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1  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] | Crypto Casino & Sportsbook | Signature Campaign ~ Hero+ on: February 05, 2025, 07:33:41 AM
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=993977
Current amount of Posts: 3009
EARNED merit in the last 120 days: 23
bech32 BTC Address: bc1qu9tl7ng322hduq0uytjjvhnqmv2erccxx9r9uk
2  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Pump Bitcoin Karena Donald Trump Menang? on: February 04, 2025, 02:37:35 PM
Disektor lain nampkanya Trum terlihat mendukung crypto tapi keputusan baru yang diambil bahkan membuat pasar crypto bahkan saham ikut berimbas. Ini adakah masalah kebijakan tarif baru yang diumumkan oleh Donald Trump terhadap Kanada, Meksiko, dan China. Kondisi ini membuat khawatir investor terjadinya perang dagang dan mengambarkan kondisi tidak jelasnya perkembangan mengenai makroekonomi.

Nampaknya dump dalam kemarin salah satu akibat dari kebijakan Trump. Sehingga ini memicu penarikan dana besar yang teradi di ETF dan paling besar terjadi Fidelity dan ARK. Tapi beberapa saat kemudian berhasil rebound kembali ke  $100k, nampaknya ini juga kaibat adanya penundaan kebijakan Trump selama 1 bulan.

Sejak Donald Trump resmi dilantik jadi presiden AS banyak keputusan yang dibuat memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap dunia cryptocurrency terutama setelah keputusan menaikkan pajak produk dari Kanada, Meksiko dan Kanada. Bayangin saja beberapa menit keputusan yang dia umumkan harga cryptocurrency turun cukup signifikan kemaren meskipun sekarang sudah mulai recovery namun harga altcoin masih sangat jauh dari harga sebelumnya.

Sekarang lagi perang bisnis antara Amerika Serikat dan China, setelah sebelumnya China merilis DeepSeek membuat beberapa saham Amerik Serikat turun cukup drastis dan keputusan Donald Trump menaikkan import barang China juga memberikan dampak tersendiri terhadap cryptocurrency.
3  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] Signature Campaign | Full member+ | Up to $90/week on: February 02, 2025, 07:15:19 PM
Rank: Hero Member
Bech32 address: bc1qu9tl7ng322hduq0uytjjvhnqmv2erccxx9r9uk
4  Economy / Services / Re: 🎭 Signature Ad Campaign [ Accepting Applications ] on: January 31, 2025, 04:03:10 PM
Username: armanda90
I am Interested in participating.
5  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] Signature Campaign | Sr Member & above | $60/week on: January 31, 2025, 07:49:20 AM
Rank- Hero Member
Segwit BTC address- bc1qu9tl7ng322hduq0uytjjvhnqmv2erccxx9r9uk
6  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA Champions League 2024/25 Season on: January 28, 2025, 06:17:28 AM
Manchester City must have seen some of these opportunities at this time so that Pep Guardiola will definitely give his best direction to all the players he has in order to play as well as possible in the last match in this round. Because being able to win in the last match is actually enough for Manchester City to place itself in the Champions League play-off zone, especially if there are several other teams whose positions are very close to Manchester City at this time who also cannot win in their last match in this round, of course it will be very beneficial for Manchester City who are trying to get back into the play-off zone.
Manchester City will face Club Brugge at last games week of Champion League match and its very important match have to win if won't eliminate from playoff round, in other side have advantage for Club Brugge behind get being draw is enough get qualify to playoff round because having 12 points can't catch by Manchester City or Dinamo Zagreb have 8 points awhile.
I think its very crucial match for both teams if won't eliminate early in Champion League and Manchester City get advantage by playing home will all out get three points to qualify playoff round.

The last games week of of phase league of Champion League match will be played simultaneously and bit confuse which one important match have to watch, as Madrid fans keep priority for watching Real Madrid against Brest at last match and wish take three points with other opportunity the higher standings teams awhile loss three points giving opportunity for Madrid reach the top eight standings position.
7  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Perkembangan Perdagangan Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency sebagai aset komoditas on: January 28, 2025, 04:27:18 AM
Harus jika mereka tidak ingin bermasalah maka mereka juga harus menyesuaikan dengan edaran baru dari Bappebti.
Nah, harusnya seperti ini juga sih cuman ada kesalahan sendiri dari Bappeti dan exchange yangs udah listing duluan namun tidak mengecek detail tentang aturan Bappeti mengenai kriteria koin yang bisa listing di market lokal. Sebenarnya koin dengan fundamental yang bagus tidak akan ada dampak sama sekali terhadap koin tersebut dan sejak pengumuman delist pun harga tetap stabil.

