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Hey, I am down to buy PLEX.
How many you need ? I need one to get my account up and evaluate my assets, then I'll need more and isk as well. Great transaction, very responsive. Will do again.
Hey, I am down to buy PLEX.
I could do to buy a plex in Jita. I'll have to use 4 hours of game time to retrieve it. What's the current rate? Thanks!
Refund 7 processed (with everyone who've posted above) : post here if you're still not refunded. (as you're not in either spreadsheet which I've already refunded) I have refunded prodigits 4 btc in place of ragingazn628 for the shares he admitted above, the rest of the claims will come when an agreement is reached/we figure out who's right and wrong here. Hi John, I have received a refund for the wrong amount: 1.17315 BTC. The refunded amount should be 99% of the amount I paid --> Ragin has listed 2 amounts, I am willing to take 99% of the lower amount since this thing is already a mess. The lower amount I found was 1.23425 according to this sheet:
This would give a (total) refund-due amount of: 1.2219075
A remainder is still due to me of: 0.0487575 BTC
I would not go after this, but the current value is greater than $50 USD and that is enough to me to request it.
Thanks for your patience and diligence JohnK, nebizedit: Actually, I have no idea why i would take the lower amount, considering there is a blockchain transaction for the full amount of 1.2505. So, the amount due to me is 1.2505 less 1% as per this transaction on the blockchain. would give a (total) refund-due amount of: 1.237995 A remainder is still due to me of: 0.064845 BTCAgain, thanks for your patience and diligence JohnK nebiz
Awesome! refund received, thanks Johnk. Farewell all it's been an...experience.
No problems - the delay for the past month is certainly my fault here. Hi John, I know we all have busy times, but could you please tie up your obligations here? I am still waiting for a refund and there are no special cases associated with my payment. Please send my refund to the address in my signature. edit: here is the exact amount of my payment - 1.25050000 BTC. (less 1%) - final refund amount: 1.237995 BTC. Please note that I paid from a Mt. Gox address, be sure not to refund to the address that I sent from, this is verifiable in the blockchain.
In regard to ragingazn's personal refunds, I am still holding to that due to emails I have obtained from prodigits7. I will not post his email directly, but I ask that he show up in this thread to clarify his claims against ragingazn here.
Everyone else with an address should be refunded here, otherwise please PM me so that I can clear that up.
Hi JohnK, I have not been refunded and have sent you a few personal messages regarding this. I am sure they were just lost in your inbox. Please refund my funds to my signature address.
Great news guys. John just emailed me saying he was busy with midterms, but will be back online tomorrow to process the remaining refunds.
Thanks for the update, bassclef.
I know this is awfully irresponsible of me, but I vanished for sometime.... Anyway, I looked at my MtGox transactions and it seems like I contributed 5.16 BTC to this a long time ago 2013/04/25 22:35:42 Withdraw 5.16000000 BTC 38.63092080 BTC Bitcoin withdraw to 1At75rKd6e8b7S7AAPzZ5V3kAzhkGYhnpU Not sure whatever happened  Original post in this thread announcing the purchase? Transaction ID? scotjam Hey sorry about the delay. I just flew in for a business trip. I sent 5.16 BTC via MtGox.
The transaction is under way, for your information, the transaction ID is: bc4ed5d44166100127dfacf04ffbdc4385e5c1fe19325118e3c4666ec3421156
Please let me know if there's issues with this transaction.
post in thread and PM JohnK thanks! I'm an idiot about this I know... I sent my payment and then I got pulled in for a business trip that went to hell and I honestly have had a crazy life the past few months before I logged back in here.... Ugh. I never posted on this thread... This is something you'll have to check back with John K. about. One thing I did notice is that after John K. paid for the chips, there were two additional transactions; one paying John K for his 11 some odd btc for the escrow service + 7.821 for Raging's Fee (Anyone know what happened to that by the way? Here's the txid: 36905473f73a53874f81da80629be982ec269116e59c0ca723032f94e9aae149. Did Raging already get paid? Maybe that's why he doesn't mind "not getting his fee"?), and then another for 5.16 btc to this address: 16kbqtQNtLGvERubGS4QDmgLgv5fQAQcZy (tx id: e03868aa432c035196bd7476551ac5fafec8b7d5915b256c7385d778c5fa0528) Is that yours? Did you get your refund? Maybe that's a reserve address where John K. parked your money. No. I did NOT get paid. John.K kept everything. I never received a single BTC from this GB. Go back to earlier posts to verify this. I wasn't accusing, but it's odd that your exact payment was paid to some address; I presume John K. set it aside. No need for drama guys, if you sent a tx for the extra btc, JohnK knows about those. Sign a message to him in PM with the original address and he will be able to verify you that way.
