I will put a link of this URL to my web ASIC site now
Do you have any logo, banner or what?
Updated: check now!
Alright, we need a bigger push to get these chips in.
I want to ask two things:
(1) OP - can you put your personal stake in? I know you are waiting on partners but everyone will rest easier when your money is up.
(2) Ataxx seems like a nice guy, but he's very new on this forum. We need to start closing out the remaining 200 BTC of stake.
That said, I propose we work to close out the outstanding 198 BTC through any purchaser available.
I will have an agreement for everyone to vote for or against for a deadline for the escrow tonight, so make sure to sign in later!
Remember, the deadline is to protect your bitcoins so that you can put your money down now with a guarantee that you will get it back should these 200 BTC not materialize at least 24 hours before the ship date for Avalon's large order in Germany. This is to create options for people who bought in in good faith that this would materialize quickly, and as such the deadline will create safety for those still wishing to contribute.
Sent my original pledge (without my friends)
https://blockchain.info/tx/958472b565b5d19236383dd60bc499eda04351e8212532b4d04d5d8b306a47ddPlease confirm JohnK. P.S I did not include any fees yet. I will do that when more BTC comes in from MTGOX! Sent raw 17BTC for now!
I hope this will alleviate some stress / pressure / anxiety for some people
Alright guys. I think I can move towards the next step in my little business plan as far as working with the local engineers in my state. I decided to purchase domains for my small start up group!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you:
(30 second paint job)
http://neo-asics.com/ will currently point to the updated spreadsheet
I will keep you guys updated on what we plan on doing as far as assembling these machines. After talking to my team we are confident that we can put together a machine using Avalon ASICs chips. But only time can tell until we can put together concrete evidence. We are just doing a lot of research right now but the enthusiasm is really high!
If you are interested in having machines made using your chips send me a PM! This will be a first come first serve basis.
As for pricing we will be asking for parts + labor. Pricing at this point is unknown but you can base it some what on:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/45698vk7bpvbdkp/BOM.xls - from the DIY thread.
Obviously you can opt out anytime you want this is just so I can see who is interested in something like this!
P.S I need a photoshop guru to design my logo hehe