Kerugiannya pasti terasa untuk semua user yang memfavoritkan coin yang di deslisting sehingga mereka akan memilih keluar dari market lokal dan memilih berdagang di market luar seperti Mexc dan Binance.
Saya pikir butuh penyesuaian yang lebih akurat tapi ya kita ikuti saja apa yang mereka putuskan karena kalau di desliting di market lokal, kita hanya bermingrasi ke market luar karena di market luar Cex dan Dex kita masih membeli coin tersebut.
Secara tidak langsung, baik pemerintah dalam hal ini dbawah Bappeti dan exchange lokal mengusir member loyal mereka untuk pindah ke market luar daripada menggunakan market lokal. Padahal koin yang delist jauh lebih potensial dibandingkan beberapa koin meme yang listing di market lokal terutama market Indodax. Di sisi lain juga pemerintah merelakan kehilangan potensi dapat pajak dalam jumlah lebih besar lagi ke depannya dari 8 koin sudah di delist, semoga ke depan koin yang sudah listing di market lokar harus benar-benar mengikiuti regulasi dan tidak delist sepihak oleh market lokal dan juga Bappeti.
8  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread 2024/2025 on: January 27, 2025, 02:07:34 PM

The race for the golden boot this season looks very interesting as it looks really tight this season. By this time last season Erling Haaland was already good numbers from the others but this season he has good competition from Salah and Alexander Isak. Salah’s numbers in terms of goals and assists is just remarkable, how he manages to score many goals and assists similar numbers is just mind blowing and if it were in my power to decide I will just give it to him for his goal contribution level, he is just outstanding and the fact that he does this consistently distinguishes him from the rest.
Golden boot race this season in Premier League very excited after Erling Haaland dominance every season success stopping by Mohamad Salah and Alexander Isak with consistent performance scoring goals every games. Usually Erling Haaland not get difficult for scoring many goals and last season success scoring 27 goals of 31 games. For Mohamad Salah he was success passed his goal scored last season by scoring 18 goals of 32 games and this season Mohamad Salah scored 19 goals of 22 games in Premier League.

Alexander Isak could be another potential players get in premier league golden boot race after scoring 17 goals of 21 games and looks he has opportunity reach Salah or Haaland goals for few matches later. Erling Haaland losses his goals contribution when Manchester City get downtrend performance, but last several matches return back to winning trend seems Haaland have opportunity return back lead the premier league top scorer this season.
9  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Perkembangan Perdagangan Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency sebagai aset komoditas on: January 26, 2025, 04:12:49 AM
Benar. Memilih exchange yang terdaftar itu penting dan menurut saya semuan member SFI hanya menggunakan exchange yang dimaksud karena tidak siap dengan resiko kehilangan uang. Mas pasti paham bagaimana sulitnya mencari uang.

Diakui atau tidak. Sadar atau tidak, kini industri kripto di Indonesia semakin ramai. Dari sini menunjukkan bahwa semakin mudah dan semakin banyak orang yang sadar untuk melibatkan diri kedalam industri kripto.
Perihal aturan, itu mah bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu.
Akibat regulasi dari Bappeti ada beberapa top potensial altcoin yang harus delisting secara bersamaan di semua exchange lokal yang sudah memiliki regulasi dibawah naungan Bappeti, kemaren satu minggu yang lalu Tokocrypto mengumumkan 8 top altcoin yang delist dari market sepertinya semua market lokal juga ikut delist

  • Dash (DASH)
  • Horizon (ZEN)
  • ZKsync (ZK)
  • LayerZero (ZRO)
  • Usual (USUAL)
  • Vana (VANA)
  • Pudgy Penguins (PENGU)
  • Bio Protocol (BIO)