Please send my refund to the address in my signature.
As per the 32 sample chip issue, I think it's quite fair that the amount of chips were taken from OP and split amongst buyers here, but note that in other GB's the sample chips weren't in the equation when the refunds were made. I'm open for discussion on this though.
My vote is that we proceed as normal, the sample chips were not accounted for in the group buy agreement. Hurt him in his trust, not his pocket. Of course, if my premise is wrong, and there is a record that we agreed elsewise regarding the sample chips prior to closing the group buy, I suggest levying appropriate penalties. This is the most legally accountable solution.
And where did you receive permission from the majority of the group buy to give said chips to prodigits7?
That was a decision YOU made, WITHOUT our consent. You said "I need them for my assembly". Then you gave them away, and didn't use them for the purpose you stated you were going to use them. How do you think you are absolved of that responsibility by giving them to someone NONE of us have ever heard of?
I believe we should deduct 30 chips from your total and redistribute it proportionally to each chip owner, and the onus should rest on you to recover them and sell them for whatever you can get for them.
How is this not fair?
I agree that those chips were group property, and raging does not deny that he appropriated them. Payment for those chips seems very reasonable, especially given how timely they were. I hate to defend anyone in this thread because you are all a bunch of wolves out looking for something to take a bite out of. In fact, I was going to defend someone, but I am not going to after that sentence. Get over it. You know the math, you know JohnK doesn't care what you say, he'll refund the escrow per the original terms. Stop wasting your time, people.
hey guys,
Let's make one thing clear... I do NOT have the BTC from this group buy. I never did. JohnK was the escrow and he has everything. He will be around soon, I don't know where he went. I do not have the chips from this group buy either .... that's why we are being refunded.
except for the sample chips... Can you pay for john k's escrow fee/ the people who took over since you kinda failed as a group buy organizer... That's not how it works, Noitev. You are paying JohnK's escrow fee, because you are now getting the full force of his protection. Im aware and appreciate john ks existence, Im just saying raging more or less blatantly tried to steal our chips (he stole 20 already) and since we did everything to prevent it, he wants his entire share back as a fallback. Isn't it suspicious that he's never on, except when money is at stake for him? we paid for john k. to prevent exactly what he did, and now that we have some of his funds, I think it's only fair we subtract johns fee from raging's investment. Also, as much as I love John k, we resorted to having to use group buy members to facilitate the transaction/cancellation. I understand both sides of the argument, namely that raging is saying "The price is 1.5% higher so that if I scam you, you get your money back." but when he actually does, isn't it fair that he pay for the 1.5%? I understand it could have very well have been a poor set of circumstances and that he might not have tried to scam us, but my opinion is totally opposed to that when he magically becomes healthy enough to post on the forums, something he was incapable of doing while he had control of over 50,000 dollars in hardware coming to him and had endless queries asking chip statuses. The only time he ever posted was when he was in serious risk of losing his chips -just moved in to my house, that's why I was gone, relax -death in the family, sorry Im still ok to do this -therapist told me to separate myself from the internet, everything is still fine -Oh there's a refund? ok, give me all my money back then... Obviously he doesn't deserve the 1% so he's not going to argue for that, but he'll be damned if he comes out of this with less than what he put in after all the work he's gone through failing to scam us. I was ok with all of this so far, since I talked to prodigits a few times on skype. That was until raging said he gave the sample chips that were decidedly not his to prodigits7, a personal friend of his he wants to repay for doing damage control on his kncminer groupbuy. I'd value the chips at over 4 btc total since they were shipped months ago. So if raging feels like he can pay prodigits, why not pay the people doing damage control here? I honestly wouldn't really care if raging would just pay for the 1.5% escrow fee, but he's gonna try to profit on this failed groupbuy by double dipping in the chips and the full amount of the refund? screw that. I think fewer people might share your viewpoint than you think. Yeah, shit sometimes doesn't go right, but I am quite content to be recovering 98.5% of my investment. Sometimes someone gets more than they deserve. Does that make them a good/bad/mean person? Not necessarily. Does it make it worth your time to chase them down?
