true test of an American politician's convictions to their party are found in how they answer the tough questions.
The Republican party preaches less government and more control with the states to set their own laws. In the US the state of Colorado has legalized recreational use of marijuana. In the Republican debate tonight (held in Colorado) the candidates were asked what their position was on marijuana legalization.
- Several candidates were for legalization for medical use
- Most candidates were against the states deciding how to handle the legalization question
- Carly Fiorina is the only one who stayed true to Republican ideals - let the states decide but her personal choice is she's against it
These candidates are bums. Fiorina may be the best pick at this point...
1. The history of drug illegality has it's roots in Democratic policy and politicians. Deep roots.
2. The perpetuation of abusing drug policy has occurred equally in both parties.
3. The primary beneficiaries of abusive drug policy at all levels are lawyers. As a voting block lawyers are hugely Democratic.
4. Democrats seem to have been FOR federal decisions on birth control, health insurance, gun control, free speech (or not), generally anti-constitutional in their approach. If they are willing to look the other way when states enact pro marihuana legislation, it is simply part of their No Rule of Law attitude.
5. Republicans seem to be SLIGHTLY leaning toward federal control of marihuana policy. But that isn't the same as "anti marihuana," is it?
Just trying to inject some clarity here...