Hello there, I'm a 2d/3d designer. I live full time off of selling stickers
https://www.patreon.com/mushbuh, clothing
https://www.neetgear.net/collections/mushbuh-2-0, and 3d/2d work.
I've worked for cartoon network, brainfeeder, microsoft, and for a lot of indie bands and studios. I've also had two comic books published. Here's some of my work
https://www.instagram.com/p/BXryYAQDQGg/?taken-by=mushbuh(Animation for the tv show "clarence")
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE-_mAU9kHA (Bumper animation for DREAMS TV)
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/357609386/crypt-underworld-a-sequel-to-crypt-worlds poster for "crypt underworlds"
http://www.peowstudio.com/310310/header for my comic "310310"
Header for "OneMcD Token"
Channel header for iDubbbz Tv -
https://www.youtube.com/user/iDubbbzTVLevel/3d/dialogue/everything design on my game,
www.burritogalaxy.comalbum art - 2 tone disco -
https://soundcloud.com/2tonedisco/omw-1Music video - #47 TOIRET STATUS -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS8QCFALDSUAnimation collection for ELECTRIC OBJECTS -
small animations for fun
https://www.instagram.com/p/BXOmmRTDvFy/?taken-by=mushbuhfriends of satoshi art print "900"
thanks for taking a look. Feel free to pm me or reply here. I can do animations, logos, images, posters or whatever. I'm also available for personal works to be displayed. I have upcoming features/solo shows at a few gallerys soon, but those are unannounced secrets for now. Have a good one : )