Great article, I particularly like this passage:
Perhaps the financial industry will, in its infinite wisdom, build a blockchain killer app. I don’t rule it out. But it seems very strange to ignore the fact that one already exists, and has quite literally created $6 billion of value out of nothing. So I’m not particularly interested in most big-bank or corporate-consortium blockchain initiatives, or other applications that claim to be revolutionary because they use a particular data structure. me like to much this one:
The most epochal financial transaction of this century, to date, occurred on May 22, 2010. It did not involve Wall Street, or the City of London; it took place in Jacksonville, Florida. It did not feature collateralized debt obligations, or credit default swaps. It was a purchase of two Papa John’s pizzas, in exchange for a payment whose present value currently exceeds US $4 million.
It is the most brilliant paragraph which show all the good and right understanding of the author of the article of the invention of bitcoin and the blockchain. the red words of this paragraph express the real power of peer to peer. The most important factor behind the importance of bitcoin. The peer to peer technology about which very few talk or write even here in bitcointalk is the real power of bitcoin. The cause of its being decentralized and without owner, the cause of its impossibility to be owned some day in the future, the cause of its anonymity. In few words, the cause of everything can be appreciated today or in the future, known or that maybe will be known in the future, regarding bitcoin. But the financial field of the use of peer to peer is only the tip of the iceberg of its power and its spread. It is only the experimental field of it. The real power of this technology will be known and verified in to many others. But when will be known better. As the bitcoin, even the technology which made possible the creation of it are in their daysprings.