Hello community! Let's play a game.
I have a question. Anyone who can answer it sufficiently will get
5mBTC via
BitBays BitGift function. Whoever I think answers the question best I'll notify here.
The winner (you) can take your BitGift which will be sent via PM or you can keep the chain going by foregoing the BitGift and posing your own question. Whoever you think answers your question best you can mention here, and they will have the same choice: take the 5mBTC or ask a question. And so on.
Time limit from when a question is asked to when a winner is chosen: 48 hours. If no one is chosen by the asker by this time I will start a new chain with a new BitGift.
How do BitGifts work?
Here are 5 x 5mBTC of them for you to try out (limit 1 per person.)
Question 1What is the Bitcoin ecosystem like in South America? BitBays is interested in South America next so we're trying to get a feel for the area. Tell me something interesting.