I think in some US states, if a person earns less than $600 a year, they aren't required to pay income taxes. This could be an extension of that where low sums of bitcoin exchanged for fiat would not be subject to taxation.
The bill being introduced by senators from arizona and colarado could imply arizonans could have a use for this which might correlate with arizona being a state ranked with a low average cost of living within the USA. Colorado having legalized marijuana could be a motive for this push as well with their end goal possibly being weed purchasable via bitcoin/crypto. The cannabis industry is becoming a big tax revenue earner for states which makes sense for them to expand options enabling purchase of it.
Still waiting for an update on senate bill 1241 which will have an effect on bitcoin & crypto if it is passed.
"If a person earns less than $600 a year..."Really?Can anyone live one year in the USA with such a low income?Anyway,the US government will finally accept cryptocurrencies as normal currencies and this is the only good news here.
People buying marijuana with cryptocurrencies-dude,this is really progressive.