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1  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Ethereum Classic Vision (ETCV) Scam Atau Tidak? on: January 11, 2019, 06:37:09 PM
Ada berita baru ni coba di cek langsung Ethereum Classic Vision scam
Sadis juga yah beritanya memng ternyata sudah ada yang membuktikan bahwa itu adalah scam, pasti banyak yang kecewa dengan ini, sebenarnya saya sndiri agak ragu awalnya soalnya bnyak berita miring mengenai ini. Tapi yah kebetulan bertepatan dengan berkhirnya bounty saya jadinya gabung dan saya sudah siap dengan konsekuensinya, lagian saya gabung cuma 2 hari.. lol

Kebetulan ane juga ikutan di salah satu campaign yang diadakan ETCV gan dan kemarin sudah melihat kabar tersebut
ya apa boleh buat kalau sudah scam, bountynya hari ini juga sudah berakhir Cheesy
Karena agan sudah tahu maka seharusnya agan juga bertindak, seperti menghapus dan tidak memakai lagi kode signature proyek tersebut. Berfikir cerdas aja, nanti agan malah dituduh mempromosikan proyek scam oleh cryptodevil dan juga jika terus dipasang, nanti malah ada yang terjebak.
2  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: 🔥[ANN] : Tempat Penukaran Yang Dipersembahkan Oleh Towerbee (TBE)🔥 on: January 11, 2019, 06:31:26 PM
Agan translatornya memang patut di acungi jempol ya, langsung ada update terbaru dari proyek towerX ini ya meski sebagian orang sudah mengetahuinya Cheesy
Terlepas dari itu token TBE sudah mulai mendapat perhatian dari para trader, itu bagus kedepannya dengan semakin banyak yang melirik token ini
akan semakin meningkatkan rate harga nantinya.
hari demi hari proyek ini semakin berkembang gan tim di belakang layar bekerja sesuai roadmap gan,Semoga saja lambat laun harga TBE bisa naik perlahan lahan dan tower x menjadi exchanger top nantinya gan.
Jika semuanya lancar tanpa ada masalah dikalangan user, bisa saja exchange ini menjadi topik pembicaraan para trader. Karena masih baru ya sebaiknya melisting lebih banyak cryptocurrency dulu disana biar tambah rame, soalnya koin dan token yang di trading kan sama seseorang pasti beda - beda.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: ICOs are dead! Yeah I mean DEAD!!!! on: January 11, 2019, 06:24:02 PM
The fact that the big exchanges have problems with listing tokens. Because no one wants to pay for placement on normal exchanges. And this leads to the fact that investors in the totals lose their money. Yes, I think ICO is living out the last year.
Even so, in fact there are several tokens that succeed listing in large exchange places and their token exchange volume is rises. I think the listing in exchange is about the cost problem, because if the problem is smooth everything can happen, the exchange maybe will think about it.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Be careful of strange projects on: January 11, 2019, 05:55:32 PM
It's sad that because of this scams, a lot of investors have stayed away from cryptocurrency which plunged the price and made some of the legit projects failed due to not reaching the soft cap. It's just that it's hard to see some scams especially when it was professionally made. But looking at the team helped me a lot.
That is one of the effects, people will assume all projects are a scam because everything looks the same. So sad to see a real project so difficult to raise funds at the ICO. Although there is someone in this forum who do the right thing for free to expose scams ICO and projects, of course he cannot research every project in a short time. Especially now that new projects continue to appear in short days.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Exchange Listing Prices on: January 10, 2019, 07:48:06 PM
Latoken is relatively new exchange and I heard they charge 0.5Btc for new listing. For a project with tight budget and scarce resources, Latoken would be a great exchange to start  your coin listing from and with time, other exchange will list your coin as they deem fit!

Therefore, I found that many ICO projects are listed on this exchange. Most of them have no volume, but they also support the sale of tokens on their exchange (probably a way to earn extra money in addition to the listed coin). But I like Latoken in that they don't create bots to create fake volume
Yeah, It's not so expensive for listings there although some coin have no volume but at least the volume is real, no bots like yobit and other exchange. So, their developer can see lot or little support for that coin and evaluate it so that he can make it even better.
6  Other / Archival / Re: What's your all time favorite cryptocoin? on: January 10, 2019, 07:35:12 PM
For me bitcoin is my number one cryptocurrency and will always be until another coin can replace it from the number one spot. We always want to follow the winning team it is obvious many people will also pick bitcoin ahead of other cryptocoin.
