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I was able to create a wallet just fine, but when trying to claim, I get "Unexpected error. Try it again later or contact our support. Thank you." What do?
Just to gauge interest, would anyone want to to do a similar deal with me for 300 BTC/BTU? I get your 300 BTC, you get my 300 BTU. I don't think it's worth bothering until the BU hashrate gets above 50% (unless you want to make "does a fork happen" part of the bet), but I figure I may as well start asking around.
Escrow wise, I would hope someone could come up with an atomic swap method.
I've been thinking about doing something similar, but on a much smaller scale. For the swap, you should be able to use the taint method so that the BTCs and BTUs get to their proper destinations: - Before the fork, you each depsit 60k coins into a multisig address, for a total of 120k
- After the fork happens, the escrow address will contain 120k BTC and 120k BTU
- You obtain a properly split (non-replayable) BTC UTXO on the Core chain, and Roger obtains a properly split BTU UTXO on the BU chain
- You send your BTC UTXO to the escrow address, and Roger does the same with his BTU UTXO (let's say they're 1 BTC/BTU each)
- The escrow address now contains 120,001 BTC and 120,001 BTU
- Create a multisig transaction that will send the original 120k BTC plus the 1 BTC TXO to an address you control, get it signed, and broadcast it to the Core network. This transaction will be unspendable on the BU chain, due to the 1 BTC TXO.
- Create another multisig transaction that will send the original 120k BTU plus the 1 BTU TXO to an address Roger controls, get it signed, and broadcast it to the BU network. This transaction will be unspendable on the Core chain, due to the 1 BTU TXO.
My personal opinion is that they never gave a promise that ALL future versions of the device will be open source and it's foolish to expect that.
While it isn't unheard of, it is fairly rare for open source projects to revert to being proprietary. Most high-profile instances of that happening have resulted in the project being forked and the original maintainers losing control of it. So no, it's not unreasonable to expect an open-source project to stay that way. In this case, while I'm hoping that an effort to maintain the LGPL version of the Trezor firmware will take off, I suspect that the project may be too small at this point. The Trezor's install base isn't very large, and additional people likely to participate in such an effort are now unlikely to buy a Trezor. If you don't like that buy other open source wallet
I did buy an open-source hardware wallet. That's the basis of my complaint. ಠ_ಠ
What's the deal with this?: Trezor Code no Longer LGPLv3, but now more restrictive Microsoft Reference Source LicenseI bought my Trezor with the understanding that all of the code running on it was open source (Free/Libre/etc), and would continue to be. If the code is going to be under a restrictive license going forward, I am no longer interested in owning a Trezor; I request that SatoshiLabs allow me to return mine for a refund, in order to make up for the bait-and-switch.
Please, since there would be no difference in your opinion as well: just remove it and prove me wrong. If it's the same situation, there's no harm trying, right?
Like I said, I wish I could. Unfortunately, it is not that simple, you have a couple million in offers at that rate, just what...cancel their offers? Remove the FRR option from UI and API, and just let existing FRR offers run their course. You could either turn off autorenew on those offers, or just wait for lenders to gradually do it themselves.
I just think that the "wall" that people are complaining about will always exist in that there are a lot of people competing for a fixed amount of demand, the people willing to go the lowest are the ones who make ANY return, and right now, you have people who are using the FRR in order to passively gain returns staying OUT of that competition at least some of the time (whenever there is a wall).
Do you understand the point of having a well-filled order book, In general? You don't seem to. Margin traders should really be the ones taking you guys to task for this, since they're affected far more than lenders are. The issue is just more visible to lenders.
So now people keep undercutting the FRR and there's no way to lend at FRR. It would be nice to be able to autorenew with a market order or something like that. I don't really want to be monitoring my account all the time to make sure that all the USD are lent.
If you set autolend to a low enough rate, it should act like a market offer and pair you with the highest swap demand that's currently on the book. Alternatively, you could set up my bot or HowardF's bot, and let the bot manage lending for you.
As the author of this bot, I'd like to point out this bot was originally developed specifically because of how frustrating the FRR is. It's not a "something rather than nothing" philosophy so much as "FRR wall breaks realistic lending rates, and keeping my money lent 100% of the time at least improves my return a little bit". I do very much care about the rate, I just came to accept most investors are lazy and will dump everything into FRR auto renew and never think another thought about it, and I had to figure out a way to combat that as best I could... I would also point out the 30 day returns with this bot are almost always much higher than FRR set and forget lenders returns are...
