what is algo for mining POW?? pool??
please wallet...countdown is finish...
hi is there 1 pool with nicehashport with hight diff? thanks
Last POW blocks 10.000 at the moment we stay to the 9671...more 300 block to finish POW mining
less 2000 blocks to the finish POW phase
Dev 1 question: what is the correct prize for 1 ZBS? Great Project..GoodLuck
Premine is only 10.000 ZBS? Correct?
any news about wallet and pool??
beardedpool.f NOT WORK
i lost 0.05 btc 20 GH and no block SCAM
DEV we have need of a stable pool with NICEhash port not with diff setting
DEV please a guide for startup masternode windows guide i have open port on firewall i have error when start masternode
"status": "Not capable masternode: Could not connect to my ip address
what is the problem? please a windows guide
when start masternide have this problem:
"status": "Not capable masternode: Could not connect to my ip
Can you help me?
Windows Firewel is ok..open port
Thanks for your support
port 3333 5555 7777 NOT WORK on nicehash
Is there 1 port for nicehash?
Captain... Did we get to the moon? No We have not yet left.
On Nov 1st you will receive your wallet containing a total of..........of Elektroneum WHEN??? BY Email arrive wallet.dat?
This is not a pool issue but a blockchain problem itself. My coins are safe on the pool wallet Blockchain problem
Sorry if i sad that pool is SCAM