If I'm understanding what you're trying to do, I would go here:
http://liteaddress.org/ and save the page (In chrome, right click and click save as, choose webpage, complete) and then generate a new address and private key. You can then import that private key into the litecoin client using the debug console.
Open the Litecoin client, click on help, click on debug window, click on console and then use these commands:
The commands to import and export keys:
importprivkey <private key> [account name]
The account name doesn't have to be anything that exists, it will just be the label for that address.
dumpprivkey <account address>
If you have an encrypted wallet you will need to unlock it first with:
walletpassphrase <password> <time>
Time is in milliseconds and don't actually put the < or >, those are just there to separate so it's easier to read these instructions.
Also, for cold storage, all you need is your wallet.dat (on Windows, its in the AppData/Roaming/Litecoin directory). Take that file (I would encrypt it first with a really strong password) and put it on a computer that isn't connected to the internet, on a thumb drive, a cd, or any other place not connected to the internet that you won't lose. All you need to spend coins is in that wallet.dat file, everything else can be downloaded again.
Hope this answers your questions.