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1  Economy / Reputation / Re: Flagging accounts which are up to sale [DT member actions needed] on: July 03, 2019, 09:39:56 PM
Thanks guys. Smiley
2  Economy / Reputation / Re: Flagging accounts which are up to sale [DT member actions needed] on: July 01, 2019, 03:59:12 PM
As I said, that proves nothing because of VPNs. I could do whatever you or anybody else here wants, there will always be somebody saying: "But this is still no evidence, do this and do that!" This will be a
never ending story. I'm the real zackie and this account is not for sale. Believe it or not, I don't care.
Have you checked ? You have only 30 days to see the account thief's IP address.

Holy crap! Thanks for that link. Here is the result:

2019-06-25 18:52:29   2019-06-25 19:53:15   XXXXXXXx, Germany
2019-06-24 22:00:53   2019-06-24 22:01:56   xxxx:xx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx   XXXXXXXX, Germany
2019-06-24 20:03:48   2019-06-24 20:52:38    XXXXXXX, Germany
2019-06-19 09:38:21   2019-06-20 14:02:48   Karachi, Pakistan

Indeed, somebody from Pakistan used my account!

But hey, you know.... I could have used a VPN....

Could you let any trusted member of the community log into your account to verify the IP log ?
Once done - and given that the IP log indeed shows a weird login from pakistan -  i will too remove my negative rating.

Yes, I coud do that. But I'm not very active and therefore I don't know which users are trustworthy. You have to name somebody and let me check.
3  Economy / Reputation / Re: Flagging accounts which are up to sale [DT member actions needed] on: June 25, 2019, 08:08:05 PM

The community isn't fully convinced it seems, I'll change the color of the trust rating from red to neutral explaining what happened.

I see bought accounts with neutral ratings from time to time and since you showed some effort by signing a message from a very old address, I'll give you that.

Thanks for that
4  Economy / Reputation / Re: Flagging accounts which are up to sale [DT member actions needed] on: June 25, 2019, 08:04:44 PM
As I said, that proves nothing because of VPNs. I could do whatever you or anybody else here wants, there will always be somebody saying: "But this is still no evidence, do this and do that!" This will be a
never ending story. I'm the real zackie and this account is not for sale. Believe it or not, I don't care.
Have you checked ? You have only 30 days to see the account thief's IP address.

Holy crap! Thanks for that link. Here is the result:

2019-06-25 18:52:29   2019-06-25 19:53:15   XXXXXXXx, Germany
2019-06-24 22:00:53   2019-06-24 22:01:56   xxxx:xx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx   XXXXXXXX, Germany
2019-06-24 20:03:48   2019-06-24 20:52:38    XXXXXXX, Germany
2019-06-19 09:38:21   2019-06-20 14:02:48   Karachi, Pakistan

Indeed, somebody from Pakistan used my account!

But hey, you know.... I could have used a VPN....
5  Economy / Reputation / Re: Flagging accounts which are up to sale [DT member actions needed] on: June 25, 2019, 07:53:15 PM
The signed message doesn’t prove anything unfortunately. I also don’t buy the whole hacked argument either.

Haha, yes. Exactly what I wrote in my last post! The never ending story!

At least I can understand you all. The world is full of scammers who want to steal your money! So be careful!  Smiley
6  Economy / Reputation / Re: Flagging accounts which are up to sale [DT member actions needed] on: June 25, 2019, 07:52:14 PM

This doesn't prove you didn't try to sell the account, neither does saying it's not worth it to for you to sell it. So without any other attempts by you to prove it was hacked which the Cryptios team may have been able to do, it will forever look like you just got caught.

As I said, that proves nothing because of VPNs. I could do whatever you or anybody else here wants, there will always be somebody saying: "But this is still no evidence, do this and do that!" This will be a
never ending story. I'm the real zackie and this account is not for sale. Believe it or not, I don't care. As I said, 125 Euros is no money here in Germany, all this efforts wouldn't make sense.

So looks like I'm done here, my time is precious. At least I'm happy to have my account (back).
7  Economy / Reputation / Re: Flagging accounts which are up to sale [DT member actions needed] on: June 25, 2019, 07:45:33 PM


Message: I'm the real zackie!
BTC Address: 161sehE3mkW8owcE5Gt17ph2pvL1891K56
Signature: IO9Jpt4mf4H8UrI+lSCaL3wgO/ygylQyOWVDtDCIusCQYSAYKH5thX+HpbE5TbGCmDLtUEy9O99jSWr48z7R3WI=

Please sign message and put today's date in it.