Harusnya dengan semakin ramai industri crypto, pemerintah dalah hal ini Bappeti harus benar-benar filter mana koin yang harus didelist atau tidak, dengan delist 8 koin otomatis tidak banyak pilihan bagi trader lokal untuk memilih koin jika trade di market lokal. Padahal semakin banyak koin yang listing semakin bertambah pemasukan pemerintah melalui pajak apalagi 8 top altcoin yang didelist lagi fomo saat ini dan banyak yang trade koin itu khususnya VANA, BIO dan Pengu notaben koin hasil airdrop.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [Bounty][SSF Games] 100K Raised Already- Private Sale Coming Soon 🚀 $30K Tokens on: January 25, 2025, 02:15:46 PM
Authentication post
Bitcointalk username: armanda90
Telegram username: @armanda90
Sol wallet address: HxuXpLaL4JSGRGoBHooVnh5hYBJj78KzLFQ8ph8m1jJL
11  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA Champions League 2024/25 Season on: January 22, 2025, 03:45:13 PM
Barcelona must not make the same mistakes as in the first half against Benfica when they face Atalanta. Because I agree with you that Atalanta is different from Benfica. This team this season is quite scary. Apart from having the ability to take advantage of opportunities well or their goal conversion rate being very good, this team also has a level of defense that should not be underestimated. Beating Sturm with a score of 5-0, aka without conceding a single goal, makes us realize how strong Atalanta's defense was in that match. Sturm was only able to make 5 shots and only 1 shot was on target against Atalanta's goal. And I also remember how Atalanta beat Leverkusen in the Europa League final last season. At first I didn't pay attention to Atalanta but now I really pay attention to this team and what I can say about this team is that it is a tenacious and highly disciplined team. They will continue to develop and get better.
Seems the match facing Atalanta not influence yet for Barcelona because have secure at directly qualifying standings position, current points of Barcelona difficult catch up by the outside top 8th standings team and having 18 points awhile with one match left have secure one spot for Barcelona get next round match. But conceded four goals is not good performed for Barcelona how weakness of their defense and another bigger mistake from their goals keeper Wojciech Szczęsny. Barcelona difficult to make clean sheet not only at Champion League match but also in domestic league match and last time clean sheet at domestic league match when facing Real Madrid last one month ago.

Atalanta have impressive performance in Champion League after defating SK Sturm last match over 5-0 and their current standings position not secure yet get qualifying directly or not depend on last match result. Atalanta won't loss three points at the last games week of Champion League match get qualifying to knock out round.
12  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] Crypto Casino | Signature Campaign | Sr Member+ on: January 21, 2025, 09:35:09 AM
Rank- Hero Member
Segwit BTC address- bc1qu9tl7ng322hduq0uytjjvhnqmv2erccxx9r9uk
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 🚧 [BOUNTY] Popkitty - Blockchain Social Media | Bounty Campaign | Join Now on: January 18, 2025, 05:24:32 AM
Bitcointalk Username: armanda90
Telegram Username: @armanda90
Campaign Category Participated: Signature
Metamask or ETH Wallet Address: 0x8E2857bdba45D90671996c1c1cd5D126a6Bfac86
14  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] | No KYC Casino | Signature Campaign on: January 18, 2025, 02:47:04 AM
Rank- Hero
Segwit BTC address-  bc1qu9tl7ng322hduq0uytjjvhnqmv2erccxx9r9uk
15  Economy / Services / Re: | Crypto Casino & Sportsbook | Signature Campaign ~ Hero+ ~$65/Week on: January 14, 2025, 02:30:32 PM
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=993977
Current post count (Including this one): 2995
bech32 BTC Address: bc1qu9tl7ng322hduq0uytjjvhnqmv2erccxx9r9uk
Merit EARNED in the last 120 days: 21
16  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: La Liga (Spanish League) Prediction Thread 2024/25 on: January 11, 2025, 05:19:05 PM
Is it still interesting in the EL Clasico match in my opinion it is no longer interesting, because it is no longer in the era of EL Clasico when these two players decided to leave La Liga, CR7 and Messi were the attraction for EL Clasico in their era but will the era of Kylian Mbappé and Lamine Yamal be much better than before, Honestly, the Real Madrid Vs Barcelona match really is no longer of much interest because this is why I sometimes always miss the EL Clasico match and almost never miss this EL Clasico match, and only in the last few seasons I have not watched the EL Clasico match.
I can't fully believing with Madrid or Barcelona fans just expected for watching Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi without priority with their club favorite.
Every moment always have difference players era and right now El Clasico match keep interested after leaving by Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi because high intention of El Casico match for both teams who ever play there.
Comparison with other classic match or derby match, only El Clasico have high intention and drama during 90 minutes because recently have two players icons Vinicius Jr from Madrid and Barcelona having Lamine Yamal. I don't know why many fans said not interested yet with El Clasico match since leaving by Ronaldo or Lionel Messi because every el clasico always have crucial moment.
17  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: 16% interest in USDC, too good to be true? on: January 11, 2025, 04:30:15 PM
No doubt with USDC stable coins and reward 16% interest seems excited but do you trust fully with Wirex exchange? Actually not heard yet and not popular with this exchange and braveness for staking USDC reward until 16% become most bigger reward than other or top exchange market usually the interest under 10%  and have limitation amount for staking. If you trust with Wirex exchange must checking firstly the regulation its stable or not staking reward interest 16% behind any exchange always change the interest reward for staking if get additional user who stake their stable coins.

