With news of the Bitmit closing (
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=119334.0) there have quite a few posts of disappointment about the loss of a business that was creating a much used and desired service to the bitcoin community.
In the event that Bitmit is not sold or other wise taken over and is not able to remain in business, it might be helpful to post in this thread your thoughts and ideas about a similar service that could replace it. If there is enough interest this might inspire an industrious developer or a team already working on a similar service to bring their project to market.
So if you have bought and/or sold on Bitmit and you found it beneficial please post:
1. You location (if you desire)
2. What problem a service like Bitmit solved for you.
3. Types of Items you bought and/or sold
4. Pros and Cons of Bitmit or a similar service.
a. What was great about Bitmit
b. What was problematic about Bitmit
c. What would you like to see in a similar service that didn't already exist.
d. The benefit of Bitmit as opposed to a similar fiat service.
And in the event they care to share maybe the Bitmit team could share the challenges they faced in operating and ultimately deciding to close the business.
(Again some of this may have already been discussed in the other thread but the goal here post constructive feedback to identify the pro's and con's of a Bitmit like business so that
1. The Bitmit team or others could use is to improve on the existing service should it continue
2. Another team could realize the value and benefit of providing a similar service.
** Please only meaningful contributions to the conversations.