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41  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Zcoin (XZC) - Implementing Zerocoin technology for financial privacy on: June 30, 2017, 11:02:32 PM
Sold most of my Eth on 280euro yesterday, channeled a good segment into XZC... I love this bloodbath hahaha and look how steady zcoin remains around 0.005 Smiley

Buying my eth back at 175 euro Cheesy crypto madness, this is the life!
42  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: ►►►[XBC] BitcoinPlus ►Official Thread◄官方公告◄◄◄ on: June 30, 2017, 10:58:42 PM
When Ethereum tanked early this week XBC made a huge jump... i think this weekend we will see the same action... Lets see, im hodling throughout the bloodbath Smiley
43  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Zcoin (XZC) - Implementing Zerocoin technology for financial privacy on: June 30, 2017, 10:51:47 PM
What benefits does Zcoin have over Pivx? Pivx is PoS and Zcoin is PoW, correct? What other differences are there?

Just saw an announcement that they "became the first Proof of stake crypto to successfully mint and spend a zerocoin transaction" and the price was up > 20% today.  Huh

pivx is a pump pos coin. who knows who controls the coins or how much they paid (nothing)
theres one difference

watch the video posted above zcoin vs zcash. PIVX is like Zcash, no one knows how many coins truly exist... it is like fools gold... I bought PIVX at $0.14 and sold at $1.80... that was in end of march/early april... since it hasnt moved much... PIVX is just a spin off... Zcoin is a new chapter in crypto anonymity.. and fairly ditributed and mineable... o yeah and Chinese... strenght in numbers will come in to play soon enough after MTP is recognised throughout the crypto sphere... just keep filling your xzc bag if you are smart
44  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Zcoin (XZC) - Implementing Zerocoin technology for financial privacy on: June 30, 2017, 06:08:34 AM
 Cool Cool Cool Cool Grin Grin Grin Grin

Yes Yes!!! New video is Amazing Zcoin vs. Zcash

Great job again Reuben, these kinds of videos are extremely empowering for building an ever expanding community of investors that prioritise absolute financial privacy in the age of NSA and CIA crackdown on our liberties, and to understand the true difference between Zcoin and the heavily overpriced and untrustworthy Zcash group.

Perhaps a good idea for next video is addressing the wallets... giving an estimate time line of improving on this..

and explaining the entire roadmap with estimate timeline to get mobile transaction apps up and running,
the estimate time to have the ether/xzc swaps possible and further Exchange adoption like of course Poloniex
as well as the anonymous market place that is one of the end goals...

We are going and growing very strong, this is the number one crypto blow up of 2017 in the making people!!!

The uniquely created Merkle Tree Proof is being activated around the 3rd week of July... with miners picking up can even be faster... Then the revolution is real and the Zcoin genie out of the bottle


Note: Please make sure to add the link of this Bitcointalk thread in the description of the youtube video's Reuben... Make sure people can navigate around a web of information! Thanks and good work Smiley
45  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [XBC] BitcoinPlus 🌟Official Thread🌟官方公告 on: June 27, 2017, 03:48:25 PM
Bitcoin Plus XBC trading at $2400 on NovaExchange and $1000 on CoinExchange.

On Nova the price is $2378 but only for a $95 volume... This means someone bought $95 worth of XBC on a $2378 price level... probably tricked to think he was purchasing a bitcoin lol... Doesnt mean much, but of course it is helping Smiley
46  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Zcoin (XZC) - Implementing Zerocoin technology for financial privacy on: June 27, 2017, 01:33:51 PM
Bitcoin Plus (XBC) is exploding in price and privacy oriented as well as POS.

This is direct competition to Zcoin...So now you have Zcash, Monero and Bitcoin Plus to dominate...

When are you starting to do some serious marketing to make sure you are not keeping miles behind these coins... at the end of the day only one will be the leading anon crypto... So is Zcoin hungry enough to win? Will you make an effort to get on Poloniex? Any big articles planned in the Economist, Time Magazine?? Maybe an interview on CNBC???

