I'm dual mining with Claymore, and I have been doing that for a few hours now, but I can't see any coins being mined.
Nanopool sucks, I can't seem to find any info there, but that's the only pool that I managed to connect to.
Anyway, this is what my batch file looks like:
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool eu2.ethermine.org:4444 -ewal 0xcd21c4E8d8E1989add84B5aA12Ea3E7E1eBac5D4.Rig1 -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp://sia-eu1.nanopool.org:7777 -dwal e4da19339f6a678a06c17b4431697cea2b7635e62d60cca27348f3354a7ebd2e666ad143c5a3 -dcoin sia -dcri 120
"e4da19339f6a678a06c17b4431697cea2b7635e62d60cca27348f3354a7ebd2e666ad143c5a3" is my Poloniex adress.
I even tried to use Sia UI and synced my wallet after like 8 hours or so, while I was mining to the address it showed me, and the balance is 0!
What the heck did I do wrong?