crypto innovation for me facilitates financial affairs all over the world. we trade throughout the world without having to convert other countries' currencies. and with cryto, many people benefit here as a way to get instant profits.
it is natural law. like a lot of capital, the profits are also greater. however, your risk is also getting bigger, if you are a trader then the thing that needs to be considered is financial management, if you want to get the advantage to buy what you want
why do you work? that's the same question. in the real world many people work, for what? get money for survival, not everyone can work in the world like other people working in the office, selling and so on, the existence of bitcoin is an opportunity to earn money, spending time on bitcoin is an advantage, if you don't benefit, nobody wants to spend time here
who controls the market is news. why is the news? if news about a coin has a vision for the future, with news that many want to buy or invest in the coin. I think you are joining the crypto world because of the news, and the peak in the year that caused the price of bitcoin to be very high. and then bad news shows that bitcoin makes people afraid to lose, and sells their coins that cause market price go down ... I do not believe, rich people can control the market
joined signature campaing i see twitter campaign and other must be make report activity. i want ask to campaign manager about signature bounty campaign must be report the activity ?
Bitcointalk name: brama jasa Bitcointalk Rank: Senior Member Telegram username: @bramajs Twitter handle: @gembel_elite17 ETH Wallet Address: 0x4C8b89Be299d28341EfA2cD5B70CA6dB9Bc991E0 Wear Appropriate Signature: Y Wear Personal Text: Y Wear Avatar: Y
#join signature campaign
Username: Brama Jasa Post Count:528 BTC Address : 38VFpXbDhcNrJwDQXz3RSErhGSeRmtUgys
Join signature bounty campaign of EOSABC Bitcointalk account level: sr. member Telegram username: @bramajs
Jujur saja gan, selama ini saya sering sekali mendengar exchanger kena bobol.tapi sampai saat ini saya belum pernah dengar ada wallet ke bobol. Paling2 saya pernah dengar myetherwallet ke bobol tapi ujung2nya hoax.dan seandainya ribut aset hilang adalah karena teledor ngisi private key. Pasword dll. Apakah yang namanya wallet itu 100% aman dari pembobol? Karena sy belum pernah mendengar ada wallet ke bobol. Apakah agan pernah mendengar wallet kena bobol? Dan apakah exchanger itu sistem nya lebih lemah dari wallet karena mudah kena bobol?
kalau exchange saya hanya mendengar beritanya saja tapi kalau wallet saya mengalaminya, wallet saya di retas (myetherwallet) setelh di telusuri ternyata hacker mengambil dengan memulai menghack facebook dari smarphone saya dan kemudian saat saya meng akses facebook di pc hacker mulai meretas pc saya entah bagaimana cara dia membolol pc saya yang jelas jejak nya facebook mesengger saya mengirim link otomatis ke teman saya untuk mengonfirmasi pengubahan sandi masuk , padahal privat key saya terseimpan di local disk hardrive saya dan saya kehilang koin seharga 20 jt ,, dan setelah itu saya tidak pernah mengyimpan privatkey di pc lagi .
They are just a bunch of people who see from the short-term, so they only see the decrease due to bitcoin dumps a few months back as "the death of bitcoin". However, they don't see that bitcoin price in every year is increasing.
Bitcoin news loaders will die are website journalists and bloggers, the raiting of their websites is increasing because it makes news like that, and affects everyone to be afraid to invest in crypotcurrency, but in reality bitcoin is still going well even many countries have legalized in their countries, and the price of bitcoin is still relatively expensive.
Hi All
What do you use for your bitcoin security, I have been looking into usb style password protectors, but don't know enough about them as to the trust that I should place in them.
Has anyone bought them and would you recommend them?
Many thanks
I use the offilne wallet that I made on a special computer, I turn on the computer if I send coins to the exchange place and it is equipped with a firewall to avoid hackers, even though I can't guarantee my assets will be safe from hackers , many ways are done to hack crypto users' wallets, and if you use password security with USB as often as usb is stored in a safe place and not used for everyday needs, just use it when transacting
I think the bank will not die, because they are following the development of block technology, in my country many banks have learned the technology, and if cryptocurency is legalized in countries around the world the bank will certainly benefit, I read one comment that if crypto is legalize, then there will be a rule set in the transaction, so here is the bank benefiting from the cost of the crypto transaction, and later the bank is like a place of exchange
I know it's advisable to buy low and sell your coin at a higher price. What I don't understand is that when you sell high, do you suppose to buy so that your profit will not depreciate when the price is going low? I need an expert to clarify me, Thanks.
buying at a cheap price and selling at a high price is indeed the way to benefit from trading but can prices always be like that? the thing that I experienced during trading every day we can analyze when (the moment) to start trading, but I traded in my country, during the day the market started to fall a little and at that time I started to buy some crypto coins, and at night a lot of trading and prices will go up that's the right time to sell, don't wait to get big profits to selling coins, set the profits you get every day, don't be too selfish to get high profits, because not every day you get a profit
Knowledge of course really support in everything, cryptocurrency knowledge can be available everywhere, friends, families or thru school. But if you got knowledge it will be better because it's free without any cost you can be smart. Google right now also save many things about cryptocurrency, of course you can access it easily.
the right answer, on the internet and especially in this forum we can get knowledge about cryptocurrency for free, for example, I know cryptocurrency from fellow schoolmates, and then I joined this forum last year, I got the lesson all in this forum, if crypto used as a world currency, of course it will have a negative and positive impact, a negative impact when there are unscrupulous people using bitcoin to transact money laundering positive impact to make producers and consumers around the world in terms of purchasing goods or payments
if the digital currency is used officially globally, then there will be a lot of criminal acts, but as the development of crypto transactions can be monitored because with the KYC system, everyone can find out who is transacting, and the loss is that the country does not get tax from the transaction when a user makes payments or purchases goods from outside his country, but it is possible that the government of a country makes a policy if bitcoin officially becomes a global currency
Besides of the downtrend of bitcoin and any cryptocurrency value and despite of lots of negative news, having a single positive/good news is enough to lift up to counter this bearish market. Though lot of positive news would be great too than a single one.
the same as one drop of ink put into water, negative news about bitcoin is only made for the benefit of the website or blogger to get money, many people are only affected by the news on the website or on the blog, they do not trace how the future prospects of bitcoin, plus many people who only invest in bitcoin just to get money instantly, after getting profit and bitcoin prices go down they all run away which causes the price of bitcoin to drop dramatically, but the price is still relatively high compared to last year. just relax, the end of the year or the following year all will come back
if the reduction in the price of a bitcoin transaction refers to the price of bitcoin, this is the moment for investors to buy lots of bitcoin, and this moment is waiting for traders to wait, I think there will be surprises in the next few months
can you include the news link? now the price of bitcoin is still referring to USD / fiat, I think the conversion of BTC prices to USD is still good because USD has been worldwide for payments, purchases and others. usd can bring the development of bitcoin until now, initially all crypto players certainly buy bitcoin with usd, now those who can buy it with local currency are provided at the exchange place in their respective countries
maybe it could happen to be used for crime, but what I think is that if bitcoin is used in a crime, it will certainly be discovered because now it's using the Kyc system
true, cryptocurrency has developed if it transacts a lot in the exchange place, now the exchange place using KYC, as you said that we can find the perpetrator's transaction, and ask everyone not to try to deteriorate bitcoin especially for you crypto players, you get money from crypto and you make your income place worse in the eyes of people in the world, people like this that will make Crypto destroyed