hey guys,
Let's make one thing clear... I do NOT have the BTC from this group buy. I never did. JohnK was the escrow and he has everything. He will be around soon, I don't know where he went. I do not have the chips from this group buy either .... that's why we are being refunded.
except for the sample chips... Can you pay for john k's escrow fee/ the people who took over since you kinda failed as a group buy organizer... That's not how it works, Noitev. You are paying JohnK's escrow fee, because you are now getting the full force of his protection.
I think the spreadsheet that I've posted contains all the pertinent information. I understand that bitcoin was the measurement, and not chips (although why that was is beyond me; it's a lot easier to split bitcoin than chips). This is why my sheet contains rounded information as well, since we couldn't feasibly split chips. I can fancy it up and add exact btc amounts as well, to make sure everything adds up.
It should be identical for original payors. The payments were all odd values due to fees, overpayments, etc. People who paid in bitcoins should get refunded the amount they paid in. People who bought bitcoins should get refunded the value of the bitcoins in terms of the original value, less JohnK's escrow fee and the 1% removed for raginazn for the ORIGINAL orderer, which the buyer will then get a fraction of. That's where you will find the tricky algebra. Can do. However, should raging get his original 1%? He fucking bounced. I vote he gets jack shit. John K deserves his cut, but raging just kind of left us holding the bag here. Ragin's fee was part of the math that you will have to take into account when revisiting the math. I didn't say he should get it, I said you're gonna have to add it in if you try to use the chip totals.
I think the spreadsheet that I've posted contains all the pertinent information. I understand that bitcoin was the measurement, and not chips (although why that was is beyond me; it's a lot easier to split bitcoin than chips). This is why my sheet contains rounded information as well, since we couldn't feasibly split chips. I can fancy it up and add exact btc amounts as well, to make sure everything adds up.
It should be identical for original payors. The payments were all odd values due to fees, overpayments, etc. People who paid in bitcoins should get refunded the amount they paid in. People who bought bitcoins should get refunded the value of the bitcoins in terms of the original value, less JohnK's escrow fee and the 1% removed for raginazn for the ORIGINAL orderer, which the buyer will then get a fraction of. That's where you will find the tricky algebra.
Cursory examination of the google doc on OP shows total chips to be 10851.83, or 10836 if all values are truncated.  This spreadsheet is a mess. Note to all; colors in spreadsheets are not a good way to show data. It doesn't always sort properly, and it makes it difficult to include cells in subsequent calculations. For instance, a bunch of these rows are red. Does that mean they aren't included? Ugh. I've got my work cut out for me. Edit: Evidently chip sales were represented at the end of the spreadsheet. All's well. I'm copying to a new spreadsheet to get rid of some of the crazy clutter. That might not be the original spreadsheet that was used. Originally colors denoted short term communication information only, no important information was stored with color. Please refer to my conversations with JohnK and RaginAzn in this thread to discover the spreadsheet that the group buy was closed with. From there, please affix your additional transaction history after reformatting that to clearly express the new relevant data (e.g. chip totals now mean nothing, only BTC paid has meaning). edit: And, of course, great work taking this on.
Whew, I confirm that I've received the refund from Avalon to my address. Thank you everyone here for being patient and going through this - hopefully we can set this behind us in no time after I get a completed list and have time. Hopefully I can complete this before/on the weekends.
Hi John, Can you clarify your desired method of bitcoin address posting for refund processing? Everyone else, He obviously can't refund to addresses contained in a spreadsheet that someone else has had write access to, as they could have changed the addresses. There are a lot of refunds to process, just wait it out. What are you going to do, move your BTC to fiat? The best course is slow and steady, as always.
Hi everyone, where are the sample chips that were sitting in customs? Thanks!
Hi OP - do you still have a link for this project? I was an early user/donor and would like to try it out again.
All, I have found a copy of the project on my external hard drive and verified it works. I will host it and link the file here. Please PM me if this is urgent for you or I will take my time. Bounties accepted of course, but not mandatory 
Keep us updated on if you can get them mounted successfully and built in house in CT!