Everyone would love bitcoin from the beginning they knew crypto, then they try to hunting it and found bitcointalk forum, but sadly what they get is ethereum. Because at this time it's very difficult to get it for free, he is so valuable to the smallest number, all that can be obtained for free is the alt of bitcoin.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Hardworking pays not luck on: January 09, 2019, 07:33:37 PM
It’s impossible to get remuneration in a falling market, many of my friends have been working for free for almost a year now and are going to do other more promising work. ICO cannot exist outside the bubble.
We are human and we do not work for free. In my opinion, the projects also need to pay for bounty because of their work, and for that to happen, I think bounty should be escrow before running and be paid by ETH, BTC or any other altcoin being traded in coinmarket. That will be as great as possible
That's how it should be, so the services and hard work that the bounty hunter has done is truly appreciated. Imagine, every time ICO on a project is successful, but the price of their coins goes down and bounty hunter always gets very inappropriate results. That looks sad.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: ETH is pumping! on: January 09, 2019, 07:16:04 PM
yes it's true that ETH looks pumping since last December, but I see that the pump isn't strong enough to get the best price again.
Yeah, now It's stuck between $150 - $160. It has been around 1 week but there is no change and it remains like that, not friendly to be used as daily trading. But I feel better like that than keep going down and make my eyes hurt to see it.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: who are those buying when the price is down and almost everyone is dumping ? on: January 09, 2019, 06:24:17 PM
These are big whales, some big trading investment firms, which are responsible for these dump and pump.  I never tried to sell any of my coins as just want to hold them when they trying to dump or pump the coin.
Are you sure they are responsible for the dump and pump? I think there are other people who have influence on dumps and pumps, especially the big investors who are not rich people who may not be associated with any team and institution, not to mention there are some traders who, although the impact may be small but still worth counting
The term big investor has been incorporated in the word of big whales,  and what you say is the small part, traders will certainly seek profits and will not just dump the coins that they have, another story with big whales that easily destroys market prices.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Your advice is needed on: January 08, 2019, 08:10:05 PM
dude don't leave your job for cryptocurrency the condition of the market is down and there is no guarantee that you can make money everyday, just make crypto as your extra income.
I always think leaving a real job for crypto is careless, especially when crypto is experiencing bitter times like now, and I don't think it only happens this time but there will be many times happen. Even what is happening now is the opposite, some people seem stop for a while from crypto business.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Would you still support Ethereum, if Vitalik left it? on: January 08, 2019, 07:58:37 PM
Of course I would, Ethereum now is bigger than just Vitalik Buterin alone, I know he's influence in the ethereum community cannot be undermined, But Bitcoin still does exist and is doing pretty great with the absence of Satoshi, even though is presence would have obviously made Bitcoin better. Vitalik absence will be duly felt but, that doesn't mean the project can't continue in his absence.
You're pretty right. Not only bitcoin, but doge also like that. From there we should be able to think, not always when the founder leaves, a platform will fall. Support from the community really can make dogecoin continue to live until today, especially with ethereum which has a community greater than dogecoin.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Any bounty rewards after August 2018 ? on: January 08, 2019, 07:48:37 PM
The last token that i was able to cash out were in August of 2018, What about the rest of the bounty hunters ?
I have the same fate as you, after August 2018 most of the bounty payments and token distribution to investors were postponed until this new year 2019, the point was that it was really bad. It seems that not only crypto price was down, but also fewer coming quality projects who are so afraid that their token prices will drop.
13  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: ⚡️[ANN][BOUNTY][ICO]⚡️[HARDCAP TERCAPAI] ELISIA - Revolusi Blockchain on: December 30, 2018, 07:10:01 AM
Jika melihat harga ico $ 0,01 setara dengan 0,0001 ETH tetapi sekarang di ane melihat ada transaksi dengan harga 0,000000002 ETH dan itu dua kali yaitu 10 juta dan 8 juta token
Buy order tertinggi yang ane lihat sekarang 0,0000000015 ETH, kalau masih harga hancur gini kayaknya ane tertarik nih untuk borong nih token ikutan pasang jaring lah, kali aja ada yang mau dengan harga murah nanti Grin

Ane yakin nih yang ngejual dengan harga murah segitu pasti investor karena untuk bounty belum di bagikan. Kali aja karena terdesak kebutuhan buat liburan, soal nya jarang kan ada investor yang melepas token mereka dengan rate sehancur itu  Cheesy
Padahal harga sejauh itu jatuhnya dari harga ICO, entah ada suatu kelompok kali yang sengaja bikin kek gitu, buat nyari token yang murah. Kalau terdesak, mungkin enggak karena sejak awal investor pasti punya dana cadangan, gak mungkin lah semua isi sakunya di pelorotin buat investasi di ICO. Jika begitu, lebih baik gambling aja, gak perlu nunggu lama buat opit.
