What happened:: I purchase two Spondoolies SP35 on eBay from ankle123
Scammers Profile Link: http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=ankle123&ftab=AllFeedbackJames Tigert
jtigert@tampabay.rr.comReference Link: http://www.ebay.com/sch/ankle123/m.html?item=262133049152&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&rt=ncAmount Scammed: None - just a warning
Payment Method: Paid with PayPal, seller refunded and demanded BTC
Proof of Payment: N/A
PM/Chat Logs: N/A
Additional Notes: ankle123 sells miners at a low price. When I paid with Paypal (eBay's default and essentially the only allowed payment method) ankle123 refunded the payment and demanded to pay via BTC saying PayPal is giving him a hard time for mining related transactions.
That alone maybe wouldnt make me yell "scam" but upon further investigation it turned out that ankle123 sold at least seven miners. Probably more since his listings are 2 units each. He received 3 negative feedbacks for the unsolicited refunds.
Sure enough he's now starting to suggest that he can accept PayPal and ship the miners. Changed his story from PayPal issues to medical issues forcing to sell quickly etc. This is where the alarms went off for me, although it should have been much earlier - when I saw the price.
I hope someone can connect ankle123 to a username on this forum. To give him a chance to explain his side of the story