I say this only now, because tons of people are losing their main chain Bitcoin because of being forced to use other wallet implementation like Electron cash, which has no reputation in Google thus its much harder to see a scam site. A lot of scam sites are making LOTS of money the past few days because people downloading corrupt versions of the software.
So... you're basically saying that because people are "lazy, greedy and stupid"... that ThomasV should do all the hardwork to protect these people from their own stupidity?
"Be your own bank", also implies "Be your own security team"... it comes with responsibility... which seems to be a really foreign concept to a lot of people these days. If you want to run off an get your BCH, then the onus is on YOU to go and do it in a safe manner.
Also, it would be pretty trivial and minimum coding to actually do so.
If it is so trivial... why don't you fork the code, make the changes and create a pull request?
Given the issues and hassles the ElectronCash guys are having right now with the bugs in MultiSig etc, I'd say the changes required are FAR from trivial and certainly not "minimal coding"...
Although, why anyone would bother now that the value has dropped after everyone predictably dumped their BCH for "free money"...