I am working on setting up a Micropayment Channel (MC) between a small-scale, router-like device (the client) and a full blown computer (server).
I thought of using bitcoinJ on the side of the computer since it is AFAIK the only library that implements MPC, and I m glad not to reinvent the wheel. Since no JVM on the small-scale device side, I ll build from scratch the MPC using some other library (suggestions welcome).
Is interoperability bw each side of the MPC going to be an issue according to you? What does it entail?
I ask that because I saw from the BitMesh project, for instance, that :
"[they] modified payment channels quite a bit, the .proto file and the bitcoinj and bitcore code so they could interoperate. We modified Bitcoinj payment channels to use P2SH, not raw-multisig, and bitcore uses the more extensive conversation defined in bitcoinj."
and I am not exactly able to understand the full meaning of this short comment yet.
I will welcome v. much all advice
Thank you