I tried searching the forum for answers but haven't found any. It seems there is ANOTHER coin by the same name - but it's a novelty coin.
The coin is question can be found in this article:
https://www.amagimetals.com/info/anthem-vault-launches-hayekcoin/There isn't a predetermined amount of coins because it's backed by gold in the vault.
Now, this reintroduces CENTRALIZATION back into the coin, because Anthem Vault will be distributing the coins based on the gold that is held in it's vault. Also, we would need a way to audit the vault to insure the gold they claim is there is actually there. The danger I see is the same trap with fiat - they can "print" money without actually having the gold to back it. What if you want to remove your gold from the vault?
Also, personally, I don't care about gold AT ALL. It's an ancient method to peg worth for trade. However, I can't trade it in a grocery store today (thanks, fiat!). It's a shiny metal that can only be used for jewelry and circuits. Why should I attribute value to it? I think cryptocurrency adds value, ironically, by what it represents - a medium of exchange.