Do you mean like that:

Message: I'm the real zackie! 25.06.2019
Address: 161sehE3mkW8owcE5Gt17ph2pvL1891K56
Signature: H7YRZX+u6Hn74XJDfxsWhxPfFcr4a7BHzZkecds67jajGFQgo7KouaDIlq/SF5+Xei6sSNYNRjP1sjo5hYPSgiw=
8  Economy / Reputation / Re: Flagging accounts which are up to sale [DT member actions needed] on: June 25, 2019, 07:09:40 PM
Hi guys,

I've had some time to think about what has happend so far. Yesterday I felt anger towards mindrust and I said that my account didn't get hacked.
But it looks like it was definitively the case and I should thank mindrust for discovering that. Otherwise I could have lost it to a scammer.
So thanks mindrust!

It also doesn't make sense to contact Cryptios and waste his and my time. If I had done something fishy, I would have used a VPN.

The only thing I can do is signing a message with an old BTC address. I found an old post from 2013 with a BTC address in it and I still own the private key.
So what do you want me to sign?

I hope that helps to prove that I'm at least the person who opened the account in 2013. Someone could still argue that I know  "SeW900" an that I wanted to sell my
account through him.  Roll Eyes Think about that: 140 Dollars is probably a lot of money in some countries, but here in Germany it's nothing! 125 Euros? Seriously?
I could earn more by working during the time it takes to sell my account.


Message: I'm the real zackie!
BTC Address: 161sehE3mkW8owcE5Gt17ph2pvL1891K56
Signature: IO9Jpt4mf4H8UrI+lSCaL3wgO/ygylQyOWVDtDCIusCQYSAYKH5thX+HpbE5TbGCmDLtUEy9O99jSWr48z7R3WI=

9  Economy / Reputation / Re: Flagging accounts which are up to sale [DT member actions needed] on: June 24, 2019, 08:52:38 PM
Another option is to reach out to the Cryptios team. They have access to some IP data for users and their accounts when they log in, to help with account recoveries or lock accounts that seem to be acting suspicious. Not sure if they will respond but that's the route I would go to clear my name in this situation.

Thanks for that. I will contact him tomorrow, it's late here in Germany....
10  Economy / Reputation / Re: Flagging accounts which are up to sale [DT member actions needed] on: June 24, 2019, 08:45:16 PM

Now you need to verify if you really are the original owner of the account. Signing a message from an old address would work.

I have some old addresses from 2015 or even 2013 to sign. But that wouldn't proof anything. I'm not the only one with some old addresses.
11  Economy / Reputation / Re: Flagging accounts which are up to sale [DT member actions needed] on: June 24, 2019, 08:37:45 PM
Yeah, I'm really surprised. I have no explanation for that but my account is NOT for sale! And I changed the password a few minutes ago.
How can I find out wheter I got hacked? I don't have these messages in the outbox,  I haven't even used this account for weeks...
12  Economy / Reputation / Re: Flagging accounts which are up to sale [DT member actions needed] on: June 24, 2019, 08:18:09 PM
WTF is going on here? Mindtrust, remove your negative feedback. My account isn't for sale. And I also did not got hacked, but I'm going to change my password right now, just to be sure!
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: which are the hottest coins to invest in 2019? on: June 24, 2019, 08:10:11 PM
I'm a big fan of Spectrecoin, THE most anonymous coin out there. Did you guys know that this coin even has Anonymous Proof of Stake, so that nobody knows you're staking?
I think this coin could really moon if all the great features get around.

