Dear Forum
How does a computer or network service know who is at the keyboard? Is there a
better way than the name and password approach?
I created a project to demonstrate how elliptic-curve keys and signatures can be
used to control access to physical locks and network services.
The work is my own unsponsored effort and is released open-source. It works
without network access and needs no central service or authority to function.
The approach employs secp256k1, so the keys are bitcoin-compatible.
Anyone interested in reviewing, contributing and reusing is invited to look
into it. I am not a cryptography expert so my approach could be faulty. It is
also possible I made some mistake in the code. More eyes are welcome.
The project is called
ADILOS (A DIgitial LOck System) and includes these
keymaster - an Android app, like a wallet
gatekeeper - operates a physical lock (e.g. door, safe)
kgserver - a network service something like a webserver
kgagent - a bridge between keymaster and kgserver
My hope is that adoption of the underlying message protocol will enable any and
all interested parties to make workalikes and extensions that all cooperate and
remove the need for users to manage more than one app/device.
Best regs
Overall concept, keymaster+gatekeeper:
presentation - - protocol enabling network access, kgagent+kgserver:
presentation - -