I think the interest 16% become most bigger reward for staking USDC coins keep stable price and not worry will drop such as USTC but most important will the reward stable for long term or exchange have another regulation when getting many additional user stake USDC coins.
18  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Pump Bitcoin Karena Donald Trump Menang? on: January 11, 2025, 03:57:44 PM
Bagaimanapun Trump itu adalah seorang politikus, janjinya pada kampanye kemarin itu mungkin tidak akan terpenuhi semuanya atau terealisasi dalam waktu dekat, karena kita paham sendiri bagaimana ribetnya sistem politik di Amerika sana, dan bagaimana Trump itu adalah seorang oportunis, karena banyak keputusan politiknya yang dinilai berdasarkan keuntungan pribadi. Tapi begitu, saya yakin beberapa janjinya pada Bitcoin itu akan terealisasi biarpun membutuhkan waktu yg lebih lama namun setidaknya dia memikirkan bagaimana masa depan Bitcoin dalam masa pemerintahannya beberapa tahun kedepan.
Sebenarnya kalaupun Donald Trump ingin mewujudkan janjinya saat kampanye untuk menjadikan bitcoin lebih mendapatkan ruang di Amerika Serikat tetap harus mendapatkan persetujuan terlebih dahulu dari parlemen.
Saat ini parlemen tidak hanya didominasi oleh partai Donald Trump sendiri yaitu partai republik tetapi ada juga dari partai Demokrasi tentunya bakal sedikit rumit untuk mendapatkan persetujuan terutama menjadikan bitcoin sebagai alat transaksi yang legal di Amerika Serikat.

Namun sudah ada dampak atau efek signifikan dari kemenangan Donald Trump kemaren mampu membuat bitcoin tembus sampai diatas $108k dan beberapa hari ke depan dia bakal dilantik jadi presiden AS. Mungkin momen dia dilantik pasti ada efek juga potensi bitcoin bisa naik kembali dan mencapai ATH terbaru namun masih ada juga kemungkinan sebaliknya.
19  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread 2024/2025 on: January 11, 2025, 03:08:34 PM

Nuno deserved it. I would never see Forest to compete for the UCL spot if it was not him who coached them. I'm still amazed with the performance of their team. They have low budget squad, but able to perform as good as billion squad owned by Chelsea.

It's weird if he was not winning the award, but he did it. I congratulate him for this. This looks small achievement for the big coach, but it means a lot for him. He can work better to keep it.

Its first time for Nottingham Forest leading the top fourth standings position or Champion League spot since promote to Premier League competition and unbelievable with their tactician Nuno Espírito Santo for the first time bring the premier league team reach the top fourth position.
Previously, Nuno Espírito Santo sacked as Wolves manager after failure reach the higher standings position but he make difference achievement when managing Nottingham Forest after success for the first half season.

Every season, Premier League competition always have new teams reaching the top fourth standings position after last season Aston Villa success securing UEFA Champion League spot and looks this season have difference teams as Nottingham Forest or Chelsea get opportunity return back for participating in Champion League after missing almost last three consecutives season.

20  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA Champions League 2024/25 Season on: January 11, 2025, 02:24:28 PM
Of course, Pep Guardiola had to change his plans from defending the Premier League title to winning a position in the Champions League zone. It is still reasonable to expect them to qualify for next season's Champions League if their performance improves, but to retain the title, it is already very difficult. Liverpool already have such a large points gap and it is very difficult to catch up with Manchester City's current condition.

Meanwhile in the Champions League, I think Pep Guardiola still has a chance to get his team through to the next round. PSG are not favorites in the next match, even if they play at home. Pep Guardiola must be able to perform optimally in that match and that is the best opportunity that he must take advantage of.
In Champion League matches, PSG won 1 of 3 home matches in this season and get difficulty for winning the match after being draw by PSV Eidhoven and defeating by Atletico Madrid.
Only Girona as the teams defeated by PSG at their home match and looks not have good result for PSG when playing home in Champion League match, but upcoming home match its drastically difference because the most important and crucial match if want get qualify to knock out round.

PSG have opportunity taking Manchester City at playoff round standings position if can win upcoming match but if losses three points as last home match in this season make difficult for PSG will get qualify to knock out round although can defeated Stuttgart at last match. The same with Manchester City, facing PSG its crucial match and Pep Guardiola must improve his team performance if won't loss opportunity get qualifying to knock out round by finish as playoff round standings teams. 
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