Guys, Cryto is mainstream now... get Zcoin out of the shades
47  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [XBC] BitcoinPlus 🌟Official Thread🌟官方公告 on: June 27, 2017, 12:26:38 PM
It makes great sense too Smiley

Whatever they will do with the forks on Bitcoin... this Bitcoin plus is already better and more established than whichever bitcoin will be preferred afterwards.

Nonetheless, Can someone please specify how XBC will still be better than the best btc segwit2x scenario? very curious...
48  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Zcoin (XZC) - Implementing Zerocoin technology for financial privacy on: June 23, 2017, 08:30:31 AM
Announcements should not be made privately from developers.

Either say nothing or go public with it through the appropriate channels. Anything else raises suspicions of insider trading, preferential treatment and/or corruption.
Lol this is stupid allegation the only reason he says that is because literally everyone who joins the slack group keeps asking it. I don't even get how reuben can keep his chill it's annoying AF

Yes I die a little inside everytime.

please don't your a legend in the making Reuben... Now my 2cents for today: Re-publish all your interview video's from the stammy youtube channel to the official Zcoin youtube channel.... Main stream adoption is starting to pick up in the West, so please act and provide the content on a professional outlet.
Furthermore I would like to apply to help you guys on the sales and marketing side of introducing Zcoin to the West.. Im a former broker and substantial holder of Zcoins, and i truly believe in the future potential of this crypto - to compete with and beat ZEC ...I speak English, Dutch (my nationality), German,French, Polish and Czech fluently.. I will join you on slack as anthonybanks. Would love to help you guys grow and help get the word out as a spokesperson Smiley
49  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Zcoin (XZC) - Implementing Zerocoin technology for financial privacy on: June 18, 2017, 12:14:51 PM
Welcome to all new investors... Dont worry about the butt hurt early exiters who missed out on more and more main stream adoption and are now trying to FUD as much as they can out of frustration...

Type in ''Zcoin'' on youtube and put the filter on this month... watch the video's where Reuben (Chinese ) explains how Zcoin is in effect solving the true anonymity for digital money, and why and how is superior to Zcash and Monero..

Rest assured you are still early to own Zero coins as $20, even $50 value is nothing... this coin will make Zcash start dropping very soon and is going nowhere except up and up... Zcoin will only grow stronger and stronger moving forward... MTP is the most cutting edge tech and uniquely developed for Zcoin..

Also keep in mind Zcoin was voted the most promising crypto by Chinese investors on BTC38... Yes Chinese!! Zcoin is a Chinese treasure that is attracting millions upon millions of Chinese looking to store and trade value without their Communist regime being able to stick their nose, or censure their financial choices...

Zcoin is what everything has lead up to.... It is true digital money, 100% privacy and has overcome attacks from all directions

If the word Moon ever applied to anything, it will be XZC

Happy Staking!!!!
50  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Zcoin (XZC) - Implementing Zerocoin technology for financial privacy on: June 16, 2017, 06:18:51 AM
why rise so heavily?

Because Zcoin is the only true anonymous crypto currency in existence and the world is waken up to that fact finally... XZC will be the last man standing  Cool
51  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Zcoin (XZC) - Implementing Zerocoin technology for financial privacy on: June 15, 2017, 09:27:09 PM
Im really curious what the master node value will be... will 1000 xzc be enough, or is 5000 more realistic?
52  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Zcoin (XZC) - Implementing Zerocoin technology for financial privacy on: June 15, 2017, 03:28:16 PM
How does ZCoin compare to Monero or Dash?

What do you all see as short term and long term price targets?
The way I see it Zcoin is the only coin that offers true anonymity as it is the only coin where the transaction link is being broken en therefor not re-traceable when doing a blockchain analysis... Monero has nearly as much anonymity but still organisations like CIA and NSA can figure out the transactions because the link between transaction still exist on the blockchain... Also Monero transactions are heavyweight and slow and there is still no normal functioning wallets available for mass adoption.. In addition the people behind Monero dont care much about community and have taken the piss out of investors before which is very amateur and childish...

Dash is foremost a company... The anonymity is children's play compared to Zcoin, and as a company the have the sole right to blacklist certain dash tokens and offer CIA/NSA type organisations the opportunity for analysis of previous transactions... They might even have no say when summoned to give it all up... Nonethless DASH has a large community and is commercially active..

