Q. does this mean i have 3 wallets? or what?
You are understanding correctly the "simplified" version of how Bitcoin works. But that is because the simplified version hides how things really work under the hood.
So that people can use Bitcoin in a way that it isn't too foreign to them, the term "wallet" is used as we already have wallets and purses, ... you use the wallet in your back pocket to hold money. There is money stored in it.
But a Bitcoin wallet does not really hold any money.
A Bitcoin wallet simply holds the private information necessary in order to spend the money.
So it doesn't matter how many places this private information is copied to, the money can only be spent one time and only from a device or service that holds a copy of that private information.
The money is actually replicated and "stored" in tens of thousands of nodes around the world. So you can have a copy of the wallet on two or more computers. Either of those two computers can be used to spend the money, and both hold the money just as does each of the tens of thousand of other computers that have a Bitcoin blockchain on them.
[But as far as using the same wallet.dat one two different computers, that is a bad idea. The contents of the wallets change after each transaction and the two will differ over time. If you're already doing this (spending from two computers), then from one computer you should transfer all the money showing for the balance to a new address obtained from the other. Then stop using the old one. The old one might still show a balance, but it will no longer be the only wallet with funds that the other might not.
If using only one is inconvenient, then consider using a hybrid EWallet like Blockhchain.info/wallet which lets you access a wallet via the web or mobile.]