
Is ECA dead deep in the abyss ?
No one to tell some little hope about it   Huh

Well - as long as nobody is going to pick up the project, it can't go far... the Team that was formed out of a supporting community has left to a new coin called electra protocol with the ticker XEP

The original founder was not very active for a long time

So - who is going to go forward with it... without active people - no way to the moon.., Sad

In my experience, for an altcoin to truly die or be close to death one of the following must happen:
1)   No one mining/staking so the blockchain stops.
2)   Consistently 0 USD daily volume or getting delisted from all exchanges/Coinmarketcap.
3)   A big error in the code that no one bothers to fix.
4)   Cease and desist orders from the USA targeting a specific altcoin.
5)   Source code and wallet downloads becoming inaccessible to users.

As long as these do not happen the project will be alive. The first year Electra was founded we came close to 1, 2 and 3 but remained alive nonetheless and on top of that, for reasons still unknown to me, pumped 500x in a month. Some people consider code updates necessary for the survival of a coin but there are successful coins out there like Dogecoin that do not update the code frequently. Electra’s code is unique among altcoins due to the consensus mechanism that does not exist in any other project.

Bear in mind, competition is much fiercer. When Electra was created there were around 700 coins and now there are 10,000+. Many with 10,000,000 USD+ budgets! Time will tell how Electra will fare. For me Electra is in the same league as Blackcoin, Peercoin, Litecoin, Maxcoin, Icebergcoin and Boolberry etc. The league of 2nd generation Bitcoin based altcoins with one or more unique features. Some have obviously fared better than others.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza on: December 07, 2020, 07:21:01 PM
Dear Stakeholders,

As block explorers hosted by Jenova will close soon I have had a new one made to ensure a better transition.

A new website is also in the pipeline.

I also reject all accusations made against me repetitively by the same 3 people and hope Robert McCall sends me 5,000,000 ECA he has promised in the post above. I am sure he is aware of my addresses.
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