Zcoin seems to be the single one digital currency that has defeated the anonymity problem and therefor seems not to be able to be taken down by powerful governmental forces... As we all see the governments are already ganging up on the crypto community as we speak...

From Zcoin's roadmap it is clear that the end goals are desktop and mobile wallets, integration with ethereum for swaps between zcoin and ether and foremost a decentralised anonymous market place... It sounds like Silk Road 2.0 and I guess that is exactly what it is, but with the security to not be shut down by any powerful organisation...

If Zcoin can live up to all this and if the Zcoins are truly untraceable and completely well as the market place that will be the main infra structure to integrate Zcoin with regular economics... I'd say this coin might even be the last one standing soon... and the eventual evolutionary product of what Satoshi envisioned...

In this case the value will be priceless... On the shorter term think simple.. Zcoin has better tech than Zcash and Zcash costs $300 per coin.... Zcoin costs $12 per coin.. This disparity is in Zcoins favor
53  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ADL] Adel | Startup Incubator for Blockchain Innovation on: June 13, 2017, 12:35:57 PM
On which exchange are currently traded adel?

What Ico price adel ?

1 Million Billion Dollars {evil laugh}

1 btc investment amounted to about 30k Adel...ballpark figure as many more variables were at play such as timing of participation and continued contributions etc...
54  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Zcoin (XZC) - Implementing Zerocoin technology for financial privacy on: June 13, 2017, 08:18:05 AM
Zcoin Masters you are doing a great job and I have no doubt Zcoin will survive in the top20 of actual crypto currencies used by millions in the years to come..

It seems MTP is about ready so all looks great moving forward... However.....

In order to convince people about the quality of your coin, and get them aboard (which should be your main goal to build the community), please understand to also prioritise the wallets...

The wallets are not good... I still am not able to have a wallet run at all on my macbooks.... The windows wallets seem full of bugs as I can read from messages in this thread... come one guys... once MTP is working, how about you spend some time re-doing those wallets so that it works?!!

I can only hope you take this seriously because the wallet is the main infrastructure for end users...

I have downloaded wallets from third tier coins like XSPEC and numerous others and they work wonderfully... So how come it is so hard for you guys to have the wallets perform?

Overcome this obstacle and expect your community to blow up in the most positive sense of the word
55  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ADL] Adel | Startup Incubator for Blockchain Innovation on: June 12, 2017, 02:50:41 PM
 Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

I see 800% in the green! 9 NXT per 1 ADL correct?

That makes an ADL 1,50 euro per token...

If this is right, WOW congratz
56  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ADL] Adel | Startup Incubator for Blockchain Innovation on: June 12, 2017, 12:09:49 PM
Can somebody help me please to understand where my ADL should be located in my NXT wallet?
Account balance = 0
Assets = 0
currency value = 0


So where do I look them up,? thank you

Under assets.
But distribution is going on till end of the day.
About 35 Accounts done at the moment.

Click on number of accounts and see if you are already there.

Thanks Ill keep an eye out... except for the 98% huge account, is it fair to assume the larger token will be little more towards the end? lets say 100-200k ADL?
So far it seems the smaller accounts are being funded first.

Anyway the train is moving so il be patient. Thanks
57  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ADL] Adel | Startup Incubator for Blockchain Innovation on: June 12, 2017, 11:56:44 AM
Can somebody help me please to understand where my ADL should be located in my NXT wallet?
Account balance = 0
Assets = 0
currency value = 0


So where do I look them up,? thank you
58  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ADL] Adel | Startup Incubator for Blockchain Innovation on: June 12, 2017, 12:56:36 AM
hi i did all walkthrough-nxt-validation,   Confirmed  Validated,

But nothing in wallet

My Assets
No assets

Thank you

you will receive a notification by tomorrow probably in the dashboard if i am correct... Stay patient my young padawan  Wink
59  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ADL] Adel | Startup Incubator for Blockchain Innovation on: June 12, 2017, 12:34:02 AM
Well the NXT and ADL addresses were the same but nonetheless... I have indeed created a new NXT address with first time login, and adjusted that address in my dashboard...