So, if I add all that and make it compete with you for being active, you will see higher or lower rates? In other words, the more effort you put in (writing a bot), the better your returns. Those who "set and forget", won't make as much, but more importantly, they will not compete with you who do want to actively manage (via bot) your positions. That would depend in large part on what minimum rates people set. The default minimum rate on MarginBot is 0.05% per day (18.25% per year). The non-configurable minimum rate on FRR loans is 0%. If you were to switch all current FRR auto-lenders over to using an aggressive undercutting bot with a non-configurable 0% minimum rate, then yes, they'd clear out all the swap demands on the book and make it so that no offers above 0% get taken except when there's enough demand to bust the wall. Of course, gradually the auto-lenders would log in, see that the party is over, and withdraw their funds. This would allow rates to start rising again; possibly quite rapidly, depending on how many fixed-rate lenders called it quits too. Whatever you guys do about the FRR situation, I would strongly encourage you to require auto-lenders to explicitly choose a minimum rate for their offers. Providing a default risks recreating the wall at that rate, or at least distorting the market towards that rate. You may also want to consider allowing (or requiring) borrowers to explicitly choose their maximum auto-borrow rate (instead of the current fixed %1 per day), so that we better incorporate borrower preferences as well. Having thought about this some more, I'm going to take my own advice and remove the default minimum rate from my bot, and require users to set it themselves. HowardF, you may want to consider doing the same with yours.
Well, no time like the present: cascadebot: A simple (but effective) lending bot for BitfinexI've written a lending bot for Bitfinex that places lending offers at a high rate, then gradually lowers them until they're filled. You can specify starting rate, minimum rate, and how fast to lower your rates. This is intended as a proof of concept alternative to fractional reserve rate (FRR) loans. FRR lending heavily distorts the swap market on Bitfinex. My hope is that Bitfinex will remove the FRR, and implement an on-site version of this bot for lazy lenders (myself included) to use instead. Git repo: tips: 1Fk1G8yVtXQLC1Eft4r1kS8e3SZyRaFwbM Requires Python 3 and the requests library: and fill in the parameters. API key and secret are required, but the others have reasonable defaults. Once that's done, run the bot with: python3
Speaking of bots, I'm testing one that I just wrote (to be released soon), and I'm getting "Max retries exceeded" way before hitting the 60 requests per minute limit specified in the API documentation. The strange thing is that the bot has been running fine all day, but choked twice in a row just now. Is there some other hidden limit that I'm running afoul of?
EDIT: Nevermind, it looks like it was just a regular connection error. Wording of the exception threw me off.
As an example of what I meant, here is a post that someone just sent me... is a bot for the swaps market that prioritizes keeping it active, it doesn't care the rate, it would just prefer that its funds are always in use. With no FRR, this would be the norm. The simple fact remains, that as long as people can get something, rather than nothing, they will probably take it. That being said, I really want to update the FRR, and hopefully it makes it more responsive. Most lenders will not use that bot, and will instead opt to use whatever on-site autolending facility Bitfinex provides. That said, if everyone did start using that bot, it would be a great improvement over the FRR. MarginBot places a range of offers, rather than dumping everything at a single rate. You can configure a minimum rate to lend at, as well as an amount of your funds to reserve for lending at higher rates. Everyone using it would configure it with different parameters to suit their tastes. We would no longer have the massive, market-distorting wall of offers at a single point on the offer book.
2586, much appreciate people giving thoughts to the issue - but I see this as a "big" change. The (x=0, y=0) => lend at highest available swap demands will kill all the swap demand; I wouldn't be shocked if a lot of people leave it or make it x=0 , y =0.