14  Local / Mining (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [Tanya] Apakah mining semakin mudah ketika harga bitcoin turun? on: December 30, 2018, 06:37:03 AM
Apa harga bitcoin bisa mempengaruhi pendapatan mining?
Ya jelas lah, singkatnya setiap harga bitcoin berubah maka pendapatkan dari mining bitcoin pun berubah. Itu juga mempengaruhi pendapatan mining altcoin yang lain yang pair pertukarannya adalah bitcoin. Terlihat jelas bahwa sang raja koin ini mempunyai pengaruh besar terhadap para alt nya, tetapi jarang tidak sebaliknya.
15  Economy / Speculation / Re: A little hope and questions for 2019. on: December 30, 2018, 06:28:27 AM
I have a great feeling that it will continue to grow till next year. We will just have to hold our hopes while waiting and see while the bull market is coming. We don't don't need to hurry for it to come because i have a feeling that everything is yet to set to the right time no matter what we do. The year 2019 is a great year that most investors will start to show.
You really have a lot of feelings about it, after all that we can only hope that happens. However, as much as good expectations, as much as the opposite comes. Now there is only a little increase, but at least the market price has improved slightly and some of altcoin is green again.
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How do you use bitcoin? on: December 29, 2018, 07:56:35 PM
I use bitcoin in my own way there's a lot of ways but I only based on the situation, sometimes I play with it, invest, buy coins and trade, I use it when I'm in the mood or if I found out some great coins to invest in, since I don't have a stable place for an income I just constantly change the way of spending or using it every time. Just exchange it right away into fiat when I'm in need.
Right, as usual. That's how people use bitcoin, plus as online shopping payment in certain stores that accept bitcoin as payment method. The use is still limited into cyberspace, not officially applied in the real world. If more people know bitcoin, then I'm sure the use will be even more.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Whats your biggest mistake up to now on: December 29, 2018, 05:57:54 PM
My biggest mistake was that I wasn't able to take benefit on the stakes back then, the price of ETH was high that I could have take 45% on getting a higher profit, but I was too unsettled and I thought that the price would go up once more, unfortunately the price continually went down and wasn't able to recover in that same price ever sine the market went red.
Let's just say you were unlucky at the time, and believe that there are still some people who have the same fate as you. Next time, I suggest not to be too greedy in making a profit. I'm myself, feel that 20% profit is enough. Then search the another again with trading others coin. If you are someone who has bought eth when the price is above $ 1K, you are really placed in a bad situation right now.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: The price plunged down today? on: December 29, 2018, 05:48:48 PM
This is a common thing. fluctuations in the price of crypto currencies in the market are indeed very high and very risky. if the price falls then rest assured that the price will improve again. take advantage of these fluctuations to trade.
Not wrong, the key is a high level of patience in facing any price decline and not in a hurry when making decisions. Know when cut-loss must be done and when it's not. Many people think that he has been more patient than others, even though he has only done so little in it.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Holding Coins and Tokens... on: December 28, 2018, 06:56:04 PM
Until when you gonna hold your coins and tokens?
Will you dump it if it is pumping in the market?
I am going to hold my coins until I get the profits that I want and if that means that the coins that I'm holding lose all their value then so be it, I am in this market because I'm thinking for the long term and how cryptocurrencies are going to change the world and I'm sure that if that happens the profits that you are going to get will be almost unbelievable for most people.
I can see you are too complicated when you say it. If that is your goal, it's clear that you will dump it when there is a pump, no problem the waves is big or small, based on what you said above, you will sell it if you get the profit, of course according to what you want.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Good ICOs should be protected from dump on: December 28, 2018, 06:34:54 PM
You can't just protect an ICO from the dumping folks.

Why is it that when there are dumps, the one that gets blamed are the bounty hunters? how big usually is the allocation that they get from the total circulating supply of that token? it is around 1%-10%. You should question the devs but you can't figure it out unless you follow their balance addresses.
If the devs is really serious about his project, it won't be a problem for them to accomodate some coins owned by bounty hunters. I think 1% -5% of the total supply is not too much. It would be great if there was a project like that, like previously Populous Platform project that their tokens rising 10x from ICO price shortly after the ICO ends, who easily accommodates all the bounty tokens owned by hunter bounties.
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