It seems all is ok now Smiley

Still the secret passphrase that i received at the start of the ICO was not involved at all doing this just now... I entered the secret password of the newly created NXT wallet...

Anyway I am confirmed and validated... Looks like we are getting there, fingers crossed Smiley

Many thanks!!

To all the others experiencing problems, i just did:

1. log in creating new wallet with NXT software (not returning user, the other option), and store wallet address + public key on a file
2. generate new token and save it by copy pasting it into your notes or wordpad etc...
3. log into ADL ICO dashboard and change your NXT wallet (wallet address + public key) in top left corner for the newly created NXT wallet with the software
4. enter the Generated Token you just copy pasted, into the field in the dashboard
5. and voila, it worked Smiley

Thanks Gabriel & Co.

Looking forward to seeing those ADL's somewhere in NXT shortly... not sure exactly where but well tackle that once I see that the tokens are delivered by notification
60  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] [ADL] Adel | Startup Incubator for Blockchain Innovation on: June 11, 2017, 11:09:29 PM
Dear Adel Team members,

I am encountering a problem when trying to generate a token and it is worrying me a lot.

When entering the ICO I have copied and stored my secret passphrase on 3 separate files to make absolutely sure it could not be lost or run into to any problems.. - given how you have put emphasis on this matter, I made sure this secret passphrase was stored safely and ready for finalising this process...

I have just clicked on the manual here above and followed the instructions... went to settings and clicked ''generate token''

STEP 4: As instructed I have written ''Adel'' (case sensitive) in the top field, and the secret phrase in the bottom field... It gives me an ''incorrect passphrase'' error.

Further I see in the manual that I should receive the generated token (STEP 5) and copy it in my dashboard on the ICO dashboard...

for step 6 i have to confirm that i have stored my passphrase safely... I clicked that ''confirm'' button i think 9 days ago (!!!!!!) - because of the sole reason that I had my secret passphrase stored safely and thought that was the very first action to take after the ICO ended on June 1st....

On step 7  I am supposed to see a field on my dashboard to ''enter'' the token but obviously that field is not there any longer, since i clicked that confirm button over a week ago... I am just seeing ''confirmed'' on the top left corner of my dashboard, underneath : Your NXT acccount

This is very disturbing to me as I am not educated enough in this process to have understood all the necessary actions... It was not until just now in this thread made clear that i could not have clicked that confirm button, without having gone through the ''generate token'' process firstly...

I just clicked confirm because as requested I did store my passphrase safely as requested.... I thought that was the ''confirm'' all about, just to double check I had my secret phrase still stored safely on a file/e-mail.... How could I have known that This entire click settings, generate token was all needed prior to clicking the ''confirm'' button...

As I am not an IT specialist or have any prior experience with NXT I had no idea whatsoever what '' generating a token'' even meant in the first place...

Now I am in a situation where I logged in happily on my dashboard, see my ADL token amount (which is quite substantial i may add), looking at a confirmed account.. all looks good... then i see this manual that has only just been posted here... happily follow the steps... and BAM, incorrect passphrase... and nothing!!!

I am absolutely 100% sure that my secret passphrase is CORRECT, even copy pasted it from all 3 files separately... but now i am stuck... All because I neatly followed instructions and clicked ''CONFIRM'' to understate I have my passphrase stored safely right after June 1st...

I am definitely and cordially requesting your help to help me solve this situation.. Personally I have no clue what to do now... Can the dashboard account be unconfirmed so I can firstly generate the token in the NXT wallet? How come my secret passphrase is not being recognised as I have it identically stored from the very first day of ICO participation on 3 separate files? Is it possible to get in touch and offer you my passphrase to solve the situation?

Please help, kind regards

P.S. Furthermore I just noticed that in your manual step 6 and 7 fall under the ''ICO'' tab... For me the ICO tab is now grey and not clickable any longer... I can only click on the tabs '' Account'' and ''Voting''... all in all i am quite shocked about what just occurred... I would really appreciate help on the matter
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