Savage Cat is one of the newest altcoins around. The maximum supply is 999 999 999 units and it's non re-issuable. It's available for buying on the Waves Decentralized Exchange at is traded against Bitcoin and the price for 1 Savage Cat token is 0.00000010 BTC
Currently it stands as a non verified asset with the following ID:
HD7fxHfvKj85MsB8nr1BLfauEZsGPTP6JQuo3bAGwiQQSavage Cat token can be found by typing "Savage Cat" in the search bar or the ID address provided.
The entire capital raised will be used for listing the currency on the exchange markets and drive up the value per unit. We are currently working on building a website for Savage Cat, a logo and a proper wallet.
The purpose of this coin is to be used on all things related to cats in the online and offline world. The founders of Savage Cat are a bunch of regular open minded people from London, UK driven by ambition and very passionate about what the future of cryptocurrencies has to offer to the entire world.
Good luck and Godspeed!