Forgive me for going on a rant here, but I was recently just thinking about this. Before you read further, this is about the Zeitgeist Movement; and seeing if there is a genuine interest anymore.
People who got started in Bitcoin a while ago got influenced by it, because they believed that it possessed the power to give power back to the people. This really doesn't seem to be the case any more. People are only interested in this virtual currency because it seems to be a vesicle for people to earn "free" money. It seems as the days go by, people don't really give a shit any more about the power of being your own bank and not having to rely on the monetary system of the Central Banks; nor do people really seem to care about the reality of continually going into debt for the rest of your working life.
The Zeitgeist Movement obviously was very controversial and didn't go over very well with a lot of people. It touched on a lot of touchy subjects like religion, philosophy, politics, and the list goes on. You can be able to disagree with some aspects in religion and philosophy that the documentaries/movies touched on, but you can't deny the reality of what is presented about the continuing, overhanging debt that every citizen of every nation must undergo.
Regardless of philosophical view points or religious beliefs, there is no denying the system the Central Banks puts upon us are a very well orchestrated system of continuous enslavement of citizens from birth to death; unless of course, you are the 1% who can afford to put millions of dollars into CD's to gain interests rates that are in itself a ponzi scheme to the max.
It was bad enough when the Federal Reserve issued these "notes" or dollars, euros, yen, etc., backed on the "gold standard" which promised the amount of gold per note; but ever sense this gold standard was dropped, there has been nothing more than perpetual inflation and ridiculous loans being made out which cannot be made back. To make things even worse, I'm pretty sure only 3% is in the physical form and the remaining 97% is all digitalized...
Which brings us to Bitcoin.
If something is going to digitally transferred between person to person, why should it be something created out of nothing, which in turn needs to paid back with interest; instead of a finite system, a digital "gold" if you will, that can be mined and stored in your own, personally owned, banking vault which can be taken out and stored at will? When will people stop and listen? What needs to be done to make people realize that they are playing into the hands of governments and the Fed, by being a modern slave?
This is what's more concerning though...
If you tell them about this inevitable problem, they really don't seem to care. Worse, is that if you propose that you want to believe in a philosophy that you want the well being for everyone on the planet and not just for your nation, you are deemed not "patriotic" and are labeled and "anarchist" or "marxist", which has a pretty bad stigma with people. The Zeitgeist proposes something that is not of a philosophy that has been able to be developed until now, and shouldn't be labeled as a political philosophy; but rather it should be labeled as a philosophy for a type of government that uses logical intelligence that is backed by math and science to not waste resources and meet the demands of everyone.
Also, what's concerning is that the people who were once into Bitcoin for the financial freedoms it proposed, are now more interested in the financial game that is now in play and are only interested in it to cash out to have extra spending money... and so this cycle of corrupt economics continues...
What do we need to do to make people realize of the dire situation we are currently facing?
... Or does it still even matter to people anymore?
Oh Zeitgeist was the very first *red pill* type of thing that I started my journey into abnormal things like, conspiracies etc and how things work exactly.
It was actually the first time I turned atheist
I read a massive amounts of shit since 2008, im 24 right now.
I just read everything.