So after playing around with things for quite a while I've decided to take this a little more seriously. I've got a bunch of copies of my wallet.dat file scattered to the wind as it hasn't ever had enough in it to worry about. Now I'd like to secure it and get it backed up.
My intention was to use Armory and create an entire new offline wallet, but it looks like they're having resource usage problems with the latest version, so I'll skip that for now. Using bitcoin-qt instead, I went ahead and and encrypted the current wallet, then created a new receiving address. I sent my total wallet balance to this new address and now am racking up confirmations on that transaction.
My two questions are:
- Assuming bitcoin-qt works like I'd expect and the new address's private key is only exists in the encrypted wallet.dat file, I should be safe to back this file up wherever I please, right?
- And since the transaction has several confirmations now, I don't really need to worry about tracking down every wayward copy of the unencrypted version of the wallet file, yeah?
Hopefully the right people will see this in the newbie forum, but thanks for the help either way!