I have 2 transactions that seemt to be stuck:
https://blockchain.info/tx/5cbcafff22ee5db5b7a86c8ea340793cefa8002fb9f34d0477875c4634895dc0https://blockchain.info/tx/8900ce587d50cd5979fa285d76010a91a7c3ac2185a9a7d376ec0ff858dc87c6The second one I think I gave quite a high fee too.
This seems to be happening more and more, I cant remember the last transaction I sent that went through without a seriously long delay.
Has something changed/the fees needed increased significantly in the last 6 months?
Is there anywhere I can learn a bit about this fee stuff that will make sense, I dont want to be a high level bitcoin expert but would likea passive understanding of the fees used/needed?