Edit: WIRED changed the title from "Bitcoin is Not as Secure, Unregulated or Lucrative as You Might Think" to "Let’s Cut Through the Bitcoin Hype: A Hacker-Entrepreneur’s Take"
It did not make sense before so I think someone at Wired made a mistake!
Don't let the title fool you (now changed) this article is very positive about the need for BTC and covers more pros then cons. I especially liked this quote at the beginning:
We do have credit cards. But credit cards change money from something anyone can give anyone (peer to peer) to something with a consumer class (client) and a merchant class (server). There are innovative startups that attempt to reverse that, and every time one of these systems pops up — Square, Stripe, Venmo — billions of dollars starts flowing through them.
We wouldn’t get this sort of growth without pent-up demand. But even the new systems find themselves failing — I love Paypal, but is there anyone who hasn’t either had their account suspended, or knows someone who has? I’ve certainly never had a $20 in my pocket go dark for 48 hours.
I had never thought of BTC as being a solution for those with poor credit ratings! There is a huge amount of people in need for that!
Our credit scores have always been good so I don't feel the pain that some feel in that way, but BTC does solve some of those problems for people for sure!