Mehek Micro Loans
I'm offering Micro loans to members, loan amount 0.001-0.008 depending on your reputation or Collateral value
If you need a Quick Loan, post your request using below format
Amount: BTC
Repayment Amount
Repayment Date: DD/MM/YYYY
BTC Address:
Accepted Collaterals:
- Bitcointalk Accounts
- Any other Valuable COLLATERALS
Note:- I reserve the rights to reject any loan request.
- All Collaterals must be held by either me or trusted escrow.
- After repayment date there will a 7 days extension period where 10% interest rate will charged.
- If user didn't repay within extension period after repayment date,Collateral will sold to cover the money.
- By making a loan request you agree to above terms.
If I approve a loan, we will negotiate and finalise loan
Hope I can help a few members
**I will always ask you to repay to