That would be the same as offering your swaps at a fixed rate of 0%. It seems like very few people if any would choose to do that. When was the last time that the USD swap book had no demands on it? After thinking about it some more, I like my second idea better, though: - Place new swap offers at x%
- Reduce swap offer rate by y% for each hour(or minute?) that it remains unfilled
- Do not reduce swap offer rate below z%
This one also has the advantage that default values can be provided, since it will still create a range of offers even if everyone uses the same parameters. Offers slowly cascade down until they reach the current supply/demand equilibrium point. As demand for swaps rises, it pushes that equilibrium rate up. As swap supply rises, it gradually pushes the equilibrium rate back down. You could set everyone at a default of x=1%, y=0.1% (per hour, or 0.00167% per minute), z=0.05%, and let people fiddle around with it from there. With those settings, your offers usually won't sit idle for more than 10 hours, which is probably better than the FRR on average. When demand goes crazy and the offer book gets cleared, your new offers start getting filled near %1, which they'd never do if set to the FRR. I believe my idea of creating an 'effective FRR' by charging a markup over FRR (do not change the way FRR is calculated) involves less disruption to the way people react to it right now, it somewhat solves the wall issue as lending offers that are taken slightly below FRR will still result in FRR increasing.
This would cause FRR offers to sit idle for even longer than they already do, and doesn't remove the wall. It's less bad than the current FRR setup, but still has the same primary weakness: spikes in demand aren't apparent until the offer book has been entirely cleared out. The wall is allowed to float up slowly, but the price (interest rate) signalling mechanism still gets suppressed. The main benefit of your proposal would be that it'd make the FRR less attractive to lenders. May as well just remove the FRR and its distorting effect entirely.
Here's an idea for replacing the FRR while still catering to lazy lenders. When choosing variable rate autolending, lenders will have two parameters to set: - Allow no more than $x of competing offers to be priced lower than or equal to mine
- Do not reduce my offer below y%
Do not provide default values.The system should place the lenders offer as high as it can without violating the specified parameters. If two competing offers would end up in a race to the bottom (for example, x=0, y=0), just match them with the highest available swap demands. This would break up the massive FRR wall while still allowing autolenders to benefit from increases in swap demand. An alternative that might be simpler to implement: - Place new swap offers at x%
- Reduce swap offer rate by y% for each hour(or minute?) that it remains unfilled
- Do not reduce swap offer rate below z%
This one also has the advantage that default values can be provided, since it will still create a range of offers even if everyone uses the same parameters.
Some of the people who oppose the FRR are trying to create a barrier to entry (and reduce competition) by requiring that people either 1) spend a lot of time manually entering offers, or 2) learn how to program a bot.
Do you have any evidence of that, or are you just speculating about motives? You can always set auto-lend at the lowest fixed rate you're willing to accept, which will then match the highest available swap demand. This may even be a better deal than the FRR for smaller lenders, since their funds won't end up sitting idle. That said, I'd like to see better options available for lazy lenders. I am one, after all.
I guess what I am trying to say is this, I know some people want higher rates, but the rates will always be just high enough to get you to offer the swap and no higher. That is not our policy, it is simply the way markets work. Markets try to find the most efficient price, and that is the price where the offerers are offering at, by definition, the lowest price. So, I personally think that a lot of the rage against the FRR is really a rage against competition in a market, and although we are obviously working to make a better tool, I think that no matter what we do, basic market competition is something no one can escape.
The problem with the FRR is NOT that lenders aren't getting paid enough. It's the fact that it renders swap rate useless as a market signalling mechanism. If swap rates are prevented from rising, there's nothing to draw in more lenders to make more offers. Potential lenders don't know that more funds are needed until the offer book is practically empty.
How many units sold total? Only a rough number!
roughly few thousands I had hoped many more would have been sold by now given 141,614 subscribers to /r/Bitcoin and 393,788 accounts in bitcointalk. Plus the hundreds of millions spent on ASIC preorders. Currently there's no support for the Trezor in the wallets that people are used to using, thought that'll change eventually. I wasn't in a huge rush to order a Trezor for myself because I'm reasonably able to secure my coins, and didn't feel that they were at risk. The main reason that I picked one up was more so that I could evaluate it and decide whether to start giving them as gifts to friends and family that use Bitcoin. Speaking of, any plans for a Black Friday discount?
Also there is a rather short limit to the longest transaction it can sign. That makes its functionality for doing things like signing contracts limited. I suppose you could make a hash of a contract and sign that hash though. Probably worth it for the security that you would gain from using a trezor instead of keeping the keys to your online identity on a computer. I wonder if people will be able to to get used to and accept signing a hash of a contract rather than signing the contract its self.
That's normally how signing works (with PGP, and I assume with other systems as well). Does signing a message with a Bitcoin private key not create a hash of the message as an intermediate step? Or is the Trezor implementation missing that? Is there a specification for how message signing and verification should be done?