Hello, i have 90 dollars on paypal.
Sorry nowhwre near wnough actuvity or trust for me to trade with. Good luck with your future trading.
I know I am not near dark green, but as you can see I have already concluded a few deals and everyone was satisfied. I need some BTC for my Paypal (already have a thread too
So I wanna exchange my 87,12 $ to BTC. I only do 1:1 and in your case I would go first.
Please let me know if you are interested, you can PM me or (you said you prefer public thread) post here, but you would have to gimme some time to recheck the thread if you answered.
Thanks for the interest and offer but not enough time has passed since you concluded those deals. As eveeyone knows paypal is reverisble so would prefer if thise deals were furher in the past. Thanks for the offer though.