Check out their website:
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【LAUNCHED】【BTC2】Bitcoin 2, BTC Fork 1:1, PoS 🔥 Zerocoin, Anonymous ⚡️Instant TX on: October 03, 2018, 05:35:39 PM
I haven't been looking into this for months. Development is still going on, that's nice. I will look further into it and I will try again staking. That didn't work the last time.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【LAUNCHED】【BTC2】Bitcoin 2, BTC Fork 1:1, PoS 🔥 Zerocoin, Anonymous ⚡️Instant TX on: July 17, 2018, 05:47:28 AM
More forks more scam. I dont believe in all this forks because even bitcoincash is not so successful, and it has Roger Ver behind it. This one has nothing.
Do you even know the meaning of the word "SCAM"? Scam is used inflationarily these days. Nobody got scamed, dude. Yes, this is another fork. Will it succeed? I don't know. Let the market decide, but don't call it a  "SCAM".
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【LAUNCHED】【BTC2】Bitcoin 2, BTC Fork 1:1, PoS 🔥 Zerocoin, Anonymous ⚡️Instant TX on: May 14, 2018, 05:13:39 AM

You seem to misunderstand what an UTXO is. Anyway, Jackleszz did try to answer your question in this message:

Thanks Hiromono, I somehow overlooked his answer. Looks like I misunderstood this point.
Now I only have the router/NAT problems to solve as I only have 4 connections. I will look into it later.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【LAUNCHED】【BTC2】Bitcoin 2, BTC Fork 1:1, PoS 🔥 Zerocoin, Anonymous ⚡️Instant TX on: May 13, 2018, 09:07:10 PM

2) You wallet should have 100 UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs, AKA unspent incoming transactions) or more.  This is because every time you stake or send an amount, that amount cannot be staked or spent for 101 blocks, while it is maturing (being staked). You can see the number of UTXOs that you have in the Coin Control dialog. Doesn't matter how many addresses or wallets they are split into. One single address can hold these 100 UTXOs.
if your balance is lower than 500 BTC2, You can get a close enough result without that much effort by splitting your balance into stacks of 5 - 50 BTC2. For example 150 BTC2 can just be split into 5 pieces and you'd be unlikely to notice the difference in efficiency of that versus splitting it in 100 parts. You can do the splitting by sending BTC2 to yourself.

Hi jeckleszz,

my wallet says that is has an UTXO size of 0.00. How can I increase that number to 100?


Anyone has an answer to that question?
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: 【LAUNCHED】【BTC2】Bitcoin 2, BTC Fork 1:1, PoS 🔥 Zerocoin, Anonymous ⚡️Instant TX on: May 12, 2018, 07:07:42 PM

2) You wallet should have 100 UTXOs (unspent transaction outputs, AKA unspent incoming transactions) or more.  This is because every time you stake or send an amount, that amount cannot be staked or spent for 101 blocks, while it is maturing (being staked). You can see the number of UTXOs that you have in the Coin Control dialog. Doesn't matter how many addresses or wallets they are split into. One single address can hold these 100 UTXOs.
if your balance is lower than 500 BTC2, You can get a close enough result without that much effort by splitting your balance into stacks of 5 - 50 BTC2. For example 150 BTC2 can just be split into 5 pieces and you'd be unlikely to notice the difference in efficiency of that versus splitting it in 100 parts. You can do the splitting by sending BTC2 to yourself.

Hi jeckleszz,

my wallet says that is has an UTXO size of 0.00. How can I increase that number to 100?

19  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: Hot Coins on: March 18, 2018, 09:21:32 AM

Über ETN stolper ich andauernd! Überall lese ich darüber und alle finden es so toll. Nur kann ich nichts daran erkennen außer einem weiteren Coin der der beste Bezahlcoin sein soll laut HP.
Kann mich jemand kurz aufklären was daran so toll ist?

Wenn ich mich nicht irre kann man ETN am Handy minen, was halt gegenüber allen anderen Coins hervorgehoben werden kann oder liege ich hier falsch? Ich persönlich habe mich mit ETN kaum bis gar nicht beschäftigt, habe das aber im Hinterkopf.

ETN benutzt als Hashalgo Cryptonight, genau wie Monero. Es gibt bereits Miner fürs Handy für diesen Algo, es kommt aber nichts rum. Die Rechenleistung der Handy-CPUs  ist einfach zu schwach. Und es wird noch weniger wenn im Mai die ersten ASICs für Cryptonight kommen.
Also auch kein echter Vorteil.
20  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: Hot Coins on: March 17, 2018, 08:30:08 PM

leute was haltet ihr davon? ETN liest man immer öfter in letzter zeit und SC wird hier auch genannt.

Über ETN stolper ich andauernd! Überall lese ich darüber und alle finden es so toll. Nur kann ich nichts daran erkennen außer einem weiteren Coin der der beste Bezahlcoin sein soll laut HP.
Kann mich jemand kurz aufklären was daran so toll ist?
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