Edit the biblepay.conf file, and place the following lines in the config:
poolport=80 pool=http://pool.biblepay.org workerid=the_worker_id gen=1 genproclimit=5
Is correct??
HI Dev any news about pool..when live?? it is not possible more solo mining
DEV we all have need windows wallet.....
please someone that compiled windows wallet
hi please help what is file.conf and file.bat for solo mining? thanks
Hi dev...when pool go online..i mean mainnet? thanks for your support
Congratulation DEV ....soon pool please...test net is perfect for me...all correct
-o stratum+tcp://poolhost.com:3333 i have connection refused...can you help me? thanks...what is my error
I have filed the form to join Airdrop.
sorry dev..bat what is file conf. for testnet? thanks for your support
wallet is sincro is okk...but { "blocks": 2144, "currentblocksize": 1000, "currentblocktx": 0, "difficulty": 0.001515689064373363, "errors": "", "genproclimit": 10, "network_khashps": 2812.859580438268, "hashps": 3812.064713273046, "minerstarttime": "08-07-2017 19:43:10", "pooledtx": 0, "testnet": false, "chain": "main", "biblepay-generate": true, "poolinfo1": "", "poolinfo2": "", "poolinfo3": "HEALTH_DOWN", "poolmining": false }
file conf
poolport=80 pool=http://pool.biblepay.org workerid=rana666 gen=1 genproclimit=10 addnode=node.biblepay.org
+ balance pool now is 0 ...before was more 4800
hi dev...i have HEALTH_DOWN in the getmininginfo, in field #2....what is my problem? can you help me? i must change my file.conf? + my uncorfirmed pool balance is 0...before was more 4800
i have stop pool mining i wait for stable upgrade please...
Network Hash Rate: 331.75 KH/sec Block Found: about 2 hours ago 1 Block every 2 h What is the sense?? No mining No Party
CONNECTION REFUSED...please ceck pool...problem connection
Not sense mining HEXX COIN 1000 sat..thanks dev for your DUMP...i am go away from this project....you are not a serius person...my opinion...i have lost TIME and